Carrara Non Photo Realistic Works



  • Marcus, I still like the first one I commented on best.  For me, it didn't need any additions.  Knowing when to stop is an art unto itself.  I like it when all the focus is on the characters.  Others may disagree, of course.

    You also said a couple of things - "The figure placement was purely a happy accident," and "After rendering, I cropped it by taking a screenshot in Movavi software which allowed me to frame the part I wanted.  For some reason the screenshot's colours seem to deepen but I think it is helpful in this instance."

    Glad to hear!  These "happy accidents" happen all the time.  For me, recognizing the value of the accident, and going with the flow, is an essential part of the creative process.

    Thanks again for posting!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830

    Marcus, I still like the first one I commented on best.  For me, it didn't need any additions.  Knowing when to stop is an art unto itself.  I like it when all the focus is on the characters.  Others may disagree, of course.

    You also said a couple of things - "The figure placement was purely a happy accident," and "After rendering, I cropped it by taking a screenshot in Movavi software which allowed me to frame the part I wanted.  For some reason the screenshot's colours seem to deepen but I think it is helpful in this instance."

    Glad to hear!  These "happy accidents" happen all the time.  For me, recognizing the value of the accident, and going with the flow, is an essential part of the creative process.

    Thanks again for posting!

    I like the first one I commented on as well, but the water-colour version is giving it a very good run for it's money.

    With my renders I often explore the post work options, including stacking Toon/GMIC/and now ToonPro, can get some very interesting combinations - also get quite a few eeeekks as well, but thats part of the exploration.

    Have had a few happy-accidents, love it when it occurs !!!!! Go with the flow definately !

  • Thanks again, both of you for your further comments.

    Yes I did finish with the watercolour you both liked and the plain render it was made from.  The one I showed last was a prior version close to the finish and I thought I'd show it for the sake of the filter used because I had tried a few.

    I've been looking through some of my past renders and practically all of them were put together from just trying out some new content or to try out something with lights, or whatever.  Consequently, they are all pretty meaningless.  But sometimes the odd one reminds me of very early memories of times long ago before I was at school and couldn't read.  If a book such as Grimm's Fairy Tales or a children's comic had a dramatic picture I'd sometimes ask my mother to tell me what it's about and what's happening.  If the things I put together more or less randomly leave me asking what the story might be then I'm happy - even though I don't have an answer to what the story might be!

    But speaking of knowing when to stop - I've hogged this thread with one simple picture, so thanks again to all! 

  • I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had much time for art but this weekend I popped into Carrara for a bit and made this. It's a couple Carrara renders (a mix of render passes and GMIC filters) combined in Photoshop.

    "Broken Moon"

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    Jonstark said:

    It's been forever since I posted anything, was experimenting with creating an anime/toon look using a combination of Toon Pro and Yatoon.  I never watched anime in my life til lately, now I'm really enjoying a whole new artform that I never appreciated before. 

    . . .



    wow @jonstark, thanks for the details of your anime adventure! I really like the results - simple/essential 'just enough' to capture the characters and achieve the 'first glance' style match that screams 'anime'. (note I appreciate that there are purists who have 'real' anime categorized into multiple sub-genres, which is fine, but I live well outside of that realm of subtlety and consider all of these styles to be very appealing 'flavors' of toon art and enjoy both the original styles as well as any/all derivatives.)

    I've also been bitten by the anime bug. Not just the style, but the non-western story-telling approach is very appealing to my sensibilites these days. Most of the Studio Ghibli stuff is great (spirited away, howl's moving castle, kiki's delivery service, my neighbor totoro, etc.), and the original Kino's Journey series are all good English dubs that are well worth the watch.

    Thanks again for your detailed workflow on these. I've been working in the same direction via DS, but want to be able to parallel that work in Carrara for obvious reason, and your workflow will save me (us) some invaluable time/effort!



  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    mindsong said:
    Jonstark said:


    wow @jonstark, thanks for the details of your anime adventure! I really like the results - simple/essential 'just enough' to capture the characters and achieve the 'first glance' style match that screams 'anime'. (note I appreciate that there are purists who have 'real' anime categorized into multiple sub-genres, which is fine, but I live well outside of that realm of subtlety and consider all of these styles to be very appealing 'flavors' of toon art and enjoy both the original styles as well as any/all derivatives.)

