How to change the fold for the contents of the Cararra?

Since I am using Windows 7 that my C drive can not bigger than 2TB.
So, I want to install all the contens for DAZ Studio and Cararra to my E drive.
I just found the install packages of the DAZ Studio do go to E drive but not the installl packages of the Cararra .
How come?
PS: the programs DAZ Studio and Carrara are all installed on C drive.
Post edited by Leo Chen on
well you can because mine is on my E drive but admittedly I did not use DIM to install my programs, I did manual installs except for the 4.9 beta, just pointed it to them after.
For the purposes of DIM, add a new listing on the APPLICATIONS tab in settings with the path you want Carrara content to go to, and remove the existing path. You'll need a Carrara person to tell you how to tell Carrara to look there.
Thank you,Fixmypcmike.
You can see that I want the Carrara being installed on C drive and its contents on E drive.
I have added the Carrara on Applications tab.
Thank you, the3Digit.
I am trying to figure out how to use DIM to auto-install the Carrara's contents on E drive while the Cararra itself on C drive.
I finally got my head around this when I faced the same problem... I have even put my DS and Carrara programmes on my E drive. See screenshot to right. For Content see screenshot below right. At the bottom of that lower right image you see the drop down menu can toggle between the DAZ + Poser Content or Carrara. If you buy mixed application items, be sure you download the Carrara ones to the CARRARA directory and then change to the DAZ + Poser directory for the remaining ones. I have to mind this. I have other Runtime directories for things that come from outside of the realm of DIM, ShareCG, etc, but it is not necessary.
HOWEVER, as my DIM was installed on the C: drive and I didn't want to mess with that, the downloaded files (those zips) which personally I do not want to have deleted once downloaded, accumulate on the C: drive as in below left screenshot. Those zips take up a LOT of mbs... so I manually transfer them by copy and paste to an archive on the E drive as well. I know when I am in trouble there after a shopping spree as my C: drive directory bar changes to red. I see I have accumulated some files that need moving and had forgotten, so will do that today. I put them in a separate directory on E as they are an archive as far as I am concerned. I actually am probably going to probably relocate them to an external hard drive. I worry about the future and DAZ Connect and/or another crash and do not want to go through all that re-downloading again.
Thank you again, was you that helped me last year!
I am not sure if you can do that exactly with DIM... perhaps it has to do with the thumbnail icons and various other browser utilities you need to 'see', like shaders? Otherwise I don't think you would know what you have. I have made new shaders, eg eyeballs...irises, pupils, lighting, reflections, lashes, etc from texture map files that I put in a project file on the external F: drive. When I drag the shader info down into the shader browser... it lives as a cbr file in the Carrara programme's Shader file under Presets, but the actual files that made the shader are on the external drive and I can change them there and update the Shader browser and the cbr updates.
@the3Digit... Wendy, do you get the browser icons when you do this manually with the Carrara content products?
I do keep all my project files on my external drive, which is F: drive for me. But stuff that I want to save to the Carrara browser, those go where the programme lives and for me the Carrara programme is on E: drive.
Sorry, if that confused you, but I wanted you to know you can have programmes on the E: drive.
Carrara *requires* the contents to be in its program folder (or inside the package if you're on a Mac). It won't find them or use them if they're anywhere else.
The only way to have the contents physically on a different drive is to create a virtual folder (or alias in Mac terms) for the content, to fool the OS into thinking it's still in the proper place. (It's a redirect or shortcut, like "My Documents" that could be physically located anywhere)
Whew...thanks TangoA.... I got a bit long-winded, but meant the same thing. I just wanted the poster to know the programme can be on his E: drive if he wants. I also suffer from a puny C: drive.
I am on Windows
icons depend on if preview render ticked when saved/exported most of my own have none.
Nope. Carrara-specific content gets installed to the programs installation folder.
The way around this would be to download manually and drag the contents where you want them, and then add the needed folders to the browser
So we'd need to "Know" what it is we're doing. Here's an easy way, but one could get as custom as they like on their own, with the danger of having very little to no support from anyone. The more custom we want to be with our stuff, the more we have to take things apart on our own time to figure out how to make it work.
The reason DIM does what it does is to make things easier on the end user. Deviating from that gets into the custom range, which is where we need to realize that we're now leaving the support of the company, and putting potential headaches into our own hands.
Easy Method
On the other drive, make a single folder called "Carrara Stuff" or whatever you want it to be called.
Always drag your stuff into that folder the same way. So if you open the compressed folder to Content and drag that into the new folder, you'll need to Always do it that way or you'll 'break' your own structure.
I would suggest opening the Content folder and selecting all of that and dragging that into the folder we've just made, so you don't always have to go through that extra folder to get to your stuff.
Now, the hard part, even when we let DIM install the stuff to the default location, is that different content artists have different methods of delivering content to Carrara.
Inside the folder (after installing your Carrara content there) look for a folder called Scenes and another called Presets
Scenes is the only one that is not under Presets, and some artists might put a Scenes folder inside Presets
Inside Carrara, go to the correct tab in the browser, and use the File/Folder menu to Add Folder as follows:
Scene tab - Add any Scenes folders you can find
Objects tab - Add the folder Objects, found inside Presets - note that some atists may have other requirements, so read their readme's
Again... you're opening a can of worms. I wish you wouldn't.
Here are two articles I've written which may help you
Daz Install Manager - Installing Custom Poser Runtimes
Basic walkthrough of designing your own custom runtime structure
Your Carrara Browser
Making great stuff isn't as cool if you can't remember where you put it. Let's get some good habits going right from the start
Leo Chen, I'm also using two drives. It's pretty easy to put DAZ products used in Carrara on an E drive, but as Dart says, it is trickier to do the same with Carrara-specific products.
So, I allow DIM to put all DAZ content on the storage drive (in your case, the E drive), and all Carrara-specific content on the program drive (C).
And even though my program drive is only an 80 gig SSB drive (and windows takes up half of that), so far I have managed just fine.
Perhaps I should have been clear that my E: drive is part of the CPU, not external... that's the F: drive.
For some reason when my build was put together, the C & E are not shared... (there's a name for that setup I cannot recall).
All works fine. I could not have Carrara or DAZ programmes on C: drive as it's ridiculously small being only about 215 GB. The DIM downloads alone send me into the red zone for the drive filling up. Happily the E: is about 2 TB as is the external F also being 2TB.
I have all my heavyweight programmes on E: drive... Zbrush, Blender, Poser, DS, Carrara, Silo, Howler and CrazyBump. Also my Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, PS, Dreamweaver, Flash etc) along with some e-Pub creation software.
It would be impossible to have even just the DAZ software on C... don't know why the build came to me that way....
Thanks for the refresher articles, Dart... I have been following your customisation tips for the browser, especially FOLDER STRUCTURING ever since I got Carrara because it's the only one that makes sense! I save all my kitted out, plus some naked base ones, characters and their props in categories vs chasing weird names/artists which don't always match. Thank you again for that, it's a huge time saver! I also love that in your Woodlands, Badlands, etc you put specific instruction in the tree so that the options are easily seen for choosing.
You know you can change the download location of the files in DiM to your bigger drive...
I love how customizeable DIM is!
Oh, doh
.... I didn't think about THAT option. Cheers both! 