Hey Genesis works )



  • ubetchaubetcha Posts: 0
    edited March 2013

    [Post removed by author]

    Post edited by ubetcha on
  • ubetchaubetcha Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Edit: I've started a new topic on the following, so as not to "hi-jack" this one:

    ubetcha said:
    Hi all,

    In my Carrara (8.5beta), I'm unable to see the few iconic shapes for Genesis like A3, V3, V4 & M4 that I installed. After installation, I made sure to run DAZ Studio 4.5 Pro .. and they're in my Shapings tab (cool). I then run Carrara 8.5beta, bring-up the Genesis figure, select "actor" and search thru the Parameters tab. I can see quite a few morphs but I can't see any of those iconic shapes I installed. What am I doing wrong? I couldn't find existing topics to help me.

    Additionally, I don't know whether this' related or not but in Carrara's Smart Content tab, I go to Categories > Default > Shaping and that text in the tree is black & there's no content within.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    edited December 1969

    emeyer said:
    (P.S. Theoretically, it should be possible to use the V3-toV2 morph, included in V3, to get V2 clothing on as well, somehow, but I'm sitll tyring to get the V3 workflow figured out).

    I use ds not Carrara but I have had luck converting stuff for v2 using the v3 clone. I'm not on my desktop so unfortunately can't post any images. From memory it was the two historical dresses that i converted.

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    3DAGE said:
    Hi CoolArt Dude :)

    That's one of the reasons the DIM (Daz Install Manager) was created. :)

    DIM updates the Database which the "content management service" uses to supply "Smart content" into DS and Carrara.

    Currently, this is done when you load DS after installing any new content. ..Studio reads the metadata and updates the database.
    then you can use that new content in Carara 8.5 smart content tab.

    so,..Eventually,.. there should be no need to install Daz Studio, to do that.
    DIM will do that after it downloads and installs the new content for you.

    If you don't want to use Genesis, or smart content, or DIM, then you don't need to,. Carrara 8.5 will work without those.


    edited for typo's

    So we have someone from daz saying you dont need DS installed to use CMS and now it seems like we do, so we still need to have another program installed to use it, a pain in the ass.

    Also those shaders wernt the right ones :/

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    So we have someone from daz saying you don't need DS installed to use CMS and now it seems like we do

    No,. you won't need to install Daz Studio to update the CMS.....that's correct.

    DIM is the Download manager and Install manager for your products.
    it has the ability to add the product information to the CMS database,. (without requiring Daz Studio to do that),. and without requiring the user to Open Daz Studio to allow it to update the database with new content.
    which is the current process while we're still in 8.5 Beta phase.

    The alternative could be,. re-write Carrara to add a Content database manager. or worse.
    and if that Database system changes,, you'd need to re-download Carrara to update it.

    The fact remains that at some point, you wont need to download a 400mb program and install it, and open it,.. to have access to smart content in Carrara.

    All you'll be doing is downloading your products and installing them using DIM and it'll add those products to the CMS database.
    then you can open Carrara and use your products.

    Dim is a small app,. easily updated, easy to use. and makes installing / uninstalling content,.. much simpler.

    It's going to be the easiest way to download, install, and manage your content, ..including Carrara content.
    and it's the simplest way to remove the need to have Daz Studio installed,. and not change the way that Carrara works.

    On your shaders

    I'll have a look on my other drives over the weekend to see if i can locate those elusive leather shaders :)

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Will grab all the genesis stuff using DIM (Which I have to set to use win98 compatibility mode) and see what happens :)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Which OS are you using. ?

    I'm on Win7 and had no issues,.
    I know there has been some "installer" issues with Win8 specifically Carrara native content, which is still an installer,... but I haven't heard of issues with installing DIM.

    DIM currently handles content,. but that will expand to include Carrara content and other products,.... everything sold in the store.

