What Is Going On With Carrara?



  • thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
    edited December 1969

    JonnyRay said:
    since the tragic death of the development of Carrara--

    Daz developed and released DSON for poser

    JonnyRay said:
    Since the near fatal delays--

    Further Genesis products such as the Freak and Teens (for which there was never a Gen4 release)

    For, since the release schedule... which, when it seemed about to recover, suddenly felt the icy hand of management upon them,...

    Daz has just pushed out an initial release of the install manager

    And we want this precious software to look upon us... as its most devoted owners -- in a very real, and legally binding sense.

    Okay, you lost me there.

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    edited December 1969

    Just a joke, trying to lighten the mood a bit. It's a parody of the Wedding Scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  • thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
    edited December 1969

    ah, its been too long since I've seen that movie. Now I'm off to defend my shrubbery!

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969


  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    My USEFUL and REASONABLE reply (if I do say so myself) which was DELETED.... :blank:
    said something like:

    1) DAZ's undesputed forte is content. Their pinnacle product to date is Genesis - a figure that is so advanced it requires ALL of the poserverse to be retooled. (However, it is retrocompatable with DAZ's catalog of figures and clothes, so it's not just the "new" figure, it's the "new figure that renews all the old figures"...)

    2) DAZ's obvious strategy with CARRARA is to leverage what they are best at (see above). That *is* the best strategy for DAZ....

    It may not be our favorite choice and it is not what Maya is doing, or Blender.... (see definition of "strategy" for further discussion)

    but there is no way DAZ will ever be in step with the industry leaders in dynamic liquid simulations or atmospheric dispersion, etc etc. We've recently gained animated OBJ in/out and MDD in/out via plugins so rather than DUPLICATING everything a free program can do..., or DUPLICATING everything a $3000 program can do..., we have better round-robin access to the specialized features of other programs -- that's the next best thing to a plugin (sometimes better)....

    Meanwhile speaking of plugins we currently have at least FIVE active plugin developers who have released updates or entirely new plugins in the last year.... Just sayin'

    Post edited by wetcircuit on
  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    JonnyRay said:
    Please, please! This is supposed to be a happy forum!

    Let's not bicker and argue about who insulted who. We are here today to discuss the future of our favorite 3D tools in the joyful hands of DAZ 3D. Unfortunately, one of them, Carrara 8.5, has fallen behind schedule. But we think I've not lost a tool, so much as... gained a beta! For, since the tragic death of the development of Carrara--

    DARTAN: It's not quite dead!

    Since the near fatal delays--

    DARTAN: They're back on schedule!

    For, since the release schedule... which, when it seemed about to recover, suddenly felt the icy hand of management upon them,...

    STANLEY: Oh, it's died!

    And we want this precious software to look upon us... as its most devoted owners -- in a very real, and legally binding sense.

    Very good pig county is Utah, with huge tracks of land ;)

    And for s**ts and giggles

    Daz_Dev: Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    Bring out your dead!
    doomsayer: Here's one -- nine pence.
    Carrara: I'm not dead!
    Daz_Dev: What?
    doomsayer: Nothing -- here's your nine pence.
    Carrara: I'm not dead!
    Daz_Dev: Here -- he says he's not dead!
    doomsayer: Yes, he is.
    Carrara: I'm not!
    Daz_Dev: He isn't.
    doomsayer: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
    Carrara: I'm getting better!
    doomsayer: No, you're not -- you'll be stone dead in a moment.
    Daz_Dev: Oh, I can't take him like that -- it's against regulations.
    Carrara: I don't want to go in the cart!
    doomsayer: Oh, don't be such a baby.
    Daz_Dev: I can't take him...
    Carrara: I feel fine!
    doomsayer: Oh, do us a favor...
    Daz_Dev: I can't.
    doomsayer: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't
    be long.
    Daz_Dev: Naaah, I got to go on to Robinson's -- they've lost nine
    doomsayer: Well, when is your next round?
    Daz_Dev: Daz Soon
    Carrara: I think I'll go for a walk.
    doomsayer: You're not fooling anyone y'know. Look, isn't there
    something you can do?
    Carrara: I feel happy... I feel happy.
    doomsayer: Ah, thanks very much.
    Daz_Dev: Not at all.
    doomsayer: Right.


