Released- Ahmad for Genesis 3 Male (Commercial)

Ahmad (Meaning of the name: Highly/Much Praised) is a Middle Eastern inspired male for your runtime, with a secondary skin set for a Djinn-like look.
Included in this set is two full skin sets, each with unique aspects rather than direct copies.
There is an additional preset to have the hand/finger scarring glow using a light emitter shader.
Materials are Iray based only.
Anatomical Elements for both sets included.

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Post edited by DarwinsMishap on
Looks great Darwin! I don't think I've seen anyone do an emissive skin, very interesting.
Thank you! I think there's a G3F on the other site done with emissives as well, but I rarely hit up that store lately. Been too busy. There's so much to try and bash into working as is. lol
Yum... Going to be a very versatile guy
Very nice! Love the skin tones and the details. I have I have a few projects that could use this guy.
The promos turned out great!
Thank you, everyone! :)
Already been following this one, but glad to see he's official. Yaay! :) Great job!
Thank you so much!
Can't wait! Instant buy for me. Love all the options!
Thank you very much, I do hope you enjoy him when he's released. :)
Wow...he is stunning
Thank you!
Waiting for this guy to hit the store, he turned out great and has absolute stunning options, thanks for all the work you put into him!
+1 to infiinity
Ditto :)
Thank you, everyone! He's here!
Yay! Congrats on your new release! It's really fun to watch the whole process here. Pretty amazing.
aw, thank you. :) I always enjoyed watching others' work, when I came across the WIP's and found several inspiring. I'm so glad others enjoy my forray into insanity as well!
Yep, got him, playing around now, and he ist really well made! Hope a render is soon to come.
Oh, thank you! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
Ahmad goes to Outer Space...
A very easy purchase!
Wow...Love both of these, thank you for posting them! I'm so glad you've enjoyed using him.
Space Djinn Ahmad with a wife/significant other, through the magic of UV swap. (She uses a Facegen morph of my own creation, plus some Genevieve).
They look great! Love his blue hair!
Great image- I agree, the blue hair looks awesome and the UV swap works great here. Time to get some romance on, I think. XD
*queues up Prince's Purple Rain album*
here is my version: No bro, not going back into that bottle...
LOL, Llynara!
Love this, Linwelly! That attitude is perfect, thank you!