An Attempt of a "Limited Time Freebie" Message Only Email Alert Thread



  • CriosCrios Posts: 2,837

    But DAZ 4.X can load PMD without trouble, or not?

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

    Thanks WandW for help, she said that plugin does work only in DS3, and that it is not updated for DS4+. I guess that means that it can't load it and that I don't need to try to load those files with plugin then.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 2016

    DS 4.x can load SOME PMDs in CR2s...but if it's in pz2 file, then it can't.

    And that particular item states pz2 and pmd...

    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303
    edited December 2016


    From December 15th to December 18th
    _those Ubisoft games - that were up for free

    - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time,
    -Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell,
    -Rayman Origins,
    -The Crew,
    -Beyond Good & Evil,
    -Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
    and Assassin's Creed 3.

    _They're All up for Free _for anyone

    Yes, snag all of them_For Free


    Post edited by ed3D on
  • EvilQueeny17EvilQueeny17 Posts: 56
    edited December 2016

    Use the code DAY-ONE-BONUS to get an item on this page free

    You can also get 2 if you buy a new release but it sounds like the code will get you 1 free item on that page without any purchase.


    OOPS I apparently need to learn to spell again lol (fixed BONUS) cheeky

    Post edited by EvilQueeny17 on
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303

    _yes the DAY-ONE-BONUS - does sound like that_``~...

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    thank you for the ubisoft heads up ed :)

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303
    edited December 2016

    thank you for the ubisoft heads up ed :)

    _your welcome -

    _ just saw about it  yesterday

    _this morning was all  "it's a limited time freebie"_


    Post edited by ed3D on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

    Use the code DAY-ONE-BOUNUS to get an item on this page free

    You can also get 2 if you buy a new release but it sounds like the code will get you 1 free item on that page without any purchase.

    Wow thanks, I almost missed it.


  • launoklaunok Posts: 793

    Thank you for the DAY-ONE- BONUS offer, I have also almost missed it. Will have to keep an eye on these offers!

  • SempieSempie Posts: 658

    We now have a day two bonus:

    Any 2 items below FREE or any 3 items below FREE* with purchase of any new release

    They're sort of spoiling us rotten, this year....

    (Thanks, DAZ!!)

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303
    edited December 2016

    _this is Amazing ?? _a day two bonus_ _thanks_``~...

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • launoklaunok Posts: 793
    edited December 2016
    Sempie said:

    We now have a day two bonus:

    Any 2 items below FREE or any 3 items below FREE* with purchase of any new release

    They're sort of spoiling us rotten, this year....

    (Thanks, DAZ!!)

    Only 1 item worked for me for day 2 bonus.  When adding item 2 chosen into my card entering the same coupon code DAY-TWO-BONUS, it is not valid.  I assume 2 items free is for eveyone? Clearly not in my case. frown I hope I will still get this tomorrow on a new day.  Thanks anyway for this great offerings, much appreciated!

    Post edited by launok on
  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    launok said:
    Sempie said:

    We now have a day two bonus:

    Any 2 items below FREE or any 3 items below FREE* with purchase of any new release

    They're sort of spoiling us rotten, this year....

    (Thanks, DAZ!!)

    Only 1 item worked for me for day 2 bonus.  When trying adding item 2 the coupon code is not valid.  I assume 2 items free is for eveyone? Clearly not in my case. frown  I hope I will still get this tomorrow on a new day.  Thanks anyway for this great offerings, much appreciated!

    i was about to just comment to warmly thank DAZ for them spoiling us rotten - see comment above - which i do here.

    while i'm still very thankful for yesterday's day-one-bonus "1 item free (without any purchase)", me too i have an issue with today's day-two-bonus "2 items free (without any purchase)" - the discount doesn't apply with 2 items in the cart. and i don't want to use up this awesome gift with only 1 item, hoping it will get fixed (or the banner corrected down to 1 item free) before the end of the day...

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    edited December 2016

    warmly thank DAZ for them spoiling us rotten - see comment above! so many great free products i'm stunned and happy ^_^

    (edited because while i thought day-2 didn't work, it was probably me having picked in my cart a wrong item i.e. a base product i had browsed to verify if i had it before buying the addon texture, and that wasn't on the list) - day-two works perfectly)

    Post edited by manekiNeko on
  • launoklaunok Posts: 793

    I have not noticed the small print underneath the offer for day 2, both items must be in card simultaneously for the coupon to work and not the way I have done it, one by one! blush

  • CriosCrios Posts: 2,837
    edited December 2016

    There also this

    But don't work.


    Sorry, work, i've forgotten to login :P

    Post edited by Crios on
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303
    edited December 2016

    _thanks you's_``~...

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • Day three bonus is up

    Use coupon code DAY-THREE-BONUS to get:

    Any 3 items below FREE or any 4 items below FREE* with purchase of any new release*

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,912
    edited December 2016

    The biweekly freebies have changed but the free price isn't showing yet.

    ETA: This appears to have been fixed and working now

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

    Same here, some are free but many are not.

  • SempieSempie Posts: 658
    edited December 2016

    Day 4 bonus is up:

    (Sort of reminds me of the "12 Days of Christmas"-song. Are they really going to keep this up till Christmas Day...?)

    Post edited by Sempie on
  • I ordered some Viaga for them in case they have trouble with keeping it up.
  • CherubitCherubit Posts: 994
    Sempie said:

    Day 4 bonus is up:

    (Sort of reminds me of the "12 Days of Christmas"-song. Are they really going to keep this up till Christmas Day...?)

    It says it's a christmas week, so I guess just a few days more until it reach 7 days? could be until xmas too though :)

  • The Day 5 bonus is up:

    If, like me, you are still seeing the "Day 4" banner, the coupon code for day 5 is, naturally DAY-FIVE-BONUS. You may pick 5 free items, or 6 free items if you make at least one non-free purchase.

  • launoklaunok Posts: 793
    edited December 2016

    I have made a list of 5 items which I want to download today (they were still up yesterday) for the Day5 bonus.  3 of them are no more! sad  I have also noticed that the pages dropped heavily from about 71 initially to 67 yesterday and 63 this morning.  It seems they take items away or what? Just wondering. frown 

    But on the other hand I can't complain at all - I got great items already and thank Daz for their generosity the way they do Christmas freebies this year! angel

    Post edited by launok on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    ...I grabbed some Bobbie25 outfits for Genesis that I didn't see the past days, so either I missed them, or they are making changes.  There are just so many textures and items, it is hard to sort through it all!  Thats a good thing, though  cheeky

  • Some that weren't there yesterday (that were there Monday) are back, actually...

  • Day 6 is up :)

    ~ DAY 6 BONUS ~

    Use coupon code DAY-SIX-BONUS to get:

    Any 6 items below FREE or any 7 items below FREE with purchase of any new release

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,991
    3dOutlaw said:

    ...I grabbed some Bobbie25 outfits for Genesis that I didn't see the past days, so either I missed them, or they are making changes.  There are just so many textures and items, it is hard to sort through it all!  Thats a good thing, though  cheeky

    They are making some changes everyday, wonder what is the idea behind that

This discussion has been closed.