Kibarreto Wishlist

lindelllindell Posts: 61
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

Capital Starships that can associate all or some of the released interior scene elements into them and make way for new ones.

How about a medical interior scene? How about a corridor construction kit?


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Many of these things Exist. And some are even Free. I have A corridor kit from ShareCG that works very well.

  • nightwolf1982nightwolf1982 Posts: 1,175
    edited December 1969

    What products/Items might those be?

  • On that note I'd love to see PRACTICAL starships. I have every one of his ships and though they have great control rooms and one has an engine room, not a one of them has anything resembling living quarters, dining rooms, laboratory, sickbay, rec rooms, or (shudder) even a place to relieve oneself! The ships already available may be great for short duration flights but a long voyage that might last for years?! Gods, no; there isn't yet a single one of them that will do!! So how about a ship that can be a smaller but still complete home in space, like what we expect Star Trek's USS Enterprise or something to be (but scaled down to a reasonable size of course)?

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,194

    I'd like to see some wear-and-tear textures. All of these ships look like the dealer just took the plastic bags off the seats and is awaiting the first customer.

  • namffuak said:

    I'd like to see some wear-and-tear textures. All of these ships look like the dealer just took the plastic bags off the seats and is awaiting the first customer.

    That would be nice for a lot of things, and not just for these particular props. But yeah, it would be nice to give ships a Millenium Falcon kind of look after they've supposedly been on a long voyage. Maybe someday someone will figure out a practical way to do this on whatever prop is desired, but i doubt anyone will bother doing that for specific props like these - or of they do it will be too extreme as in making them look like derelicts.

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