video tutorial

hi evreyone , i am beginer it is first time when i using carrar . Are ther some vieo tutorial which can help me ?
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hi evreyone , i am beginer it is first time when i using carrar . Are ther some vieo tutorial which can help me ?
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Here is a good start for you:
Carrara Community's very own Super Hero takes plenty of time from his busy life to
explore many exciting features of this amazing 3d content manipulation, modeling and animation suite
Cripeman Tutorials Index
The Cripeman has been soaring Carrara skies for years now, and has been faithfully saving humanity through his imaginative advice on how we can get Carrara to do what we need it to do. If you're new to using Carrara, the Cripeman's tutorial collection can direct you through many aspects of the software. Personally, I enjoy each and every one and have watched most of them more than once - and I hope that the Cripeman keeps this up... forever!
It can be a little daunting trying to find what you're looking for by simply navigating YouTube. Also, I feel that his advice and pleasant teaching techniques would be the perfect addition to a Living Carrara User's Manual.
Because of this, and with his permission, I have compiled a fully linked list of all of his tutorials to date. I'll try to keep my eyes open for new ones and add them accordingly. If you notice that one is missing, or if you feel that one (or more) link should belong in a different category in the list, please let me know. But this is a rather large endeavor, so please be patient.
Enjoy :coolhmm:
Carrara Features
Thoughts on Genesis in Carrara 8.5
Global Illumination
Glare, Blur, and 3d Aura
Backdrop and Background
The Ocean Primitive
Carrara Terrains
Volumetric Clouds
Tree Tour
Playing with Fire
3D Paint
Displacement Mapping
Dynamic Hair
Making a Skullcap in Poser
Guide Hair Styling
Shader Hair Styling
Razor Stubble / Hair Domains
Plant Primitive
Trees on Terrain
Tree Rustling
Making a Christmas Tree Using the Plant Modeler
Lighting and Rendering
Basic Lighting
Light Gels
Rendering with Alpha Channels
Creating Lights From Textures Using Anything Glows
Interactive Renderer
How to Make a Blueprint Style Render
3 Point Lighting
Fingers of God Effect
Neon Using Anything Glows
Generate HDR Images for Carrara
Particles and Physics
Intro to Physics in Carrara
Let it Snow
Making Your Own Particles
Particle Creation Menu
Particle Shaders
Particle Creation with Particle Shaders
Sequential Particles
Fountain Tricks
Setting up Particle Emitter for Forces
Shapes as Emitters
Writing with the Particle Emitter
Force Control
Forces Tour
Modeling a Chain (Physics Chain 1)
Physics Chain 2
Making Steam
Natural Shaders
Making Windows Shader for a Distant Skyline
SSS vs Glow
Seeing Through Transparency
Toon Shading
How to Make a Fake Planet
Terrain Shading
Special Presentation: Eadweard Muybridge - Grandfather of Animation
Creating Motion Paths
Creating a Wing Flap Animation
Intro to Bones
Bones Influence
Making a Logo Flying Around the World
Animating Wavy Text
Making a Muzzle Flash
Compositing Tips
Exporting Animated Poses from Poser to Carrara
Making and Animating Gears
Bevels in the Spline Modeler
Soft Selection
Cool Carrara Tricks - Building Better Bricks
Cool Carrara Tricks - Building a Cityscape Pt 1
Cool Carrara Tricks - Building a Cityscape Pt 2
Cool Carrara Tricks - Modeling a Mailbox
Modeling a Barrel using the Lathe Tool
How to Make a Steam Punk Arch
How to Model a Cityscape Pt 1
How to Model a Cityscape Pt 2
How to Model a Cityscape Pt 3
How to Model a Cityscape Pt 4
How to Make a Mushroom Cloud Pt 1
How to Make a Mushroom Cloud Pt 2
Make a Display Case
Modeling a Rope
Making a Simple Flower
Making Keyboard Shortcuts for the Spline Modeler
Modeling a Human Head Part 1
Modeling a Human Head Part 2
Modeling a Human Head Part 3
Model a Figurine in 10 Minutes
Model a Facade
Modeling Pipes
Modeling Ruled Surfaces
Making Morph Targets on Your Figures
Precision Replication
SciFi Elements
How to Make Your Own Starfield
Distributing Objects with Shaders
More Excellent Cripeman Tutorials That have yet to be catagorized
Make a Mountain of Skulls
Shows a quick example of creating a custom Terrain Shape, Using Poser to export only the Skull from a complete skeleton, Replicating the Skulls onto the custom terrain shape, and using the light brightness to Stylize the end image.
