Coming Soon...Light Tactical Vehicle (commercial)

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that the Light Tactical Vehicle will be coming soon to my store.
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Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that the Light Tactical Vehicle will be coming soon to my store.
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Here's a couple more sneak peeks...
Looks really good.
Can't wait.
Nice work there; good detail on the interior too. You and @Mattymanx should team up on something.
Thanks! Here's one of the additional textures.
sweet!!!! the additional texture is what sells it for me, nice job!
This looks like a HMMWV rather than a LTV I have a ton of HMMWV models from the games I play, but it will be nice to have a rigged DS version
is there an option for gear attached? up-armored?
Now we just need the miltary ACUs and tactical gear to go with it (hint, hint)
Thanks for all of the comments!
Can we please have dirty winshields also, to complement the dirty body vehicle? You know, clear and maybe slightly smeard where the wipers pass and the rest dusty/muddy?
Great and realistic looking vehicle!
Beautiful detail, but it unfortunately looks slightly out-dated without including CROWS. Any plans for it in a possible expansion?
The US has been doing away with manned stations since around the early-ish 2000s, due to Operation Iraqi Freedom experiences: Terrorists knew to aim for the relatively unprotected gunners up top.
Agreed, that would be a huge plus!
Just picked this up along with the texture addon. a few impressions, first off great looking detailed model and thanks for the poses, very helpful!
When I went to d/l it I was gobsmacked at the file size of the vehicle, then I saw the file size of the addon textures, seriously?
I am finding it to be too resource intensive, probably due to the textures, probably the size and the sheer amount of slots plugged into the IRAY settings. I loaded it and did a preview and it took 4 minutes to load the image. I then loaded up the texture atlas, combined the textures into one large sheet and while the quality went down a bit, it loaded in the preview image in 35-40 seconds. Makes me wonder if this is because of substance painter and how it does things
Also looking at the promo images and then comparing in DS, the scale of parts of the .50 cal are off from the real thing next to figures, just google and you can see many images of scale
i am going to attempt to create a scene with a couple of clothed figures and a background, but I have a feeling all this combined will choke my system, guess we'll see.
I am sorry that you are having those problems, my preview load times are:
LTV = 5 seconds
LTV Outfitted = 7 seconds
LTV Green Dirty Texture = 6 seconds
For the believability of the mud textures this requires completely all new textures. I am sorry you aren't comfortable with my scaling, I take great pride in my products and modeling and strive for accuracy and good looks. If you feel something needs adjusting the Scale dial is always available!
I load the LTV Outfitted in 7.15 seconds.
Green Dirty Text in 6.25 seconds.
Quick 980ti render (1HDRI, 480 iterations ~80%, 2 min.)
The scale is perhaps 15% large. The M2 Browning is 72 inches from butt to barrel end. Handle lengths variable.
Attached screenshot of G3M and Browning.
Edit: Forgot to add: The M2 is a huge gun. The LTV is a great product. Wonderful detail and great extra textures.
Thank you Fastbike for that accurate analysis.
Well I found the culprit on my long load/render times, but it is still heavier than most other products I use, but with reduced textures, it is completely usable and a great and most needed product.
fastbike, thanks to the analysis on the M2, I agree, 15% less is about right overall, it was the hand grips that threw me off more than anything. Thanks to the scaling slider, it's an easy fix.
I get the comment about the Remote Weapons Station. But if you note the chocolate chip paint scheme, you'll see these vehicles are kicking it old school. Besides, these are not the up armored models. You will find this model (the 998 or so?) in most motor pools. Even if they don't deploy. And no, they don't have RWS either. So these have a role.