Coming soon: MICK (Medieval Interior Construction Kit) [Commercial]

I created a new set of architectural props (about 100 props so far), rigged to snap together in a very easy and efficient manner.
This tool set allowed me to build this medieval great hall in about 2 hours directly inside DAZ studio.
I look forward to seeing your creations :)

1820 x 882 - 451K

1820 x 882 - 469K

1820 x 882 - 428K

1820 x 882 - 473K
Oh my god you are killing me.
OOOOOOOH! I want this one!
I cannot wait for this to come out. Looks amazing!
My reaction: <squee!!!>
My bank card's reaction: AAAIIIEEE!!!
Awesome. What other kinds of areas would we be able to create?
Hi avxp. You can already create a whole bunch of rooms. For the promos for this set, I'm working on a medieval kichen, a bedroom, a torture chamber, a banquet hall, a justice hall.... That'sjust to begin with.... Also, this set is more focussed on romanesque style, but I'll be adding gothic style "tiles" which will be more suited for temples and churches and such.
Wow! Just wow! Looks incredible!
HELLO! Wow! This looks very nice!
I've just seen the renders in the gallery so you had my attention even before I saw this thread. I do hope you are going to include presets for the promo rooms in the set.
very impressive
Looks great! And useful! :)
That's what I was thinking
This looks awesome, great work :)
Add a more Tudor style extra, and I'll not just give you my money, but my soul, my hypothetical firstborn, and some sweets wrappers I found down the back of the sofa...
My sentiments, exactly.
Looking very much forward to this set!
Does this include furniture or are you using furniture from another set?
Oh. My. This one is another instabuy.
Are we waiting for a March Madness release on this, or shall we be waiting until the madness is over?
Thank you all for the nice comments.
Tudor style will be included. What you see here is just a tiny bit of what's included. This set is pretty versatile in creating whatever indoors environment you want to create. It's got plenty of different styles and textures too.
The way I plan on releasing it, is first releasing MICK itself (all the architectural elements, about 100 of them) along with the medieval great hall shown here with all its furniture props. I'll then continue to release presets all with generous amounts of furniture and other props, so in the end, you end up with a nice catalog of both architectural and furniture props, plus a few presets.
Now I'm really getting excited. This is how I hoped you would do it.
This is beginning to sound like a kind of medieval version of Dream Home. Now I'm even more interested. Can the set be used to make smaller scenes than that massive Great Hall?
if I understood it correctly, it comes with walls, arches, ceilings, floors, that can all be arrainged in any way you want. He said he was making a bedroom and a kitchen so I would think you could make it as big or small as you wanted
*drools quietly*
Depending on when it's released it will or won't be an instabuy, but I'll snap it up as soon as the poor credit card resets:-)
My Credit Card is shaking and trying to hide! Instabuy for sure!
Hope for presets from the promos.
Do you have a garden? If so keep a careful eye on your CC. Mine likes to hide in the long grass at the end, especially if I mention "Faveral".
Mine crept out to the garden and died a quiet death.... lol
@SpottedKitty : Oh yes you can definitely make smaller environments. I'm actually working on smaller sets right now to show the versatility of MICK in promos. If it has walls, windows, doors, ceilings, fireplaces, roofs, columns, arches. recessed windows, niches can make it. As I said, so far it's mainly romanesque, but I'll make more style like gothic, tudor etc... And as I create more presets, your props library will grow... Sometimes I think I'm actually killiing my business, and I should keep this tool for myself to create a set every week lol
Nah, your stuff is too good for that to ever be a concern. Plus, a lot of people want a one click solution, instead of building it themselves. Or in my case, this fits in perfectly with what I prefeer to render, and I am sure I will use this over and over. But I don't want all of my sets to be like this, mainly, because I don't have time most of the time to put together from scratch what I need. Plus, I would bet that every one of the smaller sets you make with this will sell well as well because we all have different ideas of what to make with this. If you make a really cool throne room that I wouldn't have thought of, chances are good I will buy it because I am not going to spend the time trying to figure out how you did it. Even if I have the kit lol.