Outfit fit-to, but maintain shape
Hi everyone
Is there a way to have a piece of clothing fit to a figure (genesis 2 in this case), but maintain it's shape.
I've imported clothing as a fbx file, and the shape as soon as I import is the one I want it to have when on g2f. However, when I use transfer utility to fit it to g2f, it becomes to small and doesn't fit correctly.
I'm looking for a way to fit like clothing, but not change the actual shape when I 'fit-to'. Is this possible?
Does the clothing line up with the zeroed figure when you import it, or was it modelled around a morph?
Thank you for you reply.
It was modeled around a morph, and your question actually started my brain thinking in a certain way and I was able to solve it myself.
Here's the full situation in case anyone in the future needs it:
The problem : I wanted to decimate an outfit so that a character could wear it in Unity3d. When decimating the outfit though, it lost it's shape. I read elsewhere on the forum that to do this well, you should decimate the model, then export as an fbx, then import the fbx and apply to the Genesis. However, the now decimated figure did not fit my G2f properly.
The solution : Load a part of the outfit from you library (in my case the corset), but without the figure to conform/fit it to (ie, just the outfit, not Genesis 2). Decimate the outfit, them export to fbx. Create a new scene, load up your Genesis 2 character without clothing. Now, import the fbx version outfit you created. Have this item of clothing 'fit-to' the Genesis figure. You should now have a decimated item of clothing that is fairly low res and fit your character perfectly. Repeat for as many items of clothing you need.