Simple Elegance Hair for Genesis 3 Female(s) (commercial)

My contribution to the DAZ March Madness sale has hit the store. :)
Simple Elegance Hair for Genesis 3 Female(s) is my second (and long overdue) attempt at making a hairstyle. I packed it full of useful style and movement morphs, as well as light, medium and dark shades of blonde, red, brown, grey, and a black color. Included is also a flower crown prop as well as 4 different styles of fancy decroative combs. When I use 3D products myself, I love being able to customize even the tiniest detail, so I've created these props with that in mind. Each flower's material is separate so you can have all one color of flower or each one a different color. The combs include a tiara position wearable preset, but also load in a zero position so you can put them on other hair you might own or place them wherever you want in the scene you're creating. The combs include silver and gold colored metal options with 3 different material zones (comb teeth, comb, and gemstone setting) as well as 9 different gemstone color options.
Thanks for looking and Happy March Madness Everyone :)

Looks not too unlike the style Buffy Summers wore in her own show's first series!
This is beautiful and the added options are always very welcome!
Yeh, wishlisted (never what a PA wants to hear, I'm sure).
Not sure yet if I want another hair product; I have one from OOT, but after that, not convinced I need more.
I would really like to see what folks are doing with it, and how it plays with VWD; these days, I return something if it doesn't play nice - most tend to though.
I got this hair as soon as I saw it. You can never have too many hairs or shoes.
What is VWD?
I don't want to take over the PAs thread, a quick answer and a link - ok can't find the one im looking for; head over to the other site, is a forum there. VWD allows normal clothes and hair to be 'dynamic'.
Wonderful hair style and textures ryverthorn, I love this messy look as it will work for so many themes.
A wish list and this goes to all Hair creators ....
Temples morph
Hairline style, roll back, widows peak, roll forward
Hair wisps move/remove
and Handles
Handles on hair as it makes it so easy place in extreme poses, I don't know why most Daz hair creators don't add Handles.
Attached a few quick renders...first is using Ombre colours by Sveva and second is ryverthorn black straight out of the box, gorgeous rich colour thank you for a great product and hope to see more and hope you and other creators take my wish list on board ;)