Applying Daz Studio material presets not working =(

Hey gang, whats new with you?!?
Me... Having trouble applying Daz Studio Material presets to a prop I made. I saved it in studio, but when I apply it in Carrara, it loads as if it was an "item". Any ideas how to fix this? Most likely something I did wrong in Studio. They work fine in studio though....
Just pay attention what you have selected at the moment. For example, if you work with figure, you have to select the node above "actor" and etc. Just try to select different items in hierarchy.
yes... ALL choices from the heirachy do the same, inputs the material setting to the scene item list as if it was a prop and does NOT apply the materials. I also tried drag/drop direct to the choices. if dragged to the root, it becomes an item under the root heirachy, if dragged to the actor becomes a subset of that.
Must be something with how i saved the material file...
Probably it's best not to apply the textures in Studio at all. Likely it's better to load the mesh and apply the textures within Carrara if possible.
I do appreciate the feedback, thanks...
Let me explain better...
I made a prop, saved it to the Daz Studio library. I made the textures, set them up in studio and saved those as material presets to use in daz studio.
Now I open carrara to use the prop, and add it to the scene from the content browser. I then attempt to apply the material preset from the content browser, and this is where the problem starts. I've added/applied material presets from the browser, don't have any issue. It's only the set I made that isn't being applied to the prop as it should. The same presets work just fine in studio...
I think the problem is in how I saved the prop, not the material preset... Will return to this when I fix it. Thanks for the feedback guys, always appreciated =)
OK, I figured out what the problem was. I wasn't saving/creating the prop/figure item correctly, and once I resolved that it all fell into place.
However, during the process I learned some things that as a carrara user I think the community would find interesting. The item I'm working on is meant to be something of a "use in both" carrara and studio product, and while going thru the process for BOTH a lot of questions and other things came up.
Anyways, that'll be a separate post.
Thank you all for your help thus far. Dont go too far away, lol