New Live Tuition Rigging Masterclass with Esha (commercial)

Rigging is of course one of the more challenging steps of creating content. In this new live webinar we’re applying rigging to something very specific during this two hour session; necklaces.
We start with learning how to rig a base necklace and then moving onto more complex examples. Learn how to bring your designs to life with Esha’s thorough demonstration of the rigging process.
Gaining live tuition on rigging is a top investment for your workflow and the application of rigging you'll see in this session can be easily applied to other props and clothing.
It’s all done step by step, turning your fixed creations into animatable props.
We'll be sharing this as a live masterclass then the recording of this will be available in the DAZ store.
In this masterclass we go through in detail:-
- The Transfer Tool
- Tweaking Weight Maps
- JCMs
- Creating a base (or simple necklace)
- Creating a poseable necklace
- Adding additional bones
- Adjusting for movements and body shapes
- Generating a Necklace with Pendants
- Rigged
- Rigid Follow Node
Q&A sessions are included after each section; take advantage of this live webinar and drill down to explore your rigging problems with these kinds of props.
Webinar Date, Time and Duration
Saturday May 6th – 20:00 BST (London)/12:00 PDT (Los Angeles)/15:00 EDT (New York)
The session is to last up to 2 hours.
Presented by Esha
Were these webinar's recorded? I really wish I had know about this one, I would have attended. Are the webinars advertised on Facebook or anywhere else? :-(
My guess is it will be in the store here at Daz in the near future ,as with the other webinars :)
Link to store :
All our live webinars are announced at You can sign up for our free magazine (it includes the PDF version) and we'll include announcements of new webinars in our newsletter.
Rigging with Necklaces is in the PASS pipeline at the moment and I anticipate it to be in the store by next week at some point.
Excellent, thank you for the info, I'll be on the lookout for the tutorial, can't wait!
The Necklace Rigging Tutorial has now been released in the store:-