[Launched in Store] - Carrara EnviroKit - Woodlands [commercial]



  • waxfin_c9ea3eab69waxfin_c9ea3eab69 Posts: 58
    edited December 1969

    here's my first render!
    I feel guilty it was so easy !

    love how the instructions are in the instances drop down menu
    touch of genius
    Beautiful work Dartanbeck

    building is Mangadfor

    992 x 720 - 69K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Oh, Man! That's nice! It's so cool to see a render through the eyes and imagination (and skill) of another!
    Thanks, Man!
    Sorry I haven't been online much lately... Jammin' busy right now - away for my puter :(

    I did get a great start on two new EnvironKits for Carrara - and a surprise new type of kit! :)
    Had to stay up all night to do it, though. No time left during normal waking hours.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    well those rocks must be getting pretty expensive, what with the price of rocks these days :)

    well Dartanbeck I have just started playing with this and I wanted to congratulate you on a superb achievement/
    Magnificent, absolutely magnificent job you have done!
    I'm still finding my way around at the moment, it's like wandering the hills and valleys of a wonderful new land :)

    Thank you so much!!! :)

    Ill post some renders when I have something worthy of the kit!


    I am honored by your words, my friend! I'm glad you like it.
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    well those rocks must be getting pretty expensive, what with the price of rocks these days :)

    well Dartanbeck I have just started playing with this and I wanted to congratulate you on a superb achievement/
    Magnificent, absolutely magnificent job you have done!
    I'm still finding my way around at the moment, it's like wandering the hills and valleys of a wonderful new land :)

    Thank you so much!!! :)

    Ill post some renders when I have something worthy of the kit!


    I am honored by your words, my friend! I'm glad you like it.

    pleasure, I'm really looking forward to using it more and exploring.
    great news about your new projects!

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    it's here - through he said it was cheap !!

  • Rhian-SkybladeRhian-Skyblade Posts: 223
    edited December 1969

    Yay! :) and off I go - all I need now is vacation to have time with my new toy

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Went straight in my basket - good price too for the extensive content! Looking forward to exploring.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099
    edited December 1969

    yippee! can't recommend this highly enough!
    absolutely superb ; )

    thanks Dartanbeck!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Congrats Dart. Very reasonable price!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,580
    edited December 1969


  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Just working on my first image, using a preset scene (with a few changes). I'm finding it very easy to find my way around - the use of notes in the scene is a master stroke! Very clever and well put together, I can see me using this a lot.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Thank you! I truly hope you enjoy it.

  • shumphryshumphry Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    What a bargain, downloaded and installed, and thanks for the video user guides so newbies like me can get so much more out of the scenes.


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Well Steve,
    I actually felt that no matter how new one is, we can always enjoy trying new ways of trying things. I built this kit around a principle that some folks will want to have a quick-to-load backing scene for their objects and others might want to learn more about building scenes in general. While never actually initializing into a full-blown tutorial, the kit follows an approach that goes from the base environmental elements of a ground, sky and lights - with clouds and other features that you can 'turn on' if you like - towards building a scene specifically to render a 360 degree spherical background image, which can be used over and over again, saving loads of time rendering. Still, I wanted the realistic sky scenes, themselves, to render quickly - and I think I pulled that off pretty well. And then you can follow the hints and tips towards rendering animated backdrops. But all in all - you can also just use the kit to make cool scenes either for your products that you have, or as a stand-alone scene. I love to animate - so I need my scenes to render quickly - but I also have a bit of standards towards how I want my animations to look. I hope that the set fulfills what you want it to be... I made months of effort towards trying to satisfy anyone whom might pick it up and have a play with it.

    I'm overly excited that PhilW (my Carrara Hero!) enjoys the kit and cannot wait to see what Wendy has to say about it - and will be honored if it makes it into some of her animations. I hope you all find it helpful and useful - and, as always, if you have any questions just ask away!
    Well under way are more Carrara EnvironKits and can hardly wait to show you what they're about!

    1280 x 720 - 1M
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Rhiana said:
    Yay! :) and off I go - all I need now is vacation to have time with my new toy
    Take the rest of the week off! :)
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    it's here - through he said it was cheap !!
    Sorry, too much?
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    it's here - through he said it was cheap !!
    Sorry, too much?

    I doubt that. Looks like a bit of a typo probably. I mean, the non-sale price is only $15.95. I have looked at far inferior sets that sell at DAZ for around $25.00. Your kit is a bargain.

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    it's here - through he said it was cheap !!
    Sorry, too much?

    It's too much according to the amount I have in Store Credit - but otherwise reasonable I think.

    If I win the Monster Contest with this Carrara Render - http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/23081/P60/#351672 - then I'll grab it for sure!

    But my monster is too cute and cuddly for a scary monster contest, despite being the best I could do. I'm just too into silly to pull off scary convincingly...

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,580
    edited December 1969

    yet to try,
    too busy crashing my graphics driver rendering Petroskys Forest superiour in iClone at moment which I fastgrabbed
    (crashed it 6 times in fact until I reduced the max realtime render texture maps to 512x512!)
    That bugger took an hour to load into Carrara too and am pretty certain looked only average compared to what your set will look like, I only really bought it for my non-Carrara apps.
    I dare not open Carrara until I finish rendering my iClone ani but will try to get a render up later, got that comp entry to do too though.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited July 2013

    Well he IS awfully cute! But you're right. It really is pretty terrifying that no cows are present in the image anywhere.
    Wow... lot of entries in that contest. I did this one for one of those a few years back.

