[Just Released] Animated Dandelion (commercial)

PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039

Hey guys,

Here is another addition to the iREAL animated series. Hope you enjoy!

Animated Dandelion for Daz Studio (PROMO)

Animated Dandelion for Daz Studio (TUTORIAL)


Say hello to the fourth installment of the “iREAL” series; easy-to-use animated VFX animations for Daz Studio (designed in Iray).

As with all iREAL products, this one is designed to be easy to use and very low on computer resources. Simply load the Dandelion of choice into your scene and apply the aniBlocks to set the prop in motion (3 animation options included; 1. Up and Down, 2. Up and Away, 3. Gust). Load as many copies into your scene to build a field of Dandelions. As with any aniBlock, you can stretch time, speed them up, cut, loop, etc.

*Can be used for stills if desired. Simply do not apply aniBlocks.
**Animate2 Required to animate the props

1000 x 1300 - 917K
1920 x 1080 - 1M
1920 x 1080 - 2M
1920 x 1080 - 2M
1920 x 1080 - 556K
1920 x 1080 - 549K
1920 x 1080 - 550K
Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on


  • Oh....very cool!!  Already have ideas.  :)

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Great, I've wanted a dandelion for quite some time :)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    OMG that is so much better than mine blush

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    This is amazing.

    I think Ill get this with the Dandelion character: https://www.daz3d.com/dandelion-bundle

    Will be a great addition - I'm sure Daz will notice. :)

    One criticism; dandelions bend in the wind, certainly a little as seeds get wafted away; they have a lot of air resistance.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    You decided to totally empty my wallet!
    Looks amazing!

  • VortigensBaneVortigensBane Posts: 383

    Very pretty.

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,506

    I like the idea of macro renders. Good concept for a product!

  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 696

    Your work is so awesome. Thank you for supporting animation in Daz. Always an instabuy.

  • jaebeajaebea Posts: 454

    I love your creative utilities!!  Can't wait to get this one too!  Question.....how did you animate the grass in the promo?  I can bring in animated trees and bushes from Speed Tree but haven't figured out how to animate grass, weeds and ground flowers.

  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited May 2017
    jaebea said:

    I love your creative utilities!!  Can't wait to get this one too!  Question.....how did you animate the grass in the promo?  I can bring in animated trees and bushes from Speed Tree but haven't figured out how to animate grass, weeds and ground flowers.

    Hi @jaebea

    The grass was animated in Cinema 4D using various effectors and the default plugins that come with C4D. And the grass started out as an static OBJ file that I modelled from reference models.

    I have been tossing around the idea of making it into a product, but wasn't sure if there would be enough interest in it. Would this be something that you would be interested in if I went that route? What sort of options would you be interested to see in an animated grass product?


    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • jaebeajaebea Posts: 454

    OMGosh, yes!  I would snatch up animated grass as soon as it was in the store!

  • VortigensBaneVortigensBane Posts: 383

    I'd go for animated grass too.  I would absolutely love a "wheat" field such as the one featured in the film "War Horse."  Maybe even with animated seeds floating away in the wind.  Not that I'm even able to animation with my machine, but that is what I would like...

  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 696

    Animated grass would be great!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    The dandelion looks gorgeous.  And another yes for the animated grass for sure

  • Yes, yes, yes for the grass. :-) It´s look fantastic too.

    I would like to have grass, cereals all of them. :-)

    Thank you for your fantastic work



  • Just released today. yes 

    I'll see if I can get working on the grass.


  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    yes please the grass

    (wallet is crying though)

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    aaaand what would be really cool

    an animated 3d fire

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