The Music Video Thread II :



  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    Cookie anybody?

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Cookie Monster was a fake, he never actually ate a cookie in his life, you only think he did. If you look closely at any Cookie Monster footage, you can see what he really does with it. It's like what was being discussed the other day; it's not what you know, it's who you know, and quite frankly I'm a bit pissed-off that Cookie Monster has landed himself a record deal just because he pretends to eat cookies.

    He definitely has contacts on Sesame Street, don't care what anyone says, he can't sing for cookies.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    pumeco said:
    Cookie Monster was a fake, he never actually ate a cookie in his life, you only think he did. If you look closely at any Cookie Monster footage, you can see what he really does with it. It's like what was being discussed the other day; it's not what you know, it's who you know, and quite frankly I'm a bit pissed-off that Cookie Monster has landed himself a record deal just because he pretends to eat cookies.

    He definitely has contacts on Sesame Street, don't care what anyone says, he can't sing for cookies.

    He may not have had a great voice, but the sincerity and emotion he put into his music won over the record company execs.

    That's right, he got the contract because HE FELT.

    BTW, who remembers the episode where he learns healthy eating habits?

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    That's right, he got the contract because HE FELT.

    Oh he felt something alright, it was the puppeteers hand right up his...

    Anyway, can't remember any specific episode, but I always remember four of the characters; Cookie Monster, the purple vampire who was always "count"-ing, and the big yellow one, Big Bird. Have to say though, Big Bird used to annoy me, I mean really annoy me, never could stand Big Bird. My favourite was that scruffy one, Grouch, Grouchie, or Groucho I think he was called. Everyone had a their place but he preferred to live in a bin on the street. He used to pop his head out of the bin, say stuff about the others, then hide away again - lol

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    OMG it's Oscar, that's what his name was, Oscar the Grouch!!!

    Here he just found a cell-phone, awesome character:

    400 x 303 - 41K
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Do not get me started on Rush. Way to many great songs to pick from, I saw 2112 live. Great concert.

    Awwww now I am jealous!! No promoter's gonna bring them here ever...

    Frank0314 said:
    I grew up listening to Rush. Great band, great songs. My wife is a die-hard.

    Just think there are journalists out there who believe Rush has no female fanbase! =D Ooh they're wrong...

    More Rush awesomeness, this time in the form of a Neil Peart drum solo!!

    pumeco said:

    And yes indeed, the "The Matrix Code" design people recognise was actually taken from Ghost in the Shell. A lot of big movies are based on anime, especially Tarantino films. Spielberg is about to have a go now, he's been granted the job of making a live action version of Ghost in the Shell. Should be good if he keeps it true to the anime and manages to capture the mood of the film.

    Now I know why Tarantino stuff always seemed recycled to me.
    A live action version sounds interesting, but on the other hand... whom are they going to cast?? Noomi Rapace?

    pumeco said:

    Regards the two links, I couldn't reach the first one, seems like it's blocked in the UK.

    How cute. It's our leading news agency site. Smoldering ambers of the cold war?

    pumeco said:

    I mentioned water because that's a perfect example of it. There is no way on this earth that £50 per month for water can be justified. They're not pumping liquid gold through the taps, it's just water.

    Well from an environmentalist point of view, it is liquid gold actually. Ask around somewhere in the Sahara.

    But is it just the cold water or hot water too? And is it per person, per square meter or per an apartment? The three of us in this apartment pay about £10 per month for cold water, but it's the same £50 per month for hot water, so £60 overall for three people.

    pumeco said:
    the poor in this country are left with nothing net taxes and utilities.

    Basically this is the same that the ITAR TASS article was saying about Russia.

    pumeco said:

    It's like I said, we're screwed senseless here - the UK is for rich people - nice place if you can afford it. Even as we speak I'm looking into emigrating. I tried Bulgaria a few years ago, was going to buy a run-down wreck of a place for around four to five thousand and do it up a bit at a time. That was going to be my escape from this place. It would have meant a totally different lifestyle and I was really looking forward to it, didn't work out though - couldn't find anywhere.
    I must spend 90% of my online time figuring a way out of this place, thank god for the internet!

    I sincerely wish you good luck. Just don't try Latvia, a friend of mine had to move to the UK from there because there are no jobs in Latvia.

    Regards the Russian bloodline, I agree, I think that makes sense due to all the countries that border Russia

    No, no, not just the bordering countries. Look at the map: Russia takes up almost the whole Eurasia continent. Russia is an empire that has slowly expanded across the Ural mountains over the centuries, sucking in more and more diverse Asian cultures. And even before the days of the empire and its Eastern expansion, the original European Russia was an amalgamation of several dozens of Slavic, Finno-Ugric and Tatar peoples, from the river Volga up to the Karelian isthmus.

    A major //forced// cultural unification occurred during the Soviet days, and it's been the main cultural export, and up to now most people think "Russian" when they should think "Soviet". Still, local cultures survived, and obviously nations survived, even though the Soviet era ushered in a lot of ethnic mixing, too.

    And then, there's always the nomad nations like the Gypsies, and then there's the ubiquitous Jews... and actual immigrants... try throwing them all together and see if all the available Genesis morphs are enough to replicate all the looks LOL

    BTW that new Ksenia character doesn't look that typically Russian to me, I've seen women that look like her, but they're rare here and somewhat coveted LOL

    , and actually, I just posted that "Russian Girls" video out of fun to see if you'd call me anything. I used Ascania's post as an excuse to post it. I thought after all that stuff I posted about retro women, me getting excited about a stereotypical babe video, you might say something witty.

    I was expecting to be called a sexist pig or something like that :-D

    I just thought it was a bit of a display of involuntary ignorance, y'know. That's not "Russian red", it´s "Soviet red" actually, for starters =P And the screenshot looked so hilariously stereotyped (blondes in camo pants, oh really, how Russian), I thought it's going to be a yet another boring sexploitation vid with a supposedly exotic flavour, so I didn't even watch. //there's enough real Russian sexploitation in pop music vids on local TV//

    And who am I to call a male a male? =)

    All in all, I can't blame you, only the culture that reared you...

    On a related note... Have a look at the videos by Amaranthe, one of my favourite Scandinavian MDM (melodic death metal) bands. Elize Ryd rocks quite a seductress image onstage =) And she can sing... I also love the story in the Hunger video, some may say still it's cheesy, but I haven't seen that much action movie-like plots in rock vids.

    not only is it a feminine thing to do (making clothes)

    Tell this to the fashion designers, will you? =D They're mostly male!

    Actually I am a feminist so I do not believe activities should be "feminine" or "masculine" - I've been denied one too many jobs in engineering because I am "the wrong gender". I believe that the biological sex we're born into only makes a difference when planning a family (who's gonna do the breastfeeding?) or doing sports, we should not judge each others' mental abilities by it.

    I firmly believe most of the "psychological differences" between human males and females are cultural. There's enough striking differences between various cultures (both current and historic) to challenge the Western stereotypes of what's "proper" for a man or a woman.

    They just don't wear fancy stuff like that over here, most women here wear boring stuff they pick-up at the superstore, and apart from them having slight differences between them, they're practically all the same (and therefore so are the women that wear them).

    Not that many people wear fancy stuff here as well, but it's mostly a matter of money. Knitting and crocheting is more affordable here, so it's a popular pastime for women and some men (don't forget, historically knitting was for men only... like high heels... ah, times, they change). I just don't like the crocheted/knit look (maybe because it's popular here? Especially in winter, when almost everyone wears something like that, ready-made or self-made).

    Regards the Europe video, have to say I got the hots for that big Gothic house in the background :-P

    I agree, the house is the true star of the vid!

    Anyway, time for me to grab a midnight snack, a can of Strongbow, and watch Spice and Wolf episode 3.