Making a 3d Object out of a 2d image
The 3DUniverse Toon Generation Figure
Make a Hologram
Textured Fire
Bryce Textures in Carrara
String Lights on a Christmas Tree
Birds in Trees
Making Graffiti
Making a Romantic Moon
Frosted Glass
Particle Fire
Merry Christmas
Depth of Field
Precision Alignment in Carrara
Spline Modeler Animation Trick
Volumetrics and FX
Creating a "Planet Hanging in the Sky" Effect
Bryce Terrains to Carrara Terrains
Carrara Cafe's Die-Hard Instructor - now with an easy-to-use index of links
Carrara Video Demonstration Guides - By GK DANTAS
Browse them all at Carrara Cafe
This is intended to be a simple index to the wonderful and helpful video tutorials by GK Dantas
Though silent, these videos hit the point of the topic in a clear, visual manner and are useful for learning where on the interface to go to perform the given task, but also to use as a provided link to show other how these tasks can be fulfilled. This brings us to my reasoning for creating this index:
Yes, they are all easily accessible from Carrara Cafe, but I wanted an easy reference to each of them on a single page for my own ease in linking to them to help answer questions that others may have. To grab the link, all we have to do is to right-click on the topic needed, and choose: Copy Link Location (different browser commands may differ from one another, but the gist is the same), and then paste the link into the appropriate post. Enough of my babble, though... on with the index!
Navigation and Control
Navigating in 3D Space
Universal Manipulator
Knowing the Interface
Windows and Toolbars
Lights and Lighting
Volumetric Light
Tube Lights - Before 8.5 light appearance changes
Spot Lights
Bulb Light
Distant & Ambient Lights
Sun Position (Realistic Sky)
Sky Light and Render Settings
Modeling and Modelers
Model a Propeller
Modeling Exercise: Bottle - Part 1
Modeling Exercise: Bottle - Part 2
Symmetrical Modeling
Holes without Boolean Operations
Basic Dress Modeling
Tree Shape Editor in Carrara 8
How to Fill Polygons
Landscape Scene Wizard
Textures and Shaders
Save Shader Channels
Shaders with Multiple Domains
Load and Save Shaders
Glowing Lips
Shadow Catcher
3D Paint
Real Eyes for V4
Normal Map - Carrara 8 Exercise
Scene Effects
HDRI Files and Carrara
Sun Position (Realistic Sky)
Working with Content
Conforming Clothes in Carrara 6
Runtime Folder to Carrara
Fixing Poser Shaders - Part 1
Fixing Poser Shaders - Part 2
Working with Poser Content - Part 1
Working with Poser Content - Part 2
Groups, Nested Groups, and Hierarchy
Dynamic Hair
Brushing Hair
Render Room Introduction
Sky Light and Render Settings
Interface and Features
Knowing the Interface
Windows and Toolbars
Navigating in 3D Space
Working with the Browser - Part 1
Working with the Browser - Part 2
Load and Save Scenes
Organizing Your Browser
Groups, Nested Groups, and Hierarchy
Nested Groups and IK Chain
OpenGL Hardware Accelerated Preview
Multiple Undo/Redo
Multiple Selection in Properties
Landscape Scene Wizard
Multi Threading
Jumping Ball Exercise - Part 1
Jumping Ball Exercise - Part 2
Creating Clips
Using p3DO Pro to make Carrara Thumbnails
Export from Carrara to Octane - Part 1
Export from Carrara to Octane - Part 2
Bullet Physics (Carrara 8+)
Bullet Ball - Carrara 8 Exercise
Hardbody Basics for Bullet - Carrara 8 Exercise
Bullet: Forces - Carrara 8 Exercise
Bullet: Constrain - Carrara 8 Exercise
Bullet Exercise 2 - Carrara 8 Exercise
Bullet Physics Curtain - Carrara 8 Exercise
Bullet Physics City - Carrara 8 Exercise
Bullet Physics Water - Carrara 8 Exercise
Browse them all at Carrara Cafe
Also visit the GK DANTAS Store at DAZ 3D for helpful products to assist in shaders, lighting, scene effects, paint brushes, and more.
Marcelo Teixeira (GK DANTAS) has been a driving force in helping artists to become acquainted with Carrara and how it works at the Carrara Cafe, here at DAZ 3D, and via his YouTube channel, which contains all of the above video sessions and more. When I purchased the p3DO Explorer Pro and asked about using it to create Carrara thumbnails, the owner hooked me up with Marcelo, who has taught me how to do it. Now I see that he has a YouTube video, linked to above!
Anyways, the other reason for including this index is as a warm Thank You to GK DANTAS for being so helpful in our cause!
Thanks Marcelo!
Some of my endeavors to help others via video "Babble Sessions" LOL
Some were done by request - me answering question by video, others just because
Babble Session Tutorials
- click images below to watch video -
Carrara Walk Through: Shaders - Pt1 (a basic optimization of V4's shaders)
Carrara 8.5 Pro - FirstLook (Playing with Genesis)
Carrara 8.5 First Look Part 2 - Edited
DAZ 3D Installation Manager 101a (Me starting fresh using DIM)
Painting with Shadows for Carrara (Playing with Global Illumination/Indirect Lighting)
Workflow for Genesis 2 Conformed Clothing
More to come soon ;)
Back to Table of Contents
Some Articles I've written for the Carrara Cafe
► Fenric’s Change Bone Visibilty Plugin
► Carranimation Part 1 – Rotation of the Hip
► Major Production – My Production
► Optimizing Your Content – Shader Basics
Back to Table of Contents
Should get you started a bit ;)
you sold me on the steam dragon
motion blur propellers