  • BrianP21361BrianP21361 Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    i had a similar problem with the V4, M4, G4 and F4 morphs and Carrara. I also purchased the Genesis body and head morphs at the same time. I was able to install the V4, M4, G4 and F4 morphs into my current runtime and they worked fine with Studio, but didn't show up in Carrara. I downloaded the new DIM and then reinstalled all my Genesis products into a new runtime. A couple of things happened. I was able to see all the V4, M4, G4 and F4 morphs and the Genesis head and body morphs in Carrara, but only with M5 and V5. They didn't show up with the basic Genesis figure or the Basic male. It may be that I have two copies of those figures in two different runtimes, one with the correct morphs and one without and Carrara is using the one without. I will delete my first runtime and try it again. I am using 8.5.172 on a Mac with OSX 10.8.

    I do have to comment on how easy it was to download and install the CIM. However, I only included Genesis content and not all of my purchased products. I have no idea how to deal with products purchased from Renderocity or freebies from ShareCG.

    I hope this helps.

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited March 2013

    3DAGE said:
    Which OS are you using. ?

    I'm on Win7 and had no issues,.
    I know there has been some "installer" issues with Win8 specifically Carrara native content, which is still an installer,... but I haven't heard of issues with installing DIM.

    DIM currently handles content,. but that will expand to include Carrara content and other products,.... everything sold in the store.

    Windows 8 x64 - not alone with the DIM issue

    Current Download Path:
     Location = F:/DIM_Downloaded Content
     Disk Total: 465.7 GB (500104687616)
     Disk Avail: 267.1 GB (286882992128)
    Current Install Path:
     Location = F:/DIM_Installed_Content
     Disk Total: 465.7 GB (500104687616)
     Disk Avail: 267.1 GB (286882992128)
    WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(36): DB Register Open error: Stream read error.
    WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(36): DB Register Open error: Stream read error.
    Installing product : Genesis Ranger PoserCF
    Product successfully installed : Genesis Ranger PoserCF
    Install Queue finished in 0 min 27.7 sec.
    Installing product : Genesis Ranger
    Error reading metadatafile

    guess that is why nothing is showing, stupid Win98 mode!!!!!

    Post edited by None on
  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I am getting somewhat annoyed now, after re-installing Windows 7, and having the bloody DIM thing download everything, and then telling Carrara where there folder was, every time i click on something Genesis related, the bloody thing asks me where the folder is then tells me it cant find it, little error box stating some daz path, or it tells me there is no prop to import, or it cant load the cr2 :shut: >:( :vampire:

  • ZyloxZylox Posts: 787
    edited December 1969

    That's odd, I am on Win 8 pro 64 bit and I have not had any problems with the download manager or loading genesis into Carrara beta. It is slow, but does work. I don't use smart content, I prefer to arrange my runtime/content folder myself.

    For the person installing to their F drive, try installing to the default location and then copying to where you want it. As long as you don't delete the "InstallManagerFileRegister" file from the installation folder, the installer will keep track of what you have installed and what needs to be updated.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Zylox said:
    That's odd, I am on Win 8 pro 64 bit and I have not had any problems with the download manager or loading genesis into Carrara beta. It is slow, but does work. I don't use smart content, I prefer to arrange my runtime/content folder myself.

    For the person installing to their F drive, try installing to the default location and then copying to where you want it. As long as you don't delete the "InstallManagerFileRegister" file from the installation folder, the installer will keep track of what you have installed and what needs to be updated.

    You can even delete the InstallManagerFileRegister.ini -- all Install Manager needs are the manifest files it saves.

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Still getting issues, it always asks me where to look for the runtime folder, and when I tell it, it says there has been an error, or it cant load the .cr2 file, be easier if I just put DS back in

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Still getting issues, it always asks me where to look for the runtime folder, and when I tell it, it says there has been an error, or it cant load the .cr2 file, be easier if I just put DS back in

    now that sounds like a plan - might just help you

  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    yes and kicking the DIM installer right in the nuts will help also :lol:

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    yes and kicking the DIM installer right in the nuts will help also :lol:

    don't do that - it work great for me :-)

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