Toon Nursery renders very slowly

So, I just got this product:

and it renders very slowly.  I would place in  2 characters that in a different room scene with the same lighting scheme would render in about 10 minutes.  I put them in the toon nursery, and it takes 40 minutes.  My video cards are all at 99% throughout the render at full power.  I tried decreasing the room and object resolution to base and turned off reflective surfaces in everything except the windows. I use emissive surfaces for lighting, and the finished renders look fine. Seems like I'm missing something.




  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 696

    There seems to be a ton of gemeometry in that scence. 40 minutes doesn't seem that long, but really it depends greatly on your hardware. I have had renders with lots of refraction run for days.

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