Bryce will not work in 10.7 or 10.8. AFAIK DS4.5 is fine in 10.8
What is AFAIK?
So does this mean that Bryce has hit the wall and is dead end software?
If so can someone suggest another software that will do something similar? AFAIK, As Far As I Know. And no Bryce is not Dead end just Broke in that OS.
And A member of the DAZ 3D management team did post a while back, in the Bryce forum, that when Bryce re-enters the dev cycle the problems with Bryce and the newer OS Xs will be one of the first things they will be investigating.
Well I see that DS4.5 will run on 10.8 and Bryce will not. I am still learning Bryce which, with it's poor documentation, takes a lot of time. I am concerned that further expenditure of time will be wasted because I need to upgrade to 10.8 to get the features on most of my other apps. I love Bryce and have quite an investment in it, but I may have to move on if it isn't going to. That will of course force me rethink Using DAZ as well, which I have put a whole lot more money and time into.
Bryce will not work in 10.7 or 10.8. AFAIK DS4.5 is fine in 10.8
My Mac is running with 10.8 and there's no problem with DAZ Studio.
What is AFAIK?
So does this mean that Bryce has hit the wall and is dead end software?
If so can someone suggest another software that will do something similar?
What is AFAIK?
So does this mean that Bryce has hit the wall and is dead end software?
If so can someone suggest another software that will do something similar? AFAIK, As Far As I Know. And no Bryce is not Dead end just Broke in that OS.
And A member of the DAZ 3D management team did post a while back, in the Bryce forum, that when Bryce re-enters the dev cycle the problems with Bryce and the newer OS Xs will be one of the first things they will be investigating.
Well I see that DS4.5 will run on 10.8 and Bryce will not. I am still learning Bryce which, with it's poor documentation, takes a lot of time. I am concerned that further expenditure of time will be wasted because I need to upgrade to 10.8 to get the features on most of my other apps. I love Bryce and have quite an investment in it, but I may have to move on if it isn't going to. That will of course force me rethink Using DAZ as well, which I have put a whole lot more money and time into.