How do I create image reference planes for modeling in Carrara 8.5?

Hi there,
I have been searching the documentation to see how to create some image reference planes to assist modeling a car in Carrara. I would like to add an image to use as a guide for each of the orthogonal cameras. Does anyone know of a tutorial or guide for this please?
Not shure but I think you can load a photo as background .
You can load image pics in the orthoganl cameras by going to the global tab in the vertex modeling room. There are check boxes for loading your images. Alternatively, if you wish to vertex model in the assemble room, you can load your pics on planes and cross the planes at the origin. Let me know if this did not make sense.
Wow!!! That was fast!
I will give that a try! Thank you guys!
Do note that we're in the Vertex Modeling room here