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I didn't say that. Usually, I program plugins because I need them. Once done, I can share if I choose. If I have to do it while not needing it, that's the definition of work and every work deserve payment.
I do not expect you to make stuff for free
but free is always nice, if I want something I happily buy it.
uhmmmm how many pages is that in my product library now
For 'good stuff' to happen over the long-term, it needs to be a win-win...
@Philemo, Is there a 'donate' button somewhere in your realm? I've believe I've bought everything you sell, and would like to at least 'buy you a beer' for your general generousity.
cheers, and thanks!
When I'm done with the OSX version, I will set up a sourceforge project with a donate button.
@Jamy & @BrianP21361
OSX version is here
It's my first on a mac, so tell me if there is any issues.
@Mindsong if you still feel like it, follow the link in my signature to find the donate button.
Pilemo you are the best!
X infinity
This is so awesome, I thank you for sharing the mac version out to us, I can hardly wait to install and experiment. I've been wondering for a long time but never got around to asking why Carraras mapping seems so weird sometimes.
You're awesome dude!
How did I miss this development at the time! Thanks Philemo for creating this, very useful!
this seems as good a thread to post in as any,
Carrara can do things using them in shaders and stuff, I was curious playing around with Mandelbulb3D the other day how hard it would be for someone to create a fractal generator in Carrara using mesh, was thinking the pycloid plugin by Fredrick Rible might even viable be do it as it can create random stringy things etc. I of course know nothing of the technicalities of such things
Philemo you have a better idea of what is feasible or not, I am stuck with maybe sticking the voxel image series exports from Mandelbulb on planes in the displacement if I want to create a fractal object tried Fiji imagej to create an obj and it ran out of memory after 24 hours trying > <
Sounds like a big ask to me!
well as I said I really do not know but it could prove very memory intensive even if doable.
Incendia Fractals can generate 3D files using Geometrica (from the same developer). The free version is pretty limited in resolution; the higher resolution version (1200x1200x1200) is available for a small donation. PolyBrush is pretty cool, its not a fractal generator, although it is possible to paint with voxels to make some "stringy" organic stuff, then convert it back to a mesh for export.
I looked up Fiji and that seems like a lot of work to generate a mesh, especially if you can't tell how much ram its going to need before you process it.
@th3Digit What do you want to achieve? What kind of fractal object do you want to create?
In theory, only fracatlized surfaces or volumes can generate a mesh. Fractalized lines cannot, except by extrusion or widening. Using fractal in a shader is easy enough (for instance, Cellular Shader does) because it computed on request, but, for a mesh in Carrara, the complete mesh (with all the triangles) must be created beforehand and it usually means a lot of triangles.
I guess I was hoping we could do in Carrara what Mandelbulb3D does.
I wanted to be able to create weird objects for alien plants landscapes and cities etc. self generating, I guess playing with exported voxel slice images and displacement as I originally thought probably a better alternative.
By the way, instead of using displacement, you can use the terrain generator if you start from an image. it's pretty fast and convert easily to mesh. Using a BW version of the image in the alpha channel may also help.
good thinking
Voxel stacks can be used by piling planes each with a different shader (as long as your camera is mostly perpendicular to the planes). You indeed need a script or a plugin to automate this task (if Carrara can gobble a thousand shaders) and it will be very slow once you've exhausted the memory
A volumetric primitive could do the trick quicker (as it would consider the voxels maps in black and white and be far more memory efficient), but still slow as you'll have to raytrace through all those slices.
Rewriting Fiji could be done by building a kind of replicator (one cube primitive per pixel). It would use one replicated instance per non empty pixel which would be the most memory efficient way of doing it. I have to look into that (when I have time :-)). I always wanted to write a replicator and it might be an opportunity :-)
actually I found Mandelbulber (I was using Mandelbulb3D) exports ply mesh which Blender will convert to obj so might go that path instead
it does awesome renders too and I could uv map the render image to the obj
if you want to write a replicator a greeble replicator would be uber cool
just cubes or and other primitives but all randomised stacked to make spaceship exteriors, death stars, cities
it's certainly a PITA
the ply has no faces, fortunately Blender can repair it filling holes in edit mode but is an awful mesh Zbrush rould not even load, threw an error but Carrara did and Zbrush could load the Carrara export.
I could not line up the UV with the image as it will not render front on no matter how I tried, my projection painting attempts in Zbrush not much better.
add a little bit of cloud or caustic 'noise', or even a 'rolling hills' perlin terrain to any interesting 2D fractal as displacement... and you'll probably get some crazy cool terrains... Then consider varying the math functions between them. Brilliant suggestion theme and infinite potential...
FWIW, using PS (PSP/Gimp/etc.) to create the greyscale of interest and throwing it into Bryce as a quick terrain ought be a pretty quick workflow to try things quickly. I think Bryce's Terrain editor (third tab in the editor) lets you mix images right there... Use the 'make it solid' function and export as obj if you want to transfer to other toys...
Hey, @Philemo, I was looking over what your Triplanar plugin does, and it makes me wonder: if the SDK gives you that much control over how objects are shaded, do you think you could make a plugin that would solve the problem of Carrara's shaders going crazy when a character has geografts?
I'm on about being able to use Minotaur 6 in Carrara as usual, but the shading problems occur with any character, and with shoes and genitalia. The minotaur is a great example, though, because the problem's easy to see and also images of the problem area don't violate the nudity ban.
I've attached a pic of what you get if you just drag a Minotaur 6 into the scene. The psychadelic textures on the legs and tail demonstrate exactly how the shader flips out.
this could be the next one
Wow! Now that would be a fun toy.
me twiddling with the demo
I have no idea about source code and crap that comes with it but I like pulling the bits around with my mouse
yeah I actually joined the Nvidia dev thing to get the demo to play with like a game
That looks cool.
i just discovered your plug in links and will try them soon.
I would be interested to know if it would be possible to create a script interpreter similar to POVRay to place objects in the 3D space.
it is nearly impossible to model something like this without scripting.
when applied to G3m Or G8M for baking purposes the face is ALWAYS blurry i've tried subdividing and using a custom single uv but its still blurry and only on the face. to give as much info as possible the face works fine when its exported by itself but then its projected different witch creates seams.
it might be that UDIM UV mapping
That's weird.
Triplanar is a 3D procedural shader, set in local space. It shouldn't be influenced by UV mapping. Does it also happen with other 3D shaders (like wood or 3D noise) ?
I'm away from my computer for a few days, but I'll install Misty's G8 port on Monday to see if I can reproduce it.
By the way, I suppose you've been playing with the sharpness slider? Does it change anything?