How do I delete an animation Time Line?
I am working with dynamic cloth and attempting to save a piece of cloth/clothing in the final stage of a timeline so that I can then use the VWD Pythin Script with DS Bridge to move hair into a 'dynamic' pose.
What I am having trouble with is understanding how to run a timeline from default pose to a set pose to posiiton the dynamic cloth in the final posed position and then save it as a final posed piece of cloth or morph. ONce I can do this I will then work on the hair......but how do I save the final stage of the cloth as a mor[h for the pose?
If you export the base item as OBJ, then the final shape as OBJ (hide everything else in the scene) you should be able to load as a morph with Morph Loader (Advanced or Pro). I'm not sure if that is what you want.
First of all, thank you Richard for the feed back. Not sure if this is what I want or not....will have to give it a try and see if it is.
Second, HOLY POOP my typing skills that night were absolutly garbage!!! Thank you for overlooking them and decifering what I was trying to say/ask....LOL
Heh, I have absolutely no room to comment on another person's typing.