    Strongbow, what's that?
    And enjoy Spice and Wolf, it's just getting to the point! =)

  • TapiocaTundraTapiocaTundra Posts: 268
    edited December 1969

    It it interesting that some music videos consist usually of a lot of attractive graphics with equally well rehearsed miming, done to the extent that it appears that the artists are actually performing for us, it all becomes sort of believable.
    Here is what I suppose you could call a music video, a bit of fun from around 1965

    The Who,..Can't Explain.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It it interesting that some music videos consist usually of a lot of attractive graphics with equally well rehearsed miming, done to the extent that it appears that the artists are actually performing for us, it all becomes sort of believable.
    Here is what I suppose you could call a music video, a bit of fun from around 1965

    The Who,..Can't Explain.

    ROLF!! That is SO TRUE!! Love it!! Perfect example.
  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    Welcome to the madhouse :-P

    Well put it this way, I'd have rather the rights for live action had gone to Tarantino than Spielberg. There's no way Spielberg will make a better job of Ghost in the Shell than Tarantino would have. Ghost in the Shell is a gritty, in your face Cyberpunk film and there's nothing in Spielberg's past that falls into that category. Tarantino on the other hand, is a genuine follower of anime, and his movies, it's fair to say, are a lot more daring and in your face than the stuff Spielberg produces. Spielberg produces mostly for kids, whereas Tarantino always produces for grown ups.

    My prediction is that he'll screw it up for three reasons:

    1 - He'll screw around with the story (despite he claims Ghost in the Shell is one of his favourite stories).
    2 - He'll use American actors when they should be Japanese (that'll piss off people expecting a smoking-hot Japanese Motoko).
    3 - He'll remove the nudity (even though the nudity is never sexual in Ghost in the Shell, it's part of the make-up of the movie).

    Perhaps the reason you feel Tarantino movies are recycled, is because he's a true Grindhouse producer. You only ever get that stuff from watching movies from the 70's etc, indie producers, or guys like Tarantino. The success of movies like "Hostel" are examples of how he's brought Grindhouse back to the mainstream. I suppose you could say Ghost in the Shell is "Grindhouse" in an intelligent "shell".

    There were a lot of big companies and directors chasing the rights to Ghost in the Shell, even Sony were chasing it and never landed it so that'll give an idea of how big it's going to be on release. It'll do phenomenally well even if he does screw it up, but it'll be interesting to see whether Spielberg will stay true to his comment of it being one of his favourite stories, or whether he simply saw the $$$ available to him with Ghost in the Shell, and turns it into a Hollywood puke-fest (I'm guessing he'll do the latter). Tarantino could have produced a classic on even limited budget, whereas Spielberg has forgotten how to do that. The best Spielberg film I ever saw was his first, "Duel", one that had no special effects and actually relied upon the story and suspense, not CGI.

    Regards the blocked link, I bet it's the UK blocking it, not Russia (no surprise there then).

    As for the water, I'm afraid not, the £50 per month is what we pay based on the property per month. It's not for heated water, it's not even metered, it's just the fee we pay for cold water per month. Even if we never used a single drop of water, we would still have to pay them £50 per month. In order to heat the water we also have to pay otherworldly gas bills (and they are proportionally even worse than the water bill).

    Regards Latvia, no worries there, I have no intention of living in Latvia. I'm planning on Spain as that's the obvious choice for most Brit's wanting to escape the UK, and I kinda like Spain in that it's not "formal" like the UK is, not in any respect. I know for a fact that even on little income, you can have a very nice life in Spain and I thoroughly intend to have one. I'll be living in a motorhome over there if I go ahead with it, and that's something I've always envied.

    Regards the "Russian Girls" video, nope, it's not the culture, it's human nature. Trust me when I tell you that the sight of smoking-hot Russian women in hot-pants is no less appealing to a British male than a bunch of smoking-hot British women in hot-pants would be to a Russian male. I think men who claim they don't enjoy videos like that are either gay or restrained by religion. I'm quite happy to admit I enjoyed every minute of it. That said, you shouldn't underestimate it, the video is actually very nicely shot on a cinematic level, and assuming the cameramen were male, I can imagine that took some doing considering the distractions they had while shooting it :-P

    The knitting, or rather men who do knitting, well, I have no comment on that other than I agree that times have certainly changed.

    On a more serious note, it's no surprise that a lot of successful clothes designers are men. Men know what makes a woman sexy more than women do. You are the woman, we are the observers, and we know what we like (whether women like it or not). What you like and what we like are two totally different things. Women look better in clothes designed by men because for the most part, men are the observers of the female form. It makes perfect sense in much the same way that clothes for men will be better designed by women (even if we don't think so). It's a case of you know what you like to see, and so do we.

    Regards the sexploitation in music videos, I love sexploitation movies and videos (just being honest). The erotic element of sexploitation has been an attraction and pass-time for men ever since Mr Caveman discovered he could draw on his cave wall. He had a spearhead and Mammoth-blood for ink whereas modern man has his Wacom, that's the only difference. Women are no angels either, in fact, surveys show that women are as excited by such things as men are. For example one survey showed at least 25% of women fantasized about being tied up (a staple scenario of sexploitation movies).

    Regards the Russian/Soviet Red thing; I'm not really up on the history of Russia, but to be honest I got the idea from a Russian advert they used to show over here. I can't remember what it was for, but it contained words about Russia followed by "...and available in any colour, as long as it's red."

    Amaranthe; better than some of the others of that style but I still thought the noise to melodic ratio was out of my comfort zone. They reminded me a bit of Evanescence, although I prefer Evanescence much more.

    Regards Spice and Wolf, yup, I'm liking it and genuinely looking forward to the next episode tonight. The characters seem to "work" well in this anime so it's enjoyable to watch. The apple gag was a good one, I'm just glad it was the fruit "apple" and not the company she has a love for. Have to say the music is catchy as well, both opening and closing tracks. The closing track is a very girly but even so, there's no denying the musicality of it. Whoever wrote it knows how to shape a melody.

    What is Strongbow? - I'll give you a clue, it's made from the finest apples and Wolf would most certainly like it :-)

    Post edited by pumeco on
  • TapiocaTundraTapiocaTundra Posts: 268
    edited July 2012

    On the subject of Quentin Tarantino and Japanese culture, here are some lovely Tokyo "surfin-san" ladies performing live May this year in Minnesota, I just love em.

    5678s,,,I'm Blue

    Post edited by TapiocaTundra on
  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    pumeco said:
    What is Strongbow? - I'll give you a clue, it's made from the finest apples and Wolf would most certainly like it :-)

    Such a shame that to turn those apples into Strongbow they had to remove absolutely everything that made those apples so fine.
  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    They seem very Un-Japanese though :-P

    I thought it was just Cider, just mashed-up apple - although I've never read the label.
    Still, I only bought it at random, I bought Woodpecker this time, tastes different to Strongbow.

  • TapiocaTundraTapiocaTundra Posts: 268
    edited December 1969

    I suppose I was referring more to the fact that Tarantino used the 5678s in Kill Bill Vol1, although Japanese culture has moved on a bit.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ah, right. I haven't seen Kill Bill yet (one or two).

    I saw the trailers to them and I didn't like the look of them much, too much fighting and floating through air. I saw clips and like what he did with the camera angles on them, but that was about it. I prefer the stuff he does when he's co director/producer, stuff like Hostel one and two, Sin City, that sort of thing.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    It it interesting that some music videos consist usually of a lot of attractive graphics with equally well rehearsed miming, done to the extent that it appears that the artists are actually performing for us, it all becomes sort of believable.
    Here is what I suppose you could call a music video, a bit of fun from around 1965

    The Who,..Can't Explain.

    This was just awesome! =D Made me think of that 1980 "live" performance by Judas Priest - not that witty, unfortunately, but Halford's defiantly lousy lipsynch is quite endearing =)

    Speaking of The Who... Here's an except from a Finnish TV show where they sing covers. If you wait a minute while the host and the guy by the name of Tuomo are done (and then some more of that in the middle of the vid), you'll hear one of my favourite male singers Osku Ketola (not the one that's wearing glasses) sing a portion of a Finnish hit no one knows here, and then of The Who's Won't Get Fooled Again.

    Osku fronts his own band Palava now, they play this absolutely lovely brand of ultramegaromantic pop/folk rock. Check out these two videos:

    - this one is a live one:
    - and this one is an "official" video. The funny thing is that it's a slideshow =)

    pumeco said:

    Amaranthe; better than some of the others of that style but I still thought the noise to melodic ratio was out of my comfort zone.

