GPU-accelerated Bokeh Blur, new in PD Pro 8.2

staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
edited December 1969 in Daz PA Commercial Products

This tutorial is a bit more into Photography, but of course you could do this on a 3D rendered landscape scene as well. Or an industrial design, where you want to bring the attention to something in the scene and blur the rest around or behind it. The idea is to select parts of the image with a gradient selection and apply a sophisticated blur effect that mimics camera iris shapes. The amount and size of blur is affected by the depth of selection. We call it Bokeh Blur - the new and enhanced custom blur in Dogwaffle 8.2, now also with GPU acceleration

8.2 is not out yet, if you order v7.x here at DAZ you get a free upgrade to v8.


  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited December 1969 - this is another tutorial, the final stages of terrain/landscape designs but talks about a lot of filters, some of wich also of value for photography, such as selecting the bight tones, midtones or dark zones and adding or canging color, saturation or whatever

  • TigrestripeTigrestripe Posts: 65
    edited December 1969

    This tutorial is a bit more into Photography, but of course you could do this on a 3D rendered landscape scene as well. Or an industrial design, where you want to bring the attention to something in the scene and blur the rest around or behind it. The idea is to select parts of the image with a gradient selection and apply a sophisticated blur effect that mimics camera iris shapes. The amount and size of blur is affected by the depth of selection. We call it Bokeh Blur - the new and enhanced custom blur in Dogwaffle 8.2, now also with GPU acceleration

    8.2 is not out yet, if you order v7.x here at DAZ you get a free upgrade to v8.

    Ah, excellent! How does one go about getting the upgrade from here at Daz? I bought 7.2 yesterday from Daz.


  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited December 1969

    Ah, excellent! How does one go about getting the upgrade from here at Daz? I bought 7.2 yesterday from Daz.


    I saw your email, I'll contact you directly.

    To all other users who have bought Dogwaffle at Daz since the beginning of February: We're offering a free version upgrade through the end of February for orders at DAZ.

    If you order PD Artist 6 you get PD Artist 7.
    If you order PD Howler 7 you get PD Howler 8.

    In order to get the upgrade please contact me by email admin at thebest3d. At some point we hope to have v8.2 on Daz directly but it's not released yet. Probably just a few more days.

    project dogwaffle at

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited February 2013

    P. Staigerman,
    I will be Howling very soon - as soon as tax return makes it to my account.
    I have a Project Dogwaffle Pro thread started that is linked to the new Carrara Information Manual thread.
    So far, all I've been talking about is how impressive this software looks - simply by going over the details of it.

    But then I started getting some proper Daily Doses into me. Now I'm a Howler without my Waffling Brushes :( Sad Puppy!
    That will soon come to an end and I know that this is the perfect software complement to Carrara for animation post work - and I intend to prove that through that thread, so if you ever feel like dropping by and leaving a comment, question, news, we'd be truly honored.
    (No need to break away, though. I know you must be very busy)

    Your Daily Dose tutorials are the best darned TV period. I downloaded and printed out a hardcopy of the Help file (all 276 pages) and bound it. Nice hard-bound PD Pro manual - which is very well laid out and goes into great detail what PD Pro tools are and such. But through the dose, the inspiration and knowledge from the tips and tricks... heck there are even times when you learn new stuff while your showing US what to do... I love that! I haven't made an oil painting in many, many years - but I'm really good at it. Once I can Howl like a Good Dog, I'll be able to paint and waffle the work I've done in Carrara, where I sculpt out animation files that look great the way they are, but once they get Howled and Waffled, they'll be outstanding - I really look forward to it.

    I'm also planning to show some of these great "Director" types in our forum, how PD Pro would be the perfect tool for Previz Storyboarding!
    The power of the brush and multiple capture capabilities like that... and then go in and Drop Magenta... the conceptual designer is free to waffle and howl the story right into the minds of those who need to see it. He could even tell the team what sort of images he needs - if he doesn't have the time or inclination. Yo Wendy, I need a Barking Elephant and a Gymnast on the bars., etc., Daniel, I need a talking horse! lol

    Sorry for going on so,

    I'm not all that excited about a whole lot of computer stuff. Don't really play games - just make art. Carrara is my baby. I can do anything in here - except that I now see that every clip needs to be howled before it's done.
    Thanks for all of the great TV. If I don't get my daily dose, I'll...
    Hnmpf, better not even go there!

    112 x 178 - 5K
    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited December 1969

    Ah, excellent! How does one go about getting the upgrade from here at Daz? I bought 7.2 yesterday from Daz.


    I saw your email, I'll contact you directly.

    Hi DaRkWyNdE, I just sent you an email with the 8.2 upgrade info.

    8.2 Howler edition is now released.


  • TigrestripeTigrestripe Posts: 65
    edited December 1969

    Ah, excellent! How does one go about getting the upgrade from here at Daz? I bought 7.2 yesterday from Daz.


    I saw your email, I'll contact you directly.

    Hi DaRkWyNdE, I just sent you an email with the 8.2 upgrade info.

    8.2 Howler edition is now released.


    I have it. Thank you very much and for the great customer service!

  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited December 1969

    You're welcome.

    There are a few others who ordered PD Pro 6 or 7 this month, or PD Particles. I can't reach them. I hope they can read this, and contact me. They too are entitled to a version update such as from v6 to v7, or PD Particles to v6

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited February 2013

    I'm really looking forward to Waffling and Howling in Project Dogwaffle Pro! That dog gone check couldn't get here too fast... Argh... I hate waiting! lol
    A worthy wait, however. And in the meantime, Philip and Dan are teaching me all about it in The Daily Dose! An amazing collection of tutorials and examples!
    Thanks all!

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited December 1969

    Our email address is on the 'About' section of the website,

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