Pocketbooks and shopping bags...

No one carries them anymore?

Seems weird to make  a stylish outfit and NOT have a matching purse to go with it.

I also need some regular bags, like knapsacks and duffel bags.

My characters have a need to carry gear, but I don't have anything to carry it all in.

The one knapsack I saw that I like is found in a whole camping set that I like too, but that's a lot for just the knapsack and it's one of those cross-country ones.

Not exactly spy-on-a-mission level.


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,274

    search on shareCG as I saw a set of rucksacks a couple of days ago there

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,765

    Grabbed a knapsack --  it'll have to do for now with some scaling...


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