    It's not "noise", it's metal guitars, you hipster you =P

    Evanescence was one of the top faves when I was a teen, though feels really tame and overly commercialised by my standards now... Here's a cover of "My Immortal" I like a lot, it's by Helen Vogt who currently fronts Flowing Tears, one of my alltime favourite bands:

    And here's some Flowing Tears live, playing one of my favourite songs (gotta love the drummer shots!!) I love how Helen always spices up old songs live with harsh vocals:

    Lisa Middelhauve (former Xandria singer) also does some excellent vocals live, both clean and harsh:
    //BTW I was at that show!! It was Lisa's last performance with that band, and it was absolutely fantastic!//

    I guess the only one who would be able to appreciate the following two videos would be Jaderail - it's 110% pure German thrash metal... Sabina Classen of Holy Moses and Britta Görtz of Cripper, two generations of pure power and passion...

    Now the non-music stuff...

    pumeco said:

    Spielberg produces mostly for kids, whereas Tarantino always produces for grown ups.

    pumeco said:

    Perhaps the reason you feel Tarantino movies are recycled, is because he's a true Grindhouse producer. You only ever get that stuff from watching movies from the 70's etc, indie producers, or guys like Tarantino. The success of movies like "Hostel" are examples of how he's brought Grindhouse back to the mainstream. I suppose you could say Ghost in the Shell is "Grindhouse" in an intelligent "shell".

    Wow, I see you're a serious movie buff... thanks for the info, I'll have something witty to say next time people start talking movies with me.

    pumeco said:

    As for the water, I'm afraid not, the £50 per month is what we pay based on the property per month. It's not for heated water, it's not even metered, it's just the fee we pay for cold water per month. Even if we never used a single drop of water, we would still have to pay them £50 per month. In order to heat the water we also have to pay otherworldly gas bills (and they are proportionally even worse than the water bill).

    So all in all, relatively the same as here. Don't forget how little an average Russian makes.

    pumeco said:

    I know for a fact that even on little income, you can have a very nice life in Spain and I thoroughly intend to have one. I'll be living in a motorhome over there if I go ahead with it, and that's something I've always envied.

    Sounds cool, I hope this dream of yours comes true. The EU is fun in that you can basically just switch countries on a whim without applying for visas. You speak Spanish well?

    pumeco said:

    Regards the "Russian Girls" video, nope, it's not the culture, it's human nature.

    You didn't get the idea. It is human nature indeed that makes you feel certain things when seeing certain things, but it's culture that makes you think it's OK to speak about your feelings of this type in public, especially with women around. This culture is seeping into Russia as well (we believe it's American in origin, but we may be wrong), but generally in educated circles of the Russian society it is still considered improper to discuss "hot women" (celebrities or coworkers, doesn't matter) with anyone else but your same sex drinking buddies.

    pumeco said:

    Trust me when I tell you that the sight of smoking-hot Russian women in hot-pants is no less appealing to a British male than a bunch of smoking-hot British women in hot-pants would be to a Russian male.

    Want a bit of an insight into local stereotypes? A Russian male would not in his wildest dreams imagine that there can actually exist hot women over there in the UK. The UK is believed here to spawn the least attractive women in the world. Probably because of all those members of your royal family, the only ones we're familiar with here LOL

    Moreover, Russians tend to believe most British men are gay. Hard to pinpoint why, it's just that your brethren just tend to look gay to us. Maybe because of longer faceshapes... Even some of the guys in that Strongbow ad you posted appeared somewhat limp-wristed to me.

    Sorry if it shocked you. No offence, nothing personal - it's just the culture. It's fascinating to think how all those subliminal messages shape our thinking and behaviour.

    You got any fun stereotypes about Russians over there in the UK?

    That said, you shouldn't underestimate it, the video is actually very nicely shot on a cinematic level

    OK I'll watch it if you promise that the music in it is not hip hop/rap/contemporary r'n'b (the screenshots look like they belong in a hip hop vid, and I totally can't stand that)

    The knitting, or rather men who do knitting, well, I have no comment on that other than I agree that times have certainly changed.

    Wanna know more? The UK used to be a major knitting centre! ;P

    On a more serious note, it's no surprise that a lot of successful clothes designers are men. Men know what makes a woman sexy more than women do. You are the woman, we are the observers, and we know what we like (whether women like it or not).

    Yeah, too many men totally do not realise that not every woman wants to look sexy all the time. Though sometime even dressing modestly doesn't help. Ever heard the expression "unwanted sexual attention"?

    Anyway, made me think of this comic strip, take a look (work safe). The artist is male, BTW...

    It makes perfect sense in much the same way that clothes for men will be better designed by women (even if we don't think so).

    If only men ever cared about the way they dress...
    On the other hand, have you seen that "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda" show? The costume designer during the height of the show was a woman, Toni Burroughs-Rutter, and it's the only show ever that made me go "Wow" about the way the leading men were dressed. I guess, though, I simply have a compatible vision because the women's costumes were also beyond awesome, to my mind. Then, I saw a few minutes of that "In the Name of the King" movie with Jason Stetham, and there was that princess or something on the screen, and I was, like, "I want that dress!!", and IMDB told me Toni was the designer.

    I bet there are other female costume designers, but few men's outfits have ever struck me as so brilliantly executed. Only Merlin comes to mind (yeah, that UK show), though the women's costumes there look better than men's, I'd say.

    Yet, Keith Hamilton Cobb of Andromeda did complain about his character's chainmail shirt A LOT =D

    I guess you men don't find sexy clothing that comfortable to wear, either...

    Women are no angels either, in fact, surveys show that women are as excited by such things as men are. For example one survey showed at least 25% of women fantasized about being tied up (a staple scenario of sexploitation movies).

    OK, I'll be honest too, in return. That whole vanilla idea of "sexy" and "erotic" is incredibly boring for me. You know, I'm the polar opposite of the kind of women you just mentioned. I like tying others up. And not with silk scarves. And no, I'm not interested in discussing it any further - I don't like talking, I like action. Besides *in an Obi-Wan Kenobi voice*, I'm educated enough not to consider this type of discussion appropriate for civilised people who barely know each other.

    Regards the Russian/Soviet Red thing; I'm not really up on the history of Russia, but to be honest I got the idea from a Russian advert they used to show over here. I can't remember what it was for, but it contained words about Russia followed by "...and available in any colour, as long as it's red."

    It's not surprising that marketologists would taylor ads to touch upon the local stereotypes of what constitutes "Russian".

    Funny how we do learn the history of Europe in high school, but no one seems to ever study ours...

    Have to say the music is catchy as well, both opening and closing tracks. The closing track is a very girly but even so, there's no denying the musicality of it. Whoever wrote it knows how to shape a melody.

    Could you listen to the Russian version of the ending I posted a few pages ago and tell me which one you like better?

    What is Strongbow? - I'll give you a clue, it's made from the finest apples and Wolf would most certainly like it :-)

    Ah, so it's cider... Cool. One of the few types of alcoholic drinks I like.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    And in case anyone got interested in Toni Burroughs' costume designs, I tried to find some Andromeda videos of a high enough quality so that you could catch a glimpse of the costumes and with music that wouldn't make me cringe. Not that easy, but here's three: with the leading men (the chainmail shirt included), with Beka Valentine and the Rhade guys, and with Trance Gemini and Dylan Hunt. Beka's the one whose dresser I'd raid first, Trance's stuff is more for "special occasions", and as for the men, I love it that even the simplest designs suit the character emotionally, so to speak.

    All in all, Andromeda is probably my biggest source of inspiration. It's a show that is universally looked down on, but hey, I always root for the underdogs.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It’s not “noise”, it’s metal guitars, you hipster you =P
    Evanescence was one of the top faves when I was a teen, though feels really tame and overly commercialised by my standards now… Here’s a cover of “My Immortal” I like a lot, it’s by Helen Vogt who currently fronts Flowing Tears, one of my alltime favourite bands:

    It's still more noise than melodic to my ears, the metal has nothing to do with my judgement. I didn't like the Helen Vogt cover, so in this case commercialism works for the Evanescence version because I think it's a fuller sounding track. Also, I thought the Xandria track was more listenable than the Helen Vogt track.