    I've also been bitten by the anime bug. Not just the style, but the non-western story-telling approach is very appealing to my sensibilites these days. Most of the Studio Ghibli stuff is great (spirited away, howl's moving castle, kiki's delivery service, my neighbor totoro, etc.), and the original Kino's Journey series are all good English dubs that are well worth the watch.

    Thanks again for your detailed workflow on these. I've been working in the same direction via DS, but want to be able to parallel that work in Carrara for obvious reason, and your workflow will save me (us) some invaluable time/effort!



    Thanks for the kind words mindsong, lol I was mostly just writing everything down I could remember, so that I could go back and look it up again later as I know I'll end up forgetting  :)

    Also thanks for the recommendations, I actually haven't watched any of those, though I've heard of some of them.  When the 1st trailer for 'Mortal Engines' came out, someone commented that it reminded them of Howl's Moving Castle, so I looked that one up and it's been on my list to watch, so I'll have to give it a try (even though the later trailers for Mortal Engines soured me on going to see the film, made it look a lot more like one to avoid, but that 1st trailer kind of hooked me with such an original concept).

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Image may contain: night, outdoor and text


    not really NPR - one of our pollies has decided its okey to use our opera house to advertise a horse race


  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    NPR or not, its a nice render.yes

    But the hubbub is odd to me.  It's OK to promote a rugby team, but not the world's richest horse race?


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Hey UB, thanks :) it looked better as a raw render actually.

    Oh I don't agree with  either (but I don't really care to be honest) but The Wallabies is probably an Australian Team going overseas (?) to uphold our National Valour (I think it is)

    But the Horse Race is a Horce race (probably) run by a private concern that wants to advertise its private concern all over a national landmark.

    The fault is with the govt in allowing them rather than the private (?) concern wanting to do it.

    Gladys is our premier's first name - she and her govt have screwed up major things in the city I live in (Industrial town of 250,000 people approx) because our Govt is 'Sydneycentric."

    So it's mor of a dig at Gladys in relation to other things ;) 

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254

    yeh.. The Wallabies is our National Team yes


    horse racing is a private affair promoting gambling to an already over gambled country.... promoted by overpaid dipsh!ts on a National Landmark.... a disgrace!

    The rally against it should be started by now...... devil


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited October 2018

    In the U.S., we had an April Fool's joke about a private concern using a national treasure for advertizing.

    Sad that the Opera House ads are not a hoax.


    taco liberty bell 01b.jpg
    386 x 580 - 70K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Yeah, I'm sure that nobody ever gambles on those rugby matches. angel

    I'm also sorry that you Aussies seem to hold all of your politicians in such contempt.  Over here, almost all of them walk on water, and we celebrate them daily! 

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254

    probably because they're all d!ckheads.. laugh


    we never seem to be able to come up trumps with our political leaders cool devil

    reminds me... I must model a balloon angel


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited October 2018

    ha ha Ted and Stezza, I was just doing research on the Liberty Bell the other day for an illustrated Time Line.

    UB I don't know if you are being facetious? :)

    Interestingly most Australians were amazed when the US voted in Donald Trump. 


    Post edited by Headwax on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Faceticious ...maybe?

    Umm, let's see.  Politicians who walk on water?  Who are celebrated daily?

    Sounds like straight sarcasm to me. :)

    The world is polarized, and becoming more so each year.  It's happening on all levels of society, but most easily visible in politics.

    Sorry for the soapbox.  It's the subject of my next book.  It was either that, or rugby. smiley

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    heh sarcasm is tomething I would never have guessed ;)


  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    head wax said:

    ha ha Ted and Stezza, I was just doing research on the Liberty Bell the other day for an illustrated Time Line.

    UB I don't know if you are being facetious? :)

    Interestingly most Australians were amazed when the US voted in Donald Trump. 


    So was most of the US...


