Maximum Madness (commercial) (violence)

Still a work in progress and no telling when it will be done.

1600 x 900 - 454K

1600 x 900 - 582K

1600 x 900 - 566K

1600 x 900 - 1M

1600 x 900 - 635K
Post edited by DzFire on
Love the dirt man!!
Models like these are the reason I love working in 3D. Some serious mad max nostalgia here.
I'm generally not big on cars but that's pretty darn sexy :thumbsup:
This one hits every right note. If I didn't have a need for it already I'd build a idea around it.
Can see a "Death Race" going through the neverworlds ;)
Look at the blower man! Look at the blower!
Can you say glossy dirt?
Can i pre order it? :)
i want it ! great work
Waaaaay tooooo cooooool!
I love the mat choices oh and the modelling. LOL Great stuff DzFire
My poor poor credit card...... :lol:
On steroids (oh and ditto on everything). By the way, me likes! :D
So perfect. Love it. the grunge version.
Outstanding !!!
Gah! Must have for Road Warrior renders! Who run Barter Town? Apparently, DZFire does! :snake:
sweet ride dude3 :)
where do I sign....
Love it!
Wow! another one I can't go without... >:D
I love to see what is in the works...but I hate to have to wait till it is available...
Part of the add-on set
AHHHH a vehicle for the main character of "survivors of the Fire" RPG. Must have ;-)
That's one cool ride there. Any chance knowing if there will be driver and passenger poses for Genesis/V4/jM4?? the accessories.
Some "urban combat" options would be great as well. I could see this as a very secure way for your team's "wagger" to get yours' and your chummers' hoops out of (or into if you preferred) a "Z-Zone" during a Saturday Night Firefight.
(yah am a veteran of the Shadowrun RPG, all the way back to the "pink Mohawk" days of the 1st edition rules)
Sweet! Looking forward to the release.
I was going to do three extra sets but decided to combine them into one monster package. Included are the nomad set (above), police package, and the super duper armor and weapons pack.
And as a freebie, a zombie snow plow (can mount to any poser vehicle). Pictures coming soon. ;)
...zombie Snowplough? Like that option.
Armor is about finished. A few rocket launchers and beefed up bumper and it's done. Then to finish up the snowplow