    Wow, I see you’re a serious movie buff… thanks for the info, I’ll have something witty to say next time people start talking movies with me.

    Oh I wouldn't say that. I like movies very much, but I'm only into the types of movies that interest me: Adventure, Comedy (British only), Sexploitation, Grindhouse, Horror, Surreal. Actually though, I think you were being sarcastic :-P

    I'm such a movie buff that I only saw Avatar for the first time the other day, and even then it was only because they showed it for free on Film4 and it was recommended that I watch it. There's no way I'd pay to see a film like Avatar. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it was definitely watchable but it still had that annoying "Hollywood" vibe to it.

    Sounds cool, I hope this dream of yours comes true. The EU is fun in that you can basically just switch countries on a whim without applying for visas. You speak Spanish well?

    Si :-D

    Actually, no, I can't speak Spanish. I've picked up some Spanish from Jess Franco (the famous Spanish Sexploitation filmmaker), but I doubt those lines would go down well in general conversation. I'm currently looking into how I'd achieve the goal of living in Spain before I settle into learning the language. Yes indeed, Europe is good in that we can move about freely, but we still have to consider the ins and outs of owning property in different countries (costs and laws etc). See, although I plan to move around freely in Spain, I still need to purchase at least a small plot of land as well. I need a Spanish address. I don't have to own land to live on the move, but I'd rather have a proper address than not.

    You didn’t get the idea. It is human nature indeed that makes you feel certain things when seeing certain things, but it’s culture that makes you think it’s OK to speak about your feelings of this type in public, especially with women around. This culture is seeping into Russia as well (we believe it’s American in origin, but we may be wrong), but generally in educated circles of the Russian society it is still considered improper to discuss “hot women” (celebrities or coworkers, doesn’t matter) with anyone else but your same sex drinking buddies.

    I thought all that sort of restrictive thinking was wiped out in Russia these days ;-)

    Want a bit of an insight into local stereotypes? A Russian male would not in his wildest dreams imagine that there can actually exist hot women over there in the UK. The UK is believed here to spawn the least attractive women in the world. Probably because of all those members of your royal family, the only ones we’re familiar with here LOL
    Moreover, Russians tend to believe most British men are gay. Hard to pinpoint why, it’s just that your brethren just tend to look gay to us. Maybe because of longer faceshapes… Even some of the guys in that Strongbow ad you posted appeared somewhat limp-wristed to me.
    Sorry if it shocked you. No offence, nothing personal - it’s just the culture. It’s fascinating to think how all those subliminal messages shape our thinking and behaviour.
    You got any fun stereotypes about Russians over there in the UK?

    Yes, there are a few but you probably won't like it. Russians in general are often portrayed as spies, and Russian women, as gold diggers. I'm not talking about how we see things, I'm talking about how the media and filmmakers paint Russia and it's people.

    As for British men looking Gay. I had to laugh at that one because I think Russian men have much more feminine facial features than British men. Men tend to have a heavier brow than women, and that seems more characteristic in the British male than the Russian male. I just did a search on Google Images. I've posted a collection of British males that are either noted for playing hard men, or should be playing hard men (see attached).

    Unfortunately, when I tried searching for Russian hard men, even Google Images failed, nothing came up :-D

    As for Russian men thinking that Britain produced the ugliest females, you've got to be kidding me and that was quite an extraordinary thing to hear. If you were to search the web for pictures of Russian women you'd be spoilt for choice, but not so for British women. The main reason for that is a financial one. Russian women are clearly far more likely to take their clothes off for cash than British women are, and the thing is, Russian photographers have no interest in average looking women, and the majority of them seem to have no interest in anyone over 25. Most of the women/girls I see from Russia who look any good are nearly always in the 18-25 bracket, you hardly ever see beauties over that age, and certainly nothing that could compete with the British women. It's inevitable that along with all the nudes they shoot, they also shoot the face, and it's the comparison between the sheer masses of these fresh-faced beauties from Russia compared to a relatively small amount that get shot from Britain, that must be putting this false sense of beauty into the mind of the Russian man.

    I only have to walk through the city and observe; British men are surrounded with beautiful females, ones that sadly neither Russian or even British men well ever get to appreciate simply because they're not as willing to model or in need of the modeling work. If they don't model, you don't see them, and that's the problem, the web is packed with Russian beauties but hardly ever from Britain because the British beauties hardly ever feel inclined to bother. I'm not patriotic, and believe me I'm the last person on earth to stand up for anything British unless it's deserved, but I stand up for this: I'm afraid Russian men are living under some sort of self-inflicted illusion where "beauty" is concerned. They need to visit a dating site and compare everyday Russian women to everyday British women - where I'm guessing they'll get the shock of their lives once they're out of the idealistic beauty zone of Russian art photographers, and land themselves in the real world.

    To me, both races are equally beautiful, but one observation I have made between the two is that British women tend to keep their looks longer than Russian women do. They're not up their with the Asian or Latin/Hispanic races, but they're probably next best. I've seen Japanese, Korean, and Indian women in their late thirties that look like they're in their teens.

    OK I’ll watch it if you promise that the music in it is not hip hop/rap/contemporary r’n'b (the screenshots look like they belong in a hip hop vid, and I totally can’t stand that)

    It's not any of those things, go ahead and watch it. If you look carefully at that post you might even notice that I've edited the wording, just for you. Plus, seeing as you like tying others up, this video should be right up your street, you'll probably love it to bits! It's also amusing as well as sexy, because it wasn't until the end that I realised that he'd paid them to abuse him like that. They must be his regulars, lucky bas*ard.

    Wanna know more? The UK used to be a major knitting centre! ;P

    Yeah I know, it's because of all our cotton mills and stuff ;-)

    Yeah, too many men totally do not realise that not every woman wants to look sexy all the time. Though sometime even dressing modestly doesn’t help. Ever heard the expression “unwanted sexual attention”?
    Anyway, made me think of this comic strip, take a look (work safe). The artist is male, BTW…

    These things are shaped by your surroundings, not yourself, and I don't believe any women really doesn't want to look sexy - why would anyone prefer not to? I think that animation speaks volumes, and I think "Dirty Old Mage Taylors" certainly know how to do clothes!

    If only men ever cared about the way they dress…
    On the other hand, have you seen that “Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda” show? The costume designer during the height of the show was a woman, Toni Burroughs-Rutter, and it’s the only show ever that made me go “Wow” about the way the leading men were dressed. I guess, though, I simply have a compatible vision because the women’s costumes were also beyond awesome, to my mind. Then, I saw a few minutes of that “In the Name of the King” movie with Jason Stetham, and there was that princess or something on the screen, and I was, like, “I want that dress!!”, and IMDB told me Toni was the designer.
    I bet there are other female costume designers, but few men’s outfits have ever struck me as so brilliantly executed. Only Merlin comes to mind (yeah, that UK show), though the women’s costumes there look better than men’s, I’d say.
    Yet, Keith Hamilton Cobb of Andromeda did complain about his character’s chainmail shirt A LOT =D
    I guess you men don’t find sexy clothing that comfortable to wear, either…

    Haven't seen Andromeda so I don't know the character names and can't point out a specific character. All I wall say is that I thought the polo-neck sweater on one of the characters from the second link your additional post, was stylish, but that's about it.

    OK, I’ll be honest too, in return. That whole vanilla idea of “sexy” and “erotic” is incredibly boring for me. You know, I’m the polar opposite of the kind of women you just mentioned. I like tying others up. And not with silk scarves. And no, I’m not interested in discussing it any further - I don’t like talking, I like action.

    Me too, trouble is I never get any - and that's a situation I intend to rectify when I get to Spain!

    Besides *in an Obi-Wan Kenobi voice*, I’m educated enough not to consider this type of discussion appropriate for civilised people who barely know each other.

    I'm educated enough not to give a crap about society ideals; you only live once, spend it how you want to, not how others tell you to.

