Carrara Challenge #31 Music For My Eyes Voting Thread

The challenge this month is to create an image Based on Music
- The intent is to make a image representing music for you.It could be an image of a band like Black Sabath, The Clash, Men With Out Hats, Josie and the Pussy Cats, It could be and individual playing in a Bar such a local talent or someone like Lenard Cohen. How about Boy Goerge or any of the newer performers. It could also be a portrait of them performing.
The intent is to allow some of the newer users to Carrara to create and display thier artwork from Carrara
- Feel free to interpret the theme broadly.
Basic rules will be:
1. - Participants must use the Carrara to set up and render the Image.
2.- Must be Musically based.
3 - Modeling an object is not required but if you have ths skills or desire give it a whirl.
4.- Postwork is allowed, but must not be the highlight of the image.
5.- Images must be new (previously unpublished).
6 - Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).
7 - At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread.
8 - Screen shot of the scene in Carrara to be included in WIP
9 - Each participant may submit up to 3 images into the Challenge.
Please note, there is no requirement for the winner to host the next challenge, unless they want to.
We love our wonderful sponsors
Once again Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) ( may be used for best new comers).
Dates to Remember:
WIP Thread Opens: Tuesday 7 Feb 2017
Entry Thread Opens: Sunday 5 March 2017
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: 12.00 Midnight Eastern Sunday 12 March 2017
Voting Ends: Sunday 19 March 2017
As with the last challenge because we are having up to three images an entrant we WILL judge the winner by their scores combined. ie if their image 1 gets 24 votes, their image 2 gets 12 votes, and their image 3 gets 12 votes then they score 48.
2nd and third and HM would be as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.
Link on the Commons to try to attract new commers.
Link to the WIP Thread
Entry: # 1
Title: Walk like a Bangle
Artist: Diomede
Other Context and Comments (including credits): Genesis 2 females include morphs and texture maps for Monique, Clarissa, Nidale. Custom models for instruments, dresses, and Carrara dynamic hair.
WIPs Links:
modeling instruments -
modeling dress
dynamic hair and cobra head dress
creating bas relief effect
Postwork: Rendered out the first standard render, along with mulltipassesofr the background layer, shadows, volumetric passes (for hair), depth. In Photoshop, used those to create an opacity mask and a displacement map. Then started a new Carrara scene on a dense mesh vertex plane with the displacment map to give a bas relief style.
Entry: # 2
Title: See the Musical Streams
Artist: Diomede
Other Context and Comments (including credits): Carrara terrains and splines textured using formula shaders
WIPs Links:
Postwork: None
Entry: # 3
Title: NPR Render Doodle
Artist: Diomede
Other Context and Comments (including credits): Victoria 3 and Daz headphones - community encouraged me to use this instead of my zz top entry
WIPs Links:
Postwork: Rendered in non-photorealistic renderer, and then a regular render to get multipasses for shadows andother elements combined in image editor.
ARTIST -IceDragonArt
And once again I have to say thank you for all the help everyone is always so generous in giving.
To me, music has always taken me away from where I am. and where it takes me depends on the music of course.
Entry #5 - Listening to music at home
Arist - Eyesee
Thanks to everyone for all the tips on lighting.
Entry # 6 - Pythagoras of Samos
Artist - Alberto
WIP links:
Entry: #7
«Dancing Fleur»
Artist: Vyusur
WIPs Links:
Actors are Genesis 2 people with custom Blender morphing.
Female costume, veil and lattice ring modeled by me in Blender. Darbuka, spotlights and other props modeled by me in Carrara.
No post work.
Entry: #8
«Wired To The Music»
Artist: Vyusur
WIPs Links:
Actor is Genesis 2 female with custom Blender morphing. Red dress and cable modeled by me in Blender. No post work.
Entry: #9
«Tango Sounds»
Artist: Vyusur
WIPs Links:
Actors are Genesis 2 people with custom Blender morphing.
Stage, curtains and other props modeled by me from scratch in Carrara.
No post work.
Entry # 10
Radio Rock
Artist : Varsel
Wip :
Using G2 male with Creature Creator morphs, and the Viking outfit for G2.
The guitar is homemade.
Entry # 11
Top of the Pops
Artist : Varsel
Wip :
Using Genesis with some carefull morphing.
The rest is made by me in the Vertex modeller.
The curtain shader is thanks to a tutorial from Holly Wetcircuit at CarraraCafe.
Entry: # 12
Title: It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady SWINGS!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Credits: V3 as Brunhilde, M4 as jazz band members. All instruments are Carrara native objects (except drumsticks). Mic & stage are also Carrara native props. No modeling or use of other programs.
WIPs Links:
No postwork.
Entry: # 13
Title: Music For Her Eyes
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Credits: V4 as the alien governess. Eyeballs are Carrara native objects. The setting is a Stonemason sci-fi corridor, with a campfire by evilproducer. Music by Rodgers and Hammerstein. No modeling or use of other programs.
WIPs Links:
No postwork.
Entry: # 14
Title: Seduction at the Moulin Rouge
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Credits: V3 (Ingenue Vickie) are the dancers, V3 (Glamorous Vicki) is the French resistance gal, M3 is the Nazi, the audience members are all V3, M3 and A3. Everything done in Carrara. No modeling or use of other programs.
