Is it possible to divide any 3D object in Carrara into pieces for physics simulation?
Samuel S.
Posts: 324
Is it possible to divide any 3D object in Carrara into pieces for physics simulation? I want the object to retain its shape during frame 0.
It can be very useful for games.
No, you must build your object with different pieces and use the physic modifier.
For a wall, for ex., you build a brick range, duplicate it a few time and select the bicks that must be physic to fall on the ground.
To break an existing object into pieces, I use the Thrausi plugin in c4d, and import the animation in Carrara in .obj seq or the multi-objet and make the simulation in Carrara.
I use these techniques a lot in this sequence:
I can be done manually of course. You have to duplicate the master object (or import it several times), then delete what's not needed in each object
Nice work, I am still playing with Carrara SDK and hope to automate some repetitive tasks in future.
terrific work Dudu
you can also duplicate the same object many times then hide different polys in each in the modelling room
The "Explode" modifier will bust anything up into many pieces and we can set how they fall or fly away. We set when it starts to explode and when it's done simulating. It's sweet!
Thanks Andrew!
Dart, the explode modifier don't add any thickness to the mesches, it is good for very distant view or for a text FX for exemple, but not more.
Bullet implementation in Carrara cannot handle concave objects properly, simulations are unstable in most cases, other software which uses Bullet usually breaks down concave parts into convex ones and keeps them together as a "compound object"
Thanks, I was looking to have the object in Carrara cut into randome fragments at rest while still at frame zero. And then use it in a game engine like Unity to possibly use Nvidia's Physx engine there.
Maybe there is voxel generator that can generate random fragments from an existing model. I imagine that would make a HUGE file though ... Not sure how it would be possible to texture or color it?