    Could you listen to the Russian version of the ending I posted a few pages ago and tell me which one you like better?

    I love to hear women sing in a foreign language, and on this occasion I liked the Japanese version better. That's nothing against the Russian version, and it was quite close, but I prefer the Japanese version.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited July 2012

    pumeco said:

    It's still more noise than melodic to my ears, the metal has nothing to do with my judgement.

    Nah, I totally don't get what you mean when saying "noise". If it's not distorted guitars, then what?? I have to understand otherwise I won't know what videos to post for you.

    pumeco said:

    I love to hear women sing in a foreign language, and on this occasion I liked the Japanese version better. That's nothing against the Russian version, and it was quite close, but I prefer the Japanese version.

    I see. I just have a giant problem with the Japanese singer's voice. You mean it was not a child but a woman?

    pumeco said:

    Oh I wouldn't say that. I like movies very much, but I'm only into the types of movies that interest me: Adventure, Comedy (British only), Sexploitation, Grindhouse, Horror, Surreal. Actually though, I think you were being sarcastic :-P

    I was actually somewhat annoyed because you bombarded me with all those terms like "Grindhouse" that I had to research in order for your post to make any sense. If you like movies (and it's quite a list of genres you just wrote), it does mean to me you're a movie buff - in comparison to myself.

    pumeco said:

    Russians in general are often portrayed as spies, and Russian women, as gold diggers. I'm not talking about how we see things, I'm talking about how the media and filmmakers paint Russia and it's people.

    Your media has a point about some Russian women. But what do actual British people think of Russia? Do they ever think of us?

    pumeco said:

    As for British men looking Gay. I had to laugh at that one because I think Russian men have much more feminine facial features than British men. Men tend to have a heavier brow than women, and that seems more characteristic in the British male than the Russian male. I just did a search on Google Images. I've posted a collection of British males that are either noted for playing hard men, or should be playing hard men (see attached).

    Sorry, I don't see any pics... You could just post links to wiki pages, or something.
    And I told you it's hard to say why we think British men look gay. We just do, and I thought it was funny, too.

    Now that I've thought about it, it may be because the only gays we know of in Russia are British. Think Stephen Fry, Elton John, Freddie Mercury... Culture is something we can't fight, can't force out of ourselves. This is why there are always wars on the planet - cultures clash for no rational reason...

    Unfortunately, when I tried searching for Russian hard men, even Google Images failed, nothing came up :-D

    That's because our culture doesn't speak English. Try these google searches, these are photos of some of our celebrity tough guys.

    celebrity tough guys

    celebrity tough guys2

    celebrity tough guys3

    [url-алексей+самсонов&hl=fi&client=opera&hs=Zcj&rls=fi&channel=suggest&prmd=imvnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=62YMUNjIHqPkmAXtuc2RCg&ved=0CFYQsAQ&biw=1045&bih=699]celebrity tough guys4

    Edited by a Moderator to shorten the URLs

    As for Russian men thinking that Britain produced the ugliest females, you've got to be kidding me and that was quite an extraordinary thing to hear.

    I told you the reason for it. We don't know any British women apart from all those royal wives that are in the news (you definitely seem not to be reading attentively). And even if there are any famous actresses from the UK (I don't know because I don't care for movies, and the TV show actresses I like are not generally known here), an average Russian would hardly realise they're British. Most Russians would not be able to tell a British accent from an American one, even if all the imported movies (and shows) weren't dubbed into Russian.

    Most of the women/girls I see from Russia who look any good are nearly always in the 18-25 bracket, you hardly ever see beauties over that age

    If by "beauties" you mean "nude models", there's several reasons.

    Reason No 1: a beautiful Russian woman over 25 will never post her real age anywhere.
    Reason No 2: a beautiful Russian woman will most likely get married to a very successful man before she's 25. And then she has no reason to continue modeling.

    I don't believe any women really doesn't want to look sexy - why would anyone prefer not to?

    Now you're trolling me, sir!

    I've sent you a PM because some things have to be settled out of public view. Please respect this.

    Haven't seen Andromeda so I don't know the character names and can't point out a specific character. All I wall say is that I thought the polo-neck sweater on one of the characters from the second link your additional post, was stylish, but that's about it.

    Erm, but all the videos have all the character names... Anyway, that was a woman's idea of how men should be dressed. Evil taylors everywhere.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    Nah, I totally don’t get what you mean when saying “noise”. If it’s not distorted guitars, then what?? I have to understand otherwise I won’t know what videos to post for you.

    I'm just using the word noise to describe something that isn't very musical to my ears, not the sound of metal. I suppose the Europe track, Final Countdown, is a good example of what I find acceptably melodic for that kind of music. I like it because both the chord sequence and melody are melodic, and to make it extra cool, I like the beat.

    Here's another example of a style of guitar music I like. He's been writing and performing for many years now although it's only his later stuff that appeals to me.

    Very catchy, great melody, great vocal, fantastic beat:

    I see. I just have a giant problem with the Japanese singer’s voice. You mean it was not a child but a woman?

    They both sound around the same age to me, mind you, I messed up when I replied because I meant that I prefer the English version. I got mixed up and said "Japanese" because I was thinking of the opening track while I was typing it. In fact, I haven't heard a Japanese version of the closing track, only the opening track.

    English Version:

    Russian Version:

    Those are the two I was comparing and I have to say I prefer the English version, but like I said, it's very close. That said, whoever is singing the English version clearly isn't English.

    I was actually somewhat annoyed because you bombarded me with all those terms like “Grindhouse” that I had to research in order for your post to make any sense. If you like movies (and it’s quite a list of genres you just wrote), it does mean to me you’re a movie buff - in comparison to myself.

    In that case, thanks for the complement. A movie buff, to me, is one who's profession is being critical about movies, or at least, one who puts in the time to come to educated conclusions about them. Mine aren't really that sort of opinions, they're just casual observations of someone who likes movies.

    Your media has a point about some Russian women. But what do actual British people think of Russia? Do they ever think of us?

    That's impossible for me to answer because there's going to be endless amounts of takes on what we think of Russia. I can be honest and tell you exactly how I see Russia, but I would be speaking from a personal viewpoint, not that of the UK in general.

    Sorry, I don’t see any pics… You could just post links to wiki pages, or something.
    And I told you it’s hard to say why we think British men look gay. We just do, and I thought it was funny, too.

    Now that I’ve thought about it, it may be because the only gays we know of in Russia are British. Think Stephen Fry, Elton John, Freddie Mercury… Culture is something we can’t fight, can’t force out of ourselves. This is why there are always wars on the planet - cultures clash for no rational reason…

    Sorry, I messed up yet again, I thought I'd edited that out before I posted it. I'll post the pics later as I never saved the collage I made for you. As for the links you provided of Russian hard men, well, I thought the second one looked like a genuine hard man, although I never got that impression form the others you posted. So who is that, a real hard man or an actor who plays one?

    I told you the reason for it. We don’t know any British women apart from all those royal wives that are in the news (you definitely seem not to be reading attentively). And even if there are any famous actresses from the UK (I don’t know because I don’t care for movies, and the TV show actresses I like are not generally known here), an average Russian would hardly realise they’re British. Most Russians would not be able to tell a British accent from an American one, even if all the imported movies (and shows) weren’t dubbed into Russian.

    Well, that's nothing surprising, it's just another example of how the media is dangerously powerful. What's interesting though is that it's almost as if the Russian media are assuming you only like gay celebrities if the only British they show over there, are gay. Still, you're lucky to have Stephen Fry, he's one of the better presenters from the UK, I love listening to his documentaries.

    If by “beauties” you mean “nude models”, there’s several reasons.

    Reason No 1: a beautiful Russian woman over 25 will never post her real age anywhere.
    Reason No 2: a beautiful Russian woman will most likely get married to a very successful man before she’s 25. And then she has no reason to continue modeling.

