Available Now: Iray Glass Workshop [commercial]

This big set contains over 100 Iray shader presets to get great glass.
There are a lot of options included to adjust glass surfaces in Iray as you need them.
Start with one of 18 realistic (IOR) refraction levels (like window glass, plexiglass, diamond, ruby, mineral glass or leaded glass etc.). Leave the glass crystal clear or add colors (22 color presets included), tint the glass slightly or more or add metallic effects (22 metallic coat / tint effect presets included). You can also setup the aberration level (prims colors), have frosted or structured glass in different strengths and types.
All options can be mixed and matched to get the results you like.
Just skip options you do not need. Options are not limited to the included presets. You can of course alter all surface channels manually. Use the included presets as templates and set up your own configurations.
click on the thumbs for full size images

The product has been released today.
40% OFF NOW!
These are beautiful and look very useful!
Oh for enough hours in the day to try out all my new toys...!
right? lol its a bit crazy. But I firmly believe that one cannot have enough shaders and textures. Ever...
Oh yes
I feel the same, I have tons of shaders beside my own ones. It's good to have a nice selection and I still have ideas for new ones :)
My thanks for making great, easy to use, inexpensive shaders, have all of them and use frequently.
Have a weird post.
In experimenting with this product and the settings, found something extremely useful.
Depending on the settings, when applied to a simple sphere, the reflections are such
that this simple sphere can be used in a much larger scene to rapidly arrange the hdri image
No need to understand, really, but grateful for an unexpected bonus.
Oh that sounds very insteresting, for others as well, I think. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Do you have probably a render showing the effect you could post? This would be cool