WIPs Links:
No postwork.
Entry: #15
Title: Mystic Music Land
Artist: wgdjohn
Products Used:
Carrara 8.5 Pro from DAZ
note: The sky or background is 3 layers of Carrara fog.
"MusiSync.ttf" Music notation font from California Fonts
"" from ShareCG
"Starry Night" from DigitalCarversGuild, DCG.
Objects Created:
The Terrain, Speaker Cabinet, Music Staff(bars) with a morph, 1/4 note, 1/2 note and Whole note... also Flat. Sharp and Rest symobols modeled but not used... New for Challenge.
Signature created using Carrara'a Font Editor... Custom font designed designed on the Amiga and later converted to .ttf TypeTool3 from Fontlab.
Back Story:
Welcome to my mystic land that is a delight to hear... where speaker cabinets can coax out more notes from craters.
WIPzees: The Start Now for some Notes Even more modeling And a morph to boot Gotta have a speaker cabinet An early version of the Terrain Starting to come together The result!... with setup.
No Postwork: Rendered with Carrara'a native render.
Entry #16 - Space Music
Artist: pnewhook
Entry #17 - Discovery on the Beach
Artist: pnewhook
Entry #18 - Midnight Sun Serenade
Artist: Mistyrara
used Glacier terain
palette from objects, art
seal, songbird remix birds of legend, Demon Ray
Entry #19 - The Boy With Bong(o) Eyes'
Artist: head wax
I am submitting this on head wax's request as per the request in the WIP Thread as He is on Sabatical and does not have internet capabiity at the moment.
Sorry All I had a computer issue after the last windows 10 update and had to reinstall everything.
Entries are all closed and the voting begins.
I will extend the voting due to my lateness and have it end MARCH 22
thanks for posting my entry Chickenman and hosting the challenge again, I just got back at 10 pm last night.
whole month of surfg=ing every day - it was terrible,..... :)
looks like some wonderful work here, looking forward to checking the wip thread!
Entry: #15 - Mystic Music Land
Artist: wgdjohn
-luv z-depth
ARTIST -IceDragonArt
-like the portals to other realms concept
Entry: #9 - «Tango Sounds»
Artist: Vyusur
-was thinking of Dirty Dancing movie "we're having the time of our lives"
Entry #5 - Listening to music at home
Arist - Eyesee
-relaxing to music, wishing i could do it right now
could of chosen any number of challenge entries... awesome work..
but my favourites that I decided on over a packet of Tim Tams are as follows
Entry: # 3
Title: NPR Render Doodle
Artist: Diomede
Entry: # 12
Title: It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady SWINGS!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry: #15
Title: Mystic Music Land
Artist: wgdjohn
Entry: #9
«Tango Sounds»
Artist: Vyusur
.Well done, everyone. Sorry that a few works in the WIP thread were not submitted. They were excellent also. Here are some votes.
Entry: # 12
Title: It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady SWINGS!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry # 6 - Pythagoras of Samos
Artist - Alberto
Entry: #7
«Dancing Fleur»
Artist: Vyusur
Entry: #15
Title: Mystic Music Land
Artist: wgdjohn
Entry: # 14 Title: Seduction at the Moulin Rouge Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry: # 1 Title: Walk like a Bangle rtist: Diomede
Entry: # 12 itle: It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady SWINGS! rtist: UnifiedBrain
HM Entry #17 - Discovery on the Beach Artist: pnewhook
Really enjoyed this one - enjoyed the humour in some of the entries and the different approaches taken by people.
Nice choice Chickenman. And thanks for running the challenge yet again.
In page order... except of course HM.
Entry: #1 "Walk like a Bangle" by Diomede
Entry: #8 "«Wired To The Music»" by Vyusur
Entry: #12 "It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady SWINGS!" by UnifiedBrain
Whew... glad I got this over with. All the excellent entries are winners here! I could easily pick 4 others and then yet a different 4... and on and on.:)
Note to All: In the WIP thread I added a text file, zipped, HERE. It includes all the entries, titles and artists if anyone wants to use it to aid in voting.
Entry: #15 - Mystic Music Land
Artist: wgdjohn
Entry: # 3 - NPR Render Doodle
Artist: Diomede
Entry #18 - Midnight Sun Serenade
Artist: Mistyrara
Entry # 6 - Pythagoras of Samos
Artist - Alberto
Entry #16 - Space Music, Artist: pnewhook
Entry: # 2 - See the Musical Streams, Artist: Diomede
Entry: # 12 - It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady SWINGS!, Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry: #7 - Dancing Fleur, Artist: Vyusur
# 7 - Dancing Fleur.
# 12 - It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady SWINGS!
# 13 - Music For Her Eyes.
HM: # 2 - See the Musical Streams.
Entry: #1 Walk like a Bangle - Artist Diomede
Entry #18 Midnight Sun Serenade Artist: Mistyrara
Entry: #15 Mystic Music Land Artist: wgdjohn
HM - Entry: # 12 It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady SWINGS!, Artist: UnifiedBrain