    There's that, and the fact that the photographers wouldn't be interested anyway. I think you'd have to be an absolute goddess of a woman to get in front of their camera if you're out of the 18-25 age group. It does happen, but rarely. You only have to look at the work put out by your famous art nude photographers, they're all fresh-faced beauties in the 18-25 age group. To be fair, that's not a Russian trait, it's the same everywhere, it's just the way it is and that's a real shame. One of the things I like about the retro women I spoke of earlier, is that they're often more filled-out and shapely than the models they use nowadays. The main reason for that is that women back then weren't pressurised by the media into looking like a stick insect, so the models then were more fully developed.

    In 2010 a British publishing company released a set of four Glamour books. They weren't ordinary glamour books though. They broke it down into 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. What was unusual about these publications is that they were created by a company that normally specialises in the History of Britain, not glamour. They noticed though, just like myself and endless amounts of men out there, that there is a difference between the women of those decades and what we have now. It warranted a chronological set of decade-separated publications and it was a great idea, because the resulting books are the best books I've ever seen on the subject. They are the only ones that actually warranted buying them, so I did.

    Women of the 50s:

    Women of the 60s:

    Women of the 70s:

    Women of the 80s:

    Now the thing is, those are just picture books, not text, just page after page of goddess. A lot of the women in them aren't even good looking but they are still goddesses. It's the naturalness that makes them sexier than the women of today, something that is sadly lacking in most modern woman and the work of modern photographers. Natalia Avelon in that Summer Wine music video definitely has that "look" about her. She's natural enough that she wouldn't look out of place in the 70s edition of this book, and believe me, that's a compliment for a modern woman.

    The Amazon reviews on the 70s edition of the book are what finally pushed me to buy them:

    Those guys sound like me :-D

    But anyway, this is getting wildly off-topic so I'll drop it there. It's all my good friend Allibaba's fault for posting Natalia Avelon in that Summer Wine video!

    Now you’re trolling me, sir!

    I’ve sent you a PM because some things have to be settled out of public view. Please respect this.

    You're not the first to accuse me of trolling on this forum, but I assure you I wasn't, it's just my sense of humour and hopefully my reply PM will set aside any misunderstanding.

    Erm, but all the videos have all the character names… Anyway, that was a woman’s idea of how men should be dressed. Evil taylors everywhere.

    I didn't see any names in the video I was referring to, but yup, I do like Evil Taylors :-P

    400 x 225 - 21K
    Post edited by pumeco on
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    pumeco said:

    I'm just using the word noise to describe something that isn't very musical to my ears, not the sound of metal. I suppose the Europe track, Final Countdown, is a good example of what I find acceptably melodic for that kind of music. I like it because both the chord sequence and melody are melodic, and to make it extra cool, I like the beat.

    Here's another example of a style of guitar music I like. He's been writing and performing for many years now although it's only his later stuff that appeals to me.

    Very catchy, great melody, great vocal, fantastic beat:

    Ah, Chris Rea. A radio staple here. I like some of his songs, too. So, if you like Europe and chose Xandria over FT, it looks like you're leaning towards that symphonic/classic rock type of harmony that borrows more from classical European music than from the blues and its American derivatives. Sorry for the musician lingo, but I needed to spell this out for myself.

    OK, let's try this one. I'm hesitant to recommend this band because it seems to me everyone knows them, but just in case you've never heard Nightwish... They're one of the most popular Finnish bands, like, worldwide (one of two =D) - a cover of Gary Moore's (that Irish guy who did Still Got the Blues) Over the Hills and Far Away. - one of my favourite Nightwish tracks set to scenes from the original 2D Clone Wars from 2005. - and the deeper into Nightwish archives you go, the more symphonic they become. I actually think they sound better live.

    Then there's that band from LA that I love to pieces... Very catchy melodies. Generally not that symphonic (they were always inspired by British bands like Iron Maiden, but you can't take the blues out of an American), but they had some moments that you may find enjoyable. At least, this video. ;)

    Yeah, Lizzy (he's a man) appears to share your taste for movies - a lot of his lyrics are based on horror flicks and the like... - this one takes time to build up! Very cinematic. The fanmade vid is also not that boring =) - the drummer in the band is Lizzy's brother, it shows sometimes =) Pity the quality is muddy (the other upload I found is too tinny), I totally love this track, it has all those lovely details, and the bass part is out of this world, listen to it interplay with the vocal lines in the pre-chorus ("Cry out the unspoken...")..

    But quite a lot of his songs are serious. This one's about a certain Roman emperor:

    Hope you like some of this stuff =)

    pumeco said:

    They both sound around the same age to me, mind you, I messed up when I replied because I meant that I prefer the English version. I got mixed up and said "Japanese" because I was thinking of the opening track while I was typing it. In fact, I haven't heard a Japanese version of the closing track, only the opening track.

    Those are the two I was comparing and I have to say I prefer the English version, but like I said, it's very close. That said, whoever is singing the English version clearly isn't English.

    Well yeah, that's what I meant, the version with the English lyrics. I just figured that a singer with a strange accent must be Japanese. =) It's just that the voice in that version sounds amateurish to me, and as I've heard that the Japanese are perfectionists, I thought it couldn't be a trained adult singer, more like a child. Surely it could be a stylistic choice for the performance, but it's just not the kind of stylisation I generally like =)

    pumeco said:

    In that case, thanks for the complement. A movie buff, to me, is one who's profession is being critical about movies, or at least, one who puts in the time to come to educated conclusions about them. Mine aren't really that sort of opinions, they're just casual observations of someone who likes movies.

    I think that even the professional movie reviewers base their stuff on their opinions, ultimately =)

    pumeco said:

    That's impossible for me to answer because there's going to be endless amounts of takes on what we think of Russia. I can be honest and tell you exactly how I see Russia, but I would be speaking from a personal viewpoint, not that of the UK in general.

    Please, do tell! And I'll tell you what the UK looks like to me, judging by what pieces of your culture seep in.

    pumeco said:

    Sorry, I messed up yet again, I thought I'd edited that out before I posted it. I'll post the pics later as I never saved the collage I made for you. As for the links you provided of Russian hard men, well, I thought the second one looked like a genuine hard man, although I never got that impression form the others you posted. So who is that, a real hard man or an actor who plays one?

    The second guy is a heavyweight boxing champion who dabbles in acting and politics. =) I guess he qualifies as a real hard man...

    The first one is an actor famous for action roles
    The third was an athlete and a TV show host (he died a couple of years ago of a heart attack)
    The last is a reality TV celebrity of that world's longest reality show fame, he practices kickboxing and does a lot of fighting with his girlfriend(s) over stupid reasons. Actually most of the guys on that show are very athletic, but this one is considered to be the most good-looking because he looks somewhat different from an average Russian. I mean, if you look at another guy from that show who looks characteristically Russian (this one's about ten years younger, but it doesn't matter), you'll see the difference in his facial features and head shape, it's more round, the nose is more bulbous etc.

    But actually, this is just one broad slice of Russians. Remember, I've told you there are many different nations here, in fact. So here's a yet another guy (sorry he's from the same stupid reality show, it's just that it's so popular it springs to mind first when thinking of "typical types" LOL) who is also "Russian" in the sense of being a citizen of Russia, but he belongs to one of the Southern nations like Ossetian (I don't remember for sure, I always mix them up). He looks typical for his people (they're considered very attractive), and all the Southerners are generally very tough despite their looks (and they're almost always at war, with "Russian Russians" or each other)

    So, we're done with men. I have something you may like more =)

    Here's a Russian song by a lady who is also from the South, her name is Jasmin:

    And this lady called Anna Semenovich is a superstar. I can't say I like her music much, but she's very beautiful in this typical "Russian Russian" sense. And this vid is an attempt of a retro-ish style:

    Vera Brezhneva is also very popular. She was born in the Ukraine (it's a neighbouring country that used to be part of the Russian Empire and then the USSR for a loooooong while; now they're independent, politically, but the cultures blend very smoothly), but she looks very European, not the kind you see in the street every day. It's also a coveted look, and many women who opt for plastic surgery want to look similar.

    And this is an older band Vera used to be in. They were under guidance of songwriter/producer Konstantin Meladze who is from Georgia and the brother of Valery Meladze (the male singer in this vid, very popular here). I like Meladze's music quite a lot, it's pretty adventurous for the local pop scene.