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    hmm,   we need to drop the polly ticks  and get back  to pretty pictures please

  • cdordonicdordoni Posts: 583
    edited October 2018

    EDIT aww Chohole, Headwax's comment was hard to resist

    Post edited by cdordoni on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited October 2018

    Well, I missed that cdordoni !  I'm sure it was witty and poignant :)

    Chohole, apologies for leading the conversation away from our usual 'pretty pictures'.

    In our defence, I guess it has to be expected that, given a gathering of intelligent beings such as we find in the Carrara forum, conversation is bound to occasionally encompass an observation on the misuse of authority, especially since we are surrounded by it  subtley (and not so subtley) in all aspects of our life.

    As for calling our work here 'pretty pictures', I know it wasn't meant as an intentional insult, but I'm sorry that you think so little of our art.

    Regards once more from Oz

     Thanks again (sincerely) for doing such a good job of being a moderator here.

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    head wax said:

    Well, I missed that cdordoni !  I'm sure it was witty and poignant :)

    Chohole, apologies for leading the conversation away from our usual 'pretty pictures'.

    In our defence, I guess it has to be expected that, given a gathering of intelligent beings such as we find in the Carrara forum, conversation is bound to occasionally encompass an observation on the misuse of authority, especially since we are surrounded by it  subtley (and not so subtley) in all aspects of our life.

    As for calling our work here 'pretty pictures', I know it wasn't meant as an intentional insult, but I'm sorry that you think so little of our art.

    Regards once more from Oz

     Thanks again (sincerely) for doing such a good job of being a moderator here.

    Sorry Andrew,  didn't mean that "pretty pictures" comment to be demeaning.  I am only too well aware how much goes into Carrara art.  

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    No my apologies Chohole, I know you were disarming the situation before it was armed. My bad! 

    It's a hard job you do.

    OT: I think I have some of your excellent textures for an eightenth century Jacket, I'll have to make some finished renders with them and post them here when I get a chance.

    thanks for sharing them.!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I used to enjoy doing them.   Only stopped because most peeople went over to Genesis   and I use Poser as a plug in for my Bryce   (and Carrara of course, when I do use it)  

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830
    edited October 2018


    Dinner 1_FiltForge_SketchyPaint.png
    1600 x 1200 - 4M
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    Chohole said:

    I used to enjoy doing them.   Only stopped because most peeople went over to Genesis   and I use Poser as a plug in for my Bryce   (and Carrara of course, when I do use it)  

    oh that's sad you stopped doing them - I admit to using the m4 k4 and v4 series still ! Genesis et al is too megabyte intensive when saving out carrara files

    did you ever use stitchwitch?


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited October 2018
    Bunyip02 said:


    wow that's one of your best , clean but still painterly - beautiful light and sense of movement


    sorry I havent been around I am illustraing a time line for a book I finished illustrating - .... hard work 


    Post edited by Headwax on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830
    head wax said:
    Chohole said:

    I used to enjoy doing them.   Only stopped because most peeople went over to Genesis   and I use Poser as a plug in for my Bryce   (and Carrara of course, when I do use it)  

    oh that's sad you stopped doing them - I admit to using the m4 k4 and v4 series still ! Genesis et al is too megabyte intensive when saving out carrara files

    did you ever use stitchwitch?


    Still use M4, H4, F4, A4, G4 & V4 (sometimes use M3 to V3 as well) especially in large busy scenes.

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830
    head wax said:
    Bunyip02 said:


    wow that's one of your best , clean but still painterly - beautiful light and sense of movement


    sorry I havent been around I am illustraing a time line for a book I finished illustrating - .... hard work 


    Thanks Headwax. Hope your book illustrations does well !!!!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    head wax said:
    Chohole said:

    I used to enjoy doing them.   Only stopped because most peeople went over to Genesis   and I use Poser as a plug in for my Bryce   (and Carrara of course, when I do use it)  

    oh that's sad you stopped doing them - I admit to using the m4 k4 and v4 series still ! Genesis et al is too megabyte intensive when saving out carrara files

    did you ever use stitchwitch?


    Actually the people that made Stitchwitch gave me a free copy to try,  hoping that I would get on with it and give them some mentions.  I found it was easier to keep on using the methods that I was used to I'm afraid.

This discussion has been closed.