    Post edited by None on
  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    edited December 1969

    Ok, this is veering more off-topic than I'd planned, but that whole movie has metaphors that can be applied to things in life. Even just that one scene like where the father talks about being told he was daft for building a castle in a swamp, but he did it anyway. Then it fell into the swamp. So he built another. And it fell into the swamp. Then he built a third .. it burned down then fell into the swamp, but the fourth one .. that stood up!

    Can't tell you how many software projects I've been part of that could be described in those terms. :)

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I started this thread asking questions as I have been away from Daz and 3D in general due to real life/illness issues, and was surprised at some of the things I have been hearing elsewhere and wanted to hear it from the horses mouth as it were, but as usual it goes off-topic or gets hijacked :/

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    thoromyr said:
    ManStan said:
    Oh yes, I just love blinders with rose colored lenses. Where can I get my set?

    I'd go on but it would be pointless, as you; or at least I, can't voice a negative opinion here. Regardless of how founded in fact it is.

    I'm not sure who or what you are responding to as "blinders with rose colored lenses". Could you be more specific? If it was in response to my post are you disputing the facts (that Daz has continued to develop Carrara despite vocal doomsayers)?

    Or are you just offering up opinion, such as I did when I opined that it only makes sense for Daz to release an upgrade -- for which they will be paid -- that they have already sunk considerable resources into? Opinions are great, everyone has them. But not everyone's opinion is appreciated in the sharing. I take it you do not appreciate some of the opinions voiced here?

    Oh I have no issues with the opinions being expressed here, I have issues with not being able to post counter opinions. In my opinion many of the opinions being posted are far too optimistic, but then you can't actual post anything pessimistic; unless you are joemomma, with out the post being pulled. What this means is what you read on the forum is all one sided, because the other side can't be presented.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited February 2013

    Opinions are one thing Unfounded speculation presented as fact is something different.

    You note we even allow bad parodies of Monty Python sketches.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    chohole said:
    Opinions are one thing Unfounded speculation presented as fact is something different.

    You note we even allow bad parodies of Monty Python sketches.

    Yes, but only when it supports the optimistic views.

    I will also point out I have been right in my "unfounded speculations" 11 out of 14 times.
    More over I don't see the optimistic side to be any less "unfounded speculations". If anything the optimists are ignoring any facts that don't support their optimism.

    Edit to add for the opposing viewpoint


    Post edited by ManStan on
  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    edited December 1969

    I started this thread asking questions as I have been away from Daz and 3D in general due to real life/illness issues, and was surprised at some of the things I have been hearing elsewhere and wanted to hear it from the horses mouth as it were, but as usual it goes off-topic or gets hijacked :/
    Sorry. Guilty as charged. As I have probably been away from Carrara even longer than you have, and don't have much to add to "what is going on..." I'll go back to lurking this topic. :)
  • thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
    edited December 1969


    Oh, vile rogue, that would say such things -- to women and children no less!

    1) DAZ’s undesputed forte is content. Their pinnacle product to date is Genesis - a figure that is so advanced it requires ALL of the poserverse to be retooled. (However, it is retrocompatable with DAZ’s catalog of figures and clothes, so it’s not just the “new” figure, it’s the “new figure that renews all the old figures”...)

    2) DAZ’s obvious strategy with CARRARA is to leverage what they are best at (see above). That *is* the best strategy for DAZ….

    well said (along with the rest of your post).

    doomsayer: Here’s one—nine pence.
    Carrara: I’m not dead!
    Daz_Dev: What?
    doomsayer: Nothing—here’s your nine pence.
    Carrara: I’m not dead!