    Well, that's nothing surprising, it's just another example of how the media is dangerously powerful. What's interesting though is that it's almost as if the Russian media are assuming you only like gay celebrities if the only British they show over there, are gay. Still, you're lucky to have Stephen Fry, he's one of the better presenters from the UK, I love listening to his documentaries.

    We mostly know Fry as an actor and a writer. And you know, you may have a point there about the media - it's rumoured most male showbiz stars and moguls here are gay, though nobody's ever been outed, and they deny those rumours fervently.

    One of the things I like about the retro women I spoke of earlier, is that they're often more filled-out and shapely than the models they use nowadays. The main reason for that is that women back then weren't pressurised by the media into looking like a stick insect, so the models then were more fully developed.

    Yeah, even fashion models were different. Cindy Crawford isn't that retro, but she looked like a grown up, like most of her contemporaries. These days, if I open a women's glossy mag, I'm terrified because all that designer clothing and perfume is advertised by girls who look like they're in their midteens, and they probably are.

    Actually, for me it's female athletes who are the most inspiring among mainstream celebrities. I love Serena Williams, she's a real Amazonian warrior! I think being athletic is the perfect answer to both the worldwide problem of obesity and that high fashion stick figure worship. Sadly, women are misguided, they're led into believing that if they exercise properly, they are going to be "buff like bodybuilders", and so they just do the cardio and then eat nothing, believing it will make them beautiful. To my mind, only a healthy person can be beautiful.
    //and actually gaining visible muscle is really hard for an average woman, those power girls who do look buff usually eat handfuls of nasty chemicals just to get to that shape//

    Now the thing is, those are just picture books, not text, just page after page of goddess. A lot of the women in them aren't even good looking but they are still goddesses. It's the naturalness that makes them sexier than the women of today, something that is sadly lacking in most modern woman and the work of modern photographers.

    It's fascinating how ideals of beauty have changed throughout a single century basically. I mean, I have books on classical art that show that those ideals used to be stable for hundreds of years... or so it seems.

    You're not the first to accuse me of trolling on this forum, but I assure you I wasn't, it's just my sense of humour and hopefully my reply PM will set aside any misunderstanding.

    Oh, I guess British humour is not for the faint-hearted... =D

    I didn't see any names in the video I was referring to, but yup, I do like Evil Taylors :-P

    They're actually in the video title, and then they flash on screen closer to the end =) Captain Beka Valentine is that blonde woman, the guys played by Steve Bacic are Telemachus and Gaheris Rhade (Gaheris is generally the clean-shaven one, he's Telemachus' great great grandfather and only meets Beka in an alternate timeline).
    I found two stills of male costumes I like best, they're blurry but give an idea of how simple and well-rooted in tradition yet futuristic the designs are.

    And a good detailed photo of Trance Gemini's outfit. The seamstress in me can't stop admiring the work that went into the details. I think it is a great design because it conveys well how powerful the character is:

    Sadly the warrior aspect of the character went somewhat underplayed after her grand entrance... I'd post a vid, but the only upload I found is in German.

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ah well that's something, good to hear Chris is known in Russia, and don't worry about the musical lingo, it's all a learning curve for me.

    I don't like Nightwish, the melodies bore me. In fact, I've not heard a single tune from them that catches my attention. That said, the American band you posted, Lizzy Borden, they were way more musical and were ok even from the first few bars. I didn't listen to them right through because I intend to go back and listen more, but they sound better than a lot of the other stuff you posted. They remind me of a cross between Danny Elfman (in his rock years) and dare I say it, even some of ABBA's tracks.

    Regards the movie buff stuff, that's true, but then a professional movie buff that imparts his own opinion without taking the rest into account, really shouldn't consider themselves a movie buff (certainly not my idea of one). The person you describe is more a fanatic really, but still, if you think I have some good opinions on movies, please see my little tip later on.

    Regards the Spice and Wolf music; the incoherence has nothing to do with how I came to my conclusion on that one. The reason I like the English version better is because it's sung in a less abrupt fashion than the Russian version. The girl singing the Russian version sounds as if she's conducting some military street band. Despite you telling me the anime is not girly, it is girly, very girly, and that's probably why I think the more girly sounding English version is better suited.

    I think the Russian language (in general) sounds quite abrupt compared to English, but I love to hear a good femme fatale speaking it. And that brings me to my interpretation of Russia. Please remember though, that this is just how I picture a country I know only from the media etc. To me, Russia is a country that carries a great sense of pride in itself, but is one that is often the subject of scrutiny due to the sense of unease it paints to onlookers. Fighting, wars, fake diamonds being pressed out of sand, the list goes on. We never really hear anything positive about Russia, it's generally only the heavy stuff we get to hear about.

    We see it on the news and think - lol - those Russkies are at it again!

    Here's a quality bit of music for you, about that Russian charmer, Rasputin:

    PS: If you appreciate good recording technique, grab one of their collection CD's because it's the best example of compressor mastery you'll ever hear. I've certainly never heard such skill on any other band's recordings.

    Here's a very cool track of theirs, again with a story (and incredible mastery of the compressor):

    Regards the Russian hard men, I couldn't reach the link of the guy who died of a heart attack, but it's a real shame one of our British hard men, Vinnie, wasn't on hand to help him out. Here he is demonstrating how to cope with such situations, which brings us to British hard men I promised you:

    You have to admire the care he takes when administering CPR:

    1 -
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    5 -

    That last guy, Charles Dance, perhaps isn't really considered a hard man, not to the extent the others are, but he's one of the best actors I've seen and there's something about his expressions, it's like he never quits acting even for a split second. Such a waste that he never played 007, they're absolute idiots for not doing choosing him. Every time they announced that a new 007 was on the cards, I said to myself, please, for crying out loud - please let it be Charles Dance this time!

    A seriously good actor who takes acting seriously (my tip for good movies), his expression in a still can tell a thousand words:

    No prizes for guessing who totally stole the show on Alien 3 then.

    Regards the Russian singers, I liked the last two songs but all the women were indeed quite nice. I thought that Jasmine looked more Spanish than Russian, but that Anna Semenovich looked more Russian and her body type wouldn't look out of place in the 1950's edition of those Glamour Books, very nice!

    Vera Brezhneva kinda looks like a Russian version of famous retro babe, Bridget Bardot, and that's a good thing:

    Regards Andromeda and the clothes you like so much, I have only one thing to say to that - Farscape. Do they show Farscape in Russia? I admit I only watched it because of the sassy brunette, but it's not actually that bad a program once you get into it. Here's a picture of two of the main characters.

    Not sure what you'll make of the tailoring, but they look cool in that gear:

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hey guys, I just thought I would pop in and give you folks a tip to use with those Super long links that break the Forums formatting.

    You can use [ url = your link goes here ] Any name for the Link [ / url ] To use this just remove all the spaces and you get this.

    Rush Temples of Syrinx

  • pumecopumeco Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Cheers Jaderail, I noticed that as well, I think it's those Google Images links in Kettu's second post on this page; looks like the website isn't wrapping them properly.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    It's browsers that don't always wrap them properly.

    THey look fine in FF

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    The Formatting does not auto correct Links because it can break them. If you know the person and can PM them and get them to Edit the post to use my tip and start using the info I provided in the future all users would be grateful. Only some Browsers get the Formatting issue I believe so coding that into the Forums will take sometime to fix for all users. It's not a real issue and no Admin will do anything about post that break formatting unless it is a Image file. I just think it would help if the forums read the same for all of us.

    Thank you and have fun. As I said it's just a tip, not a real issue at this time.