    1024 x 768 - 241K
    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • xmarinexmarine Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    This kit is fantastic! I just purchased it four hours ago and I can not stop trying out all the various components of this amazing product. I am no Carrara expert. Not even close. But with Carrara EnvironKit - Woodlands I was able to achieve very pleasing results on the first few renders. Right out of the box. This is a tremendous value for what is included. So many scene files to choose from. The well made tutorials on YouTube are enjoyable to view and very useful too.Thanks to Dartanbeck for an outstanding product.


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Excellent! I'm very happy to hear that you like it! Makes it all worth while!

  • kakmankakman Posts: 225
    edited December 1969

    This product is tremendous in so many ways. It is easy to use “right out of the box” and yields great render results immediately. It will be a great learning tool for me as well. In addition, it is a incredible value!

    It is obvious how much care you have put into this product. The included PDF file is a very instructive read and is very well thought out and presented. The included notes in the scenes themselves are extremely helpful.

    All in all it reflects the same care and generosity that you display in this forum day after day. I hope that you are justly rewarded with many sales of it.

    I look forward to using and learning from this product over and over again.

    Thank you so much for such a great product. I can hardly wait to see what you come up with next.

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    edited December 1969

    Thanks you for great product, hope to see more kits soon.

    Made a news post here:

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    A first test with the Woodlands set. This is one of the preset scenes, with some lighting and render setting changes of my own. The first - but certainly not the last!

    1600 x 900 - 338K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Wow! Okay... wow! Let me catch my breathe...
    Kakman, thank you so much! What an honor! You too 3dRendero! Oh my! Such wonderful news! Nothing makes me feel better than to hear that you folks are pleased. You know that's all I ever want.
    Phil... Oh man! I'm glad I've given you some space for those guys! I mean... I know that preset and I know how much space is there.... those guys are not small! Glad to see them running around in glee!

    Hey... everyone... it's good to see you all having a good time. Thank you all for the wonderful remarks, the poster at the cafe, the encouragement... you folks R O C K ! ! !
    Wow... Phil... what a render!

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    See my other topic post about my new-found render technique!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Here is the Thread that Phil is referring to and is some great info - easy to learn - for utter realism in your renders getting closer to a Lux result, I think(?) in less time (?) I think.
    Carrara EnvironKits - Woodlands, as well as others in the series generally render in a fraction of the time using the base system included.
    Just know that the base system is only an example of several ways to get great renders from Carrara - and are included as I felt it made the preset a complete solution - whether making a still shot or animation. I make animations, mostly - so I need to rely on speed while making all attempts to maintain quality of the look.

    EnvironKits are all made so that they can be the subject of the render - if you chose... but are intended as a complete and easy to use solution towards finishing off everything that surrounds what you want to focus on.
    If you use the EnvironKit for its fast rendering and complete light rigging and atmosphere, you'll want to load it first. They are designed so that when you bring in your focal point object(s), they will come in at or near where you will want them in your render. I designed the rest of the preset around that space - giving your models free reign to inhabit the focusing central portion of the scene - move around using aniblocks, sprawl out as a building complex, whatever. That all takes place at their default, load in positions - making EnvironKits very fast to work with. If you want to highlight your focal point objects - no matter what they are, drag them into the Focal Group and the Highlighting light rig will highlight them with four additional lights that match the rest of that preset - yet the rig is easily tweaked to how you want it. Though I think many users will just leave it the way it's set.

    Each kit is set up to give you an easy place to store new base scene that you've set up the way your tastes inspire you. Add, remove, tweak, rotate... save to your own, new name! Fast!

    Want to render an animation? Load a preset. Bring in your character(s). Add it (them) to the Focal group to give them a special highlighting light rig to enhance them to the preset scene. Load in their aniBlocks or pose files. Set the camera in motion. Save. Render.
    That simple... that fast.

    I like to keep my animation frame renders down to manageable times. Hence the fast form of rendering. This method that Phil brings up for us provides a noticeable - very noticeable(!) difference in render quality. Patience is very good for a really good render. Although Woodlands (and other EnvironKits to come) are purposely set to render quickly, this is due to them being an all inclusive preset that should have wonderful results for everybody. But stepping up your renders, while time consuming, is amazingly rewarding - and Phil Wilkes is a true hero of mine - especially when it comes to Carrara! His experiment that he urges in that thread is not only great fun, but an excellent exercise in learning a lot about a whole new aspect of Carrara rendering. Although the method is easy to implement, you'll see how in order to perfect the look you'll need to be keen and stubborn. Be picky... be the director. It is going to take a lot of time before you see the end result - so take your time - get the positioning and rotation the way you know it will work for your vision and let it snap! And while these renders take a lot more time that the presets, like Phil says... you may still use them for animations as they are still very fast compared to alternative apps and methods for achieving these higher standards. Give it a go - and have fun!

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for that. You are quite right that you need to keep render times down for animation and your default lighting renders fast! My lighting technique is just another tool to have in your Carrara armoury.

  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    Purchased it a few hours ago and I'm waiting for it to finish downloading. My first download stopped before the whole product was downloaded and the WiFi is messed up at the location I'm at now so it is going to take several hour to download.

    Luckily I can watch TCM has a good movie on I can watch at the place I'm using the WiFi at while it downloads.

    Looking forward to trying it out.

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