Tweens for the Young Teens 5 [Commercial]

It's live!
Need a little variety with Justin and Julie? Tweens for Justin and Julie includes custom head and body morphs that can mixed and matched. There are custom 10 head morphs for Justin and seven head morphs for Julie. This product also includes 4 body morphs for both Justin and Julie in various shapes and sizes. There are also scaled versions of the morphs that are more in proportion with other DAZ characters such as V5 and M5.

650 x 845 - 173K

650 x 845 - 159K

800 x 1040 - 140K

800 x 1040 - 138K

650 x 845 - 162K
Post edited by Male-M3dia on
Looks good
This has my attention. :)
Much needed. Thank you.
a few more...
(also make sure you update your young teens to the new version as these are built against the new version).
These look good - didn't know the new version was out! Just need to reset the downloads, as usual?
Yes, just reset your downloads.
Looks fantastic man! Cant wait for it :) - I'll be upgrading the teens5 as soon as the EULA on daz site lets me access my account :-S
Does this one come with the texture sets, just out of curiosity :) ?
Yes, just reset your downloads.
Thanks - off to do that right now! :)
No, it's just the morphs. But the promos use textures from my store: Ashley M5, Abigail for Genesis, Santo M5, Eri for V5, Anya V5 for example.
Well they work really well on them :) I guess their different shapes confused me as to which texture they use lol. The promo comparison with Justin and M5 I assume is AshleyM5 texture?
Yes that's what I use mostly in the promos, Ashley M5 works really well for a young adult/teen skin. It also has the emo options if you want to use that as well. BTW, I'm almost done with the DSON changes with that so ashley's shapes will work in Poser as well.... and the two bonus head morphs.
At the risk of looking stupid, I'm going to ask anyway - is this out yet? I did a search but didn't see it.
Not yet, but I suspect within the next few days.
cool I'm making tons of characters all ages so this well help.
Well now, it looks like Little Vickey & Mike have come back home! :)
(If you remember those two, you truly are a DAZ Veteran!)
Your morphs really help the teens blend in a bit better with the rest of the 5th gen family.
...up until now I have been adding a bit of Sadie and/or Mavka along with Satsuki and Princess to get a younger physique. Faces are still tricky as the Genesis "young" facial morph really doesn't work well with the Teen5 face.
Compared to Genesis, I actually feel got better results creating an 11 - 12 year old with Gen4 using a mix of Thorne's Tommi and Jamminwolf's Tindra as well as the V4++ "young" facial morph.
This will definitely fill a big need not addressed since the old pre teen girl/boy.
Are the Tweens going to be added as sliders or as apply-only morphs? With Genesis, things become a hundred times better with sliders, but from experience I know that not every new morph pack uses that method. Either way I'll be watching this with great interest.
I hate those "apply only", often it's a downfall for expression packs. Sliders are there for a very good reason, I rarely if ever use 100% of anything (If its a morph or expression it should be a slider, gives us full control over it and the ability to efficiently customize). But Since it's MaleM3dia, he uses sliders, at least with every M5 product I've bought from him.
The morphs are single sliders since all of them are custom heads bodies, and you can mix percentages of each in addition to the presets that are provided.
Here's an early example of how an un-Tweened Justin (center) fits in with (from left to right) M5, Santo M5, Stephanie 5 and Ashley M5.... then a early render of one of the tweens.
And it's live:
I did some additional promos for this set to showcase some of the face shapes......
Very great morphs and very versatile.
What do you use for skin textures? All I have is Justin and Julie.
The textures are from our store:
Abigail for V4/Genesis:
Eri International:
Ashley for M5:
Anya for V5:
And Also Santo M5: (Waiting for it to come up in the store ;) )
The textures are from our store:
Abigail for V4/Genesis:
Eri International:
Ashley for M5:
Anya for V5:
And Also Santo M5: (Waiting for it to come up in the store ;) )
Thank you for the response! I'll check them out!
It's up.
Very nice job, much better than the elf's look before..
Thanks :)
I guess I will have to reset my downloads. It seems they are at version 1.1 now.
Does anyone know what exactly has been updated?
Have there been major changes to the shape so one would notice a difference between dialed in updated and non updated versions?
In any way thank you a lot for this add on!
I guess I will have to reset my downloads. It seems they are at version 1.1 now.
Does anyone know what exactly has been updated?
Have there been major changes to the shape so one would notice a difference between dialed in updated and non updated versions?
In any way thank you a lot for this add on!
The teeth have been updated. If you don't update to the latest version the teeth will overlap when you activate these morphs. Also there were some issues that were sorted, in how the morphs were loaded as well.