    EDIT:@Chohole: I did state that in my comment. And I have read about it in the Thread about the Work and Updates they are working on for the Forums.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    We can actua;ly fix the links for the poster if they are breaking forum formatting, but as none of us see it due to the Browsers we are using, then we don't realise it is happening. We need a post to be reported with an explanation, and then we know to do something about it.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    chohole said:
    We can actua;ly fix the links for the poster if they are breaking forum formatting, but as none of us see it due to the Browsers we are using, then we don't realise it is happening. We need a post to be reported with an explanation, and then we know to do something about it.
    That is one of the new Forums drawbacks. Users with the same Browers but different IPS's get different results. I will not go into different PC's, settings, and Browsers. I can not pin the fault down and I'm sure the Forum code team can not eather untill they have more free time to do the work. What you suggest chohole is one of those quick fixes that is only a fix. The forums need work as we all know. That will happen in the future and then any fix will not be needed.

    EDIT:I have Reported the offending post as breaking the formatting in IE 9.
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Hey guys, I just thought I would pop in and give you folks a tip to use with those Super long links that break the Forums formatting.

    You can use [ url = your link goes here ] Any name for the Link [ / url ] To use this just remove all the spaces and you get this.

    Rush Temples of Syrinx

    Sorry guys, I didn't realise the links wouldn't be shortened automagically. Thanks to the mods for fixing them!

    And thanks Jaderail for drawing my attention to the fact that this board accepts BBCode - I was under the false impression it uses HTML codes (just saw it giving "strong" for pressing the "bold font" button, whoah, made assumptions without looking carefully, I need new glasses XD ). Angle brackets don't work on this keyboard of mine, so I can't type HTML, but square ones are OK. I'll keep the IE issues in mind =)

    Here's an oldschool Chastain vid for you Jaderail:

    And a cover of Temples of Syrinx by a yet another underrated American female fronted metal band called Benedictum:

    pumeco said:

    I don't like Nightwish, the melodies bore me. In fact, I've not heard a single tune from them that catches my attention.

    That's OK, I ain't no big fan either - they do have their moments and I enjoy a handful of select fave tracks when the mood is right, but too much of their stuff, and I'm bored to tears as well... The countless bands that sprung after the Nightwish success completely obliterate their idols, I think.

    Give this Romanian gem a spin, will you? The production is cheap and plastic, but the songs are flowing like a mountain stream, and the actual playing skills are insane... I present to you, from the Carpathian wilderness - Magica:

    BTW have you checked out Palava whose vids I posted a couple of days ago? Romantic pop rock isn't for girls only =) Some more official videos of theirs:

    pumeco said:

    That said, the American band you posted, Lizzy Borden, they were way more musical and were ok even from the first few bars. I didn't listen to them right through because I intend to go back and listen more, but they sound better than a lot of the other stuff you posted. They remind me of a cross between Danny Elfman (in his rock years) and dare I say it, even some of ABBA's tracks.

    I'm soo happy you like Lizzy, he and his band deserve all the recognition they can get!! They are simply too "out there" for any mainstream success, partly because Lizzy would never just settle into a mould. Yeah, I'd say the ABBA influence is valid, even if it was only through Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow (the same Blackmore who plays with Candice Night now, and he's a huuuge ABBA fan), but knowing Lizzy, he may well be a fan himself. He plays Lady Gaga covers, for Heaven's sake =)

    And here's a vid for Lizzy's "side project" of the early 2000s... Starwood. A more punk rock oriented band, but his "touch" is still unmistakable.

    This is a Starwood song too, I love it to no end:

    pumeco said:

    Regards the movie buff stuff, that's true, but then a professional movie buff that imparts his own opinion without taking the rest into account, really shouldn't consider themselves a movie buff (certainly not my idea of one). The person you describe is more a fanatic really, but still, if you think I have some good opinions on movies, please see my little tip later on.

    I describe an average Russian movie reviewer LOL

    pumeco said:

    Regards the Spice and Wolf music; the incoherence has nothing to do with how I came to my conclusion on that one. The reason I like the English version better is because it's sung in a less abrupt fashion than the Russian version. The girl singing the Russian version sounds as if she's conducting some military street band. Despite you telling me the anime is not girly, it is girly, very girly, and that's probably why I think the more girly sounding English version is better suited.

    Alright, I see. Funny, I guess the ideas of what is "girly" are vastly different in Russia and in the UK =) Even Holo herself, she's anything but girly to every Russian friend of mine I spoke with about her =D

    pumeco said:

    I think the Russian language (in general) sounds quite abrupt compared to English, but I love to hear a good femme fatale speaking it. And that brings me to my interpretation of Russia. Please remember though, that this is just how I picture a country I know only from the media etc. To me, Russia is a country that carries a great sense of pride in itself, but is one that is often the subject of scrutiny due to the sense of unease it paints to onlookers. Fighting, wars, fake diamonds being pressed out of sand, the list goes on. We never really hear anything positive about Russia, it's generally only the heavy stuff we get to hear about.

    Interesting... I guess you're right about the pride. And fake diamonds, you mean this?
    So you don't associate Russia with science. I wonder if its your media that is to blame or our government that doesn't promote our achievements.

    Of a side note, Russian has much more consonant sounds that vowel sounds, so no wonder it sounds harsher than English. It's also why it is considered very difficult to write lyrics in Russian that are both singable and meaningful.

    So here's what I think of the UK. It seems it is a country where everyone has a big secret and people don't really trust each other, except for a close knit circle of friends. Nevertheless, people know how to have fun (pubs, traditional dancing, rural festivities etc). The dwindling nobility feels the threat of the changing world and stubbornly holds on to their traditions that most other people in the UK don't care for already. There is strife between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, each culture having quite a few negative stereotypes about their neighbours. Yet, people born in the UK tend to unite in the face of countless immigrants from countries like India.

    Here's a quality bit of music for you, about that Russian charmer, Rasputin:

    PS: If you appreciate good recording technique, grab one of their collection CD's because it's the best example of compressor mastery you'll ever hear. I've certainly never heard such skill on any other band's recordings.

    Here's a very cool track of theirs, again with a story (and incredible mastery of the compressor):

    Oh my, Boney M... thanks for the links, they brought back many childhood memories. I definitely need to get them on CD, those cassettes are pretty much worn out already... If I remember correctly, some superfamous producer/engineer was there behind the mixing console for them.

    Regards the Russian hard men, I couldn't reach the link of the guy who died of a heart attack

    O.o You mean they block all of our news sources out there in the UK?? Is your government afraid of Mr Putin, or what???

    but it's a real shame one of our British hard men, Vinnie, wasn't on hand to help him out. Here he is demonstrating how to cope with such situations, which brings us to British hard men I promised you:

    You have to admire the care he takes when administering CPR:

    1 -
    2 -
    3 -
    4 -
    5 -

    LOL @ the CPR guy, he's definitely a long lost brother of Mr Valuev (Valuev does a lot of commercials in a similar vein, but mostly for cellphones) Thanks for the pics - cool, I know two guys from your list, Statham and Craig! I can't say I've seen Craig as 007 (I don't really watch anything apart from SF/fantasy) but I've seen many news articles about that =D

    A seriously good actor who takes acting seriously (my tip for good movies), his expression in a still can tell a thousand words:

    Thanks! I've seen a couple of the Alien films, but not this one.

    Regards the Russian singers, I liked the last two songs but all the women were indeed quite nice. I thought that Jasmine looked more Spanish than Russian

    That's the Southern nations here, they do look somewhat Mediterranean. Those wicked Southerners... =P

    Regards Andromeda and the clothes you like so much, I have only one thing to say to that - Farscape. Do they show Farscape in Russia? I admit I only watched it because of the sassy brunette, but it's not actually that bad a program once you get into it. Here's a picture of two of the main characters.
    Not sure what you'll make of the tailoring, but they look cool in that gear:

    Ah yeah, Farscape was on a couple of times, and it's one of the Big Three for me - that would be Babylon 5, Andromeda and Farscape. I think the evolution of the Aeryn Sun character was awesome, and overall the show looked just as great, and the writing is more coherent in Farscape, but Andromeda just resonates with me deeper on more levels. Not taking those personal reasons into account, I think it's a tie. Especially the Scorpius character was brilliantly designed, and the other characters that used extensive makeup (Zhaan and Chiana) totally rival that of Trance Gemini's in terms of technical sophistication.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I know this has NOTHING to do with anything I just had to dig it up and do it.
    Linkin Park: Papercut Listen if ya like dont if ya don't!

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