Bad color bleeding when rendering a product label in Iray (SOLVED)

I am attempting to render a label on a box, but regardless of render quality settings, horrible splotchy color bleeding occurs on the label. The rest of the scene renders great. For the box label I start with a plane, add the Iray Ubershader to it, then put my label file (I've tried .png and .jpg) in the Base Color channel. I jacked up the render quality settings, but it still looks the same mess.
The attached image shows the original label on top, and below is the DS Iray render of it.
Does anybody know how to fix this?

984 x 1922 - 257K
Post edited by PolyGoon on
It looks like it might be texture compression. You could try upping the compression limit in render settings/advanced. The stock values will compress anything above 2k.
KindredArts thank you so much! Texture compression was the problem. I doubled the High Threshhold to 2048 and the problem cleared up. Thanks again for responding!
Hey I just noticed you are the one who makes a few of the products I have on my wish list. Keep up the good work!
No problem cxrisp, glad to help. Best of luck with the project!
This helped me out as well. Forgot all about that advanced tab in the render pane. Thanks KA!