Home page promo confusion again
DAZ can you please clear up all the misleading advertisements that are highlighted on the shop home page and keep your site-wide advertising current & consistent.
1) MECH Enforcer DOES NOT give 30/50 or 60% off selected categories/genres anymore (Stonemason has mentioned in the forums that he is aware that you are still advertising the expired promotion and suggests we should still receive the promo price by lodging a support case)
2) Bot Genesis ad should say "BUY TODAY & SAVE ON SELECT SCI-FI ITEMS", just as the SCI-FI MEGA SALE banner does in parts of the store. The current homepage slider implies that ALL SCI-FI items from Stonemason, The AntFarm and DzFire will be discounted if we buy Bot Genesis.
Also, as has been requested multiple times by many users, can you also provide an END DATE for the current promotions. It's quite simple to put a specific date in the promo graphic and if it goes longer than the date, simply change the graphic to read "EXTENDED BY POPULAR DEMAND"
A lot of us here purchase the products for work/commercial purposes and are therefore allocated budgets & schedules for those purchases. Knowing exactly how long an item is on sale for greatly assists in the purchasing decision regarding buying from DAZ or an alternative store.