Problem with Shape Reprojector
Hi to everyone.
I have a problem with this fantastic script.
I'd love to do a picture like tat you can see as first attachment.
But I can't do.
In the others image you can see an example with on simple cube (200) and a G3M figure.
the result ar always that you can see in the final picture. Always.
Now: My goal isn't make a shape so well defined like SimTenero example. But I'd like at least cover all the G3M figure with the projection.
Really: how I can do it? What parameters I have to change?
I had tried to read the guide, but I didn't understand
1000 x 1300 - 229K
1274 x 777 - 494K
918 x 816 - 128K
Please don't post images with "nude" figures, unless you switch to smooth shaded preview.
200 divisions on what looks to be a cube somewhat over 2m on a side is giving the squares somehting of the order of 2cm or more per side - that really isn't enough for fine detail.
yes, but I wrote that I don't care about fine details... I want just cover ALL the figure. Just this...
For the other question... I uploaded a base g3m whithout any genital... I was thinking that this was enough to upload it
If not, I'm sorry
But the question still remains. I don't care about fine details, as I said, but the vertex of the cube (in the area of the projection) should be... taller? In my example, head and feet didn't even had influenced the cube! And I have used a cube just for an experiment. If I have to use another figure, I sure can't increase the vertexs, right?
In my intentions, all the vertex should be all over the G3M figure. How I can do it?
The documentation does not address errors. On my first attempt to use the tool, all I get is an error that says: Wrapper Calculate Overlap Error: Cannot access member "getnumFacets" of deleted QObject."
Anyone able to help with this or have a similar experience? I'm following the instructions to the letter.
Thank you.