    Too long to quote in whole, but I've always enjoyed the "I'm not dead yet" parts.

    doomsayer: Well, when is your next round?
    Daz_Dev: Daz Soon


    I started this thread asking questions as I have been away from Daz and 3D in general due to real life/illness issues, and was surprised at some of the things I have been hearing elsewhere and wanted to hear it from the horses mouth as it were, but as usual it goes off-topic or gets hijacked :/

    Welcome to the forums (which definitely aren't the horse's mouth...), but rumors about the imminent death of Carrara have been around for at least as long as I've been a member. Fortunately, that has turned out to be an event with the timing of Daz Soon.

    Opinions are one thing Unfounded speculation presented as fact is something different.

    Which seems to be most of what floats around the forums. Possibly due to lack of information. ("There will be a big/major/amazing announcement in February. No, really, this one will be it. No, it isn't (just) the new installer. Can't say more.")

    Please note, I'm not faulting the fine forum trolls -- it can be frustrating to know more and not be able to say what it is. And Daz wants to manage its press releases, understood. But without meaningful information people end up speculating and some of them get a bit angry when their favorite speculation doesn't pan out.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited December 1969

    I am beta testing some software that will need the C8.5 beta next month for another company
    perhaps it is a deal with THEM for collaboration
    cannot say
    cannot say what little I do not know
    have said too much already but actually do not know

    it is NOT Autodesk btw!!!! ;-P

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    edited December 1969

    thoromyr said:
    chohole said:
    Opinions are one thing Unfounded speculation presented as fact is something different.

    Which seems to be most of what floats around the forums. Possibly due to lack of information. ("There will be a big/major/amazing announcement in February. No, really, this one will be it. No, it isn't (just) the new installer. Can't say more.")

    Please note, I'm not faulting the fine forum trolls -- it can be frustrating to know more and not be able to say what it is. And Daz wants to manage its press releases, understood. But without meaningful information people end up speculating and some of them get a bit angry when their favorite speculation doesn't pan out.
    There is also the issue that what feels like "soon" to someone for whom this is a job which needs to be balanced with the rest of their workload, a view of the progress going on behind the scenes, and a real life away from work with which to balance things, doesn't feel like "soon" to people who hit Refresh on the forum page several times a day hoping that "soon" meant today.

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    edited December 1969

    it is NOT Autodesk btw!!!! ;-P

    See! Some good news right there!

    Or some good anti-news.

    Either way, made me smile. :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:

    Yes, but only when it supports the optimistic views.

    Hmm, not quite certain that it did really support the optimists, but who am I to say.

    I am after all an optimistic Brycer, which could be considered by some to be a contradiction in terms. :coolsmirk:

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    I am after all an optimistic Brycer, which could be considered by some to be a contradiction in terms. :coolsmirk:
    Kind of like being an optimistic Cubs fan. :P
  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I am beta testing some software that will need the C8.5 beta next month for another company
    perhaps it is a deal with THEM for collaboration
    cannot say
    cannot say what little I do not know
    have said too much already but actually do not know

    it is NOT Autodesk btw!!!! ;-P

    Oh good! Because I need a lot of hand-holding getting my V3 and A3 figures into iClone so I can do the mocap-kinnect thing and then send it back to Carrara..., any collaboration between these two companies that involves Carrara gives me hope...

    And if we could just get 3DCoat's Applink for Carrara, too... yes yes yes please? :wow:

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    I rest my case.

    Edit to add

    " But without meaningful information people end up speculating and some of them get a bit angry when their favorite speculation doesn’t pan out."

    If only. I'd be happy if my pessimistic assumptions didn't pan out as often as they do.

    Post edited by ManStan on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited February 2013

    the Daz figures import better from studio
    iClone supports Carrara rigging
    got mmoir's man in no worries

    lol, it is no huge secret what I am beta testing maybe
    hopefully those morphs I made in carrara will work in the update

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    For those who haven't visited the Animation forum:
    Sub7th made this video, the 3d portions of which are 90% Carrara, 10% Cinema 4D r11
    Belles Wake - Penelope

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    too many great news here.. a brand new content manager... our beloved adminstrator very talkative....wendy on the runway...
    my head is spinning around and we're still in early February /#

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    again, I never said I was leaving or asking if it was dead, I asked what is happening as I have heard many things from many people.

    I did say that IF Carrara was going to fall by the way side i MAY have to look at another program, but UNTIL i knew for sure, I would hold off on spending money on Daz or any other program.

    If I thought there was no point in using Carrara anymore or that it was dead why would I have bought Howies Scene and asked him about a possible fix???

    Asking questions is not making a statement, it is about getting answers, but I get others see in posts like mine what they want to see :/

    thoromyr said:

    Welcome to the forums (which definitely aren't the horse's mouth...), but rumors about the imminent death of Carrara have been around for at least as long as I've been a member. Fortunately, that has turned out to be an event with the timing of Daz Soon..

    They have been here since I started using C6 too, but I was not implying about it's death, I was asking about it's current state :)

    Post edited by None on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Anything you hear from any user is pure speculation and should be taken with a grain of salt. Only go by what DAZ 3D says.

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    When they say it - but they don't say much ;)

    That is why I came here, submitting anything to daz's help desk never gets answer, at least my last two enquiries anyway

    Could you work some Daz voodoo magic and let us know, who do we have to wait for when ever this announcement may be

  • thoromyrthoromyr Posts: 452
    edited December 1969

    When they say it - but they don't say much ;)

    That is why I came here, submitting anything to daz's help desk never gets answer, at least my last two enquiries anyway

    Could you work some Daz voodoo magic and let us know, who do we have to wait for when ever this announcement may be

    You've been around since C6, but you aren't familiar with Daz's "don't tell" policy? Or that users will speculate wildly, but basically none of us have any special information? Or, if we did, we'd be under an NDA?

    Daz has said there'll be a "big" announcement in Feb. According to one Daz forum moderator (or whatever the appropriate title is) the Install Manager was only part of it -- that there was more to come. This is Feb 5th so there are a few more days in February. Asking, wheedling, insinuations, threats and cajoling all fail to move Daz. If they end up announcing nothing, it will probably change from "big announcement in February" to "Daz Soon".

    But don't take my word for it -- reviewing the forums for past events will bear out those observations.

    To more specifically answer your question:

    (...) who do we have to wait for when ever this announcement may be

    Whoever the current PR flak is, I'd assume. I really don't keep up with that. You could review the employee roster if you really care. If it isn't really all that big it may just be revealed by one of the rank and file (Richard maybe?) but ultimately, other than any official announcement will have to be made by a Daz employee its all guessing.

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    Daz doesnt tell the PA's stuff and they ARE under an NDA, and I know that for fact as I was one, they don't trust the vendors not too leak information, and that was from Daz_Kevin, big deal about the install manager, not like we all haven't been doing ti manually for years, wanting to know what is going on with a program I paid for is not un-reasonable, although I guess to some on this forum it is.

    Post edited by None on
  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited February 2013

    Daz doesnt tell the PA's stuff and they ARE under an NDA, and I know that for fact as I was one, they don't trust the vendors not too leak information, and that was from Daz_Kevin, big deal about the install manager, not like we all haven't been doing ti manually for years, wanting to know what is going on with a program I paid for is not un-reasonable, although I guess to some on this forum it is.

    Not unreasonable at all (you did buy it "as is"), just that experience shows that since DAZ opened for business they do not tell you anything until they are ready to. So relax and go about your business, and do what you can with what you have. That's what I do. Much less stressful! :)

    Post edited by Kevin Sanderson on
  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Doing a howie scene, already stressed :)

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