An Attempt of a "Limited Time Freebie" Message Only Email Alert Thread



  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,175

    Yeah, they get reduced to $0.00 when in the cart.  I grabbed all 5 items (across multiple transaction) from the earlier batch, but the current ones don't particularly interest me.  Partly this was because the remaining ones after the furst purchase managed to linger just long enough into the next block of 4 hours that I could grab the rest of them.  Then a little while later I refreshed the page and the 5 items had changed to new ones.

    Yeah, I just put it in the cart and found out.  Thanks.  I guess I'll check again at 2:00 am (Eastern) and then go right to bed.  Longggggg day.


  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2017

    Another batch replacing the old lot, and this time there appear to be six* featured items.

    <== You have just under four hours from the timestamp on this post before they probably change to another new batch.

    *As SixDs said below any of the featured items that you already own won't** appear as that page seems to always force 'Hide Items That I Own'***. So there may be more than six featured items if I already owned some of them.

    **But they might, depending on the weather, sunspot activity, etc. Like the 'Fantasy Warrior Poses' on the screenshot which I already had. But it doesn't show up now

    ***Except when it doesn't**

    All changed again, bring on the next batch !

    1010 x 499 - 188K
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  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited November 2017

    Yeah, just a little heads up for those who may find things a little confusing: 3dcheapskate has pointed out that the current selection includes six freebies. However, note that any of them that you already have will not show. At least that is how it is working for me. Out of curiosity, I unchecked "hide items I own" on the main page, but when I clicked on the sale page in the banner, it reset the "hide items I own" setting, so it still did not display those. Not that I want it to anyway, but just thought I would point out what is happening for the benefit of any who might be puzzled by the number of available freebies that they are seeing.

    Sorry, Kerya, but this thing is a little different than other limited time freebies, since it is a moving target.

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • CriosCrios Posts: 2,735

    But the items will change during the week end? Or will be ever the same?

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    change every 4 hours all week end

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2017

    Hey presto, all change...

    I see five as per the screenshot, you may see more/less

    <= just under four hours from this timestamp to grab your freebie(s) from this bunch before they all change again

    (somebody else feel free to post the next one in four hours time. I might be too bored :o) )

    All changed again...

    Interesting (to those who are interested) sidenote: If you bookmark the page linked above, close your browser, reopen your browser and use the bookmark you'll probably see all the featured items, even the ones you already own. If you then go to the store (just click 'Shop' top left of any page) and then use the bookmark again you'll only see ones you don't yet own. Close browser. Repeat. It's fun !

    947 x 502 - 591K
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  • CriosCrios Posts: 2,735
    bigh said:

    change every 4 hours all week end

    I figured badly, I thought the items stayed for more than 4 hours.
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,119
    edited November 2017

    _pretty good_``~...

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,309

    The latest set.

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  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    And another set ...

    907 x 502 - 262K
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2017

    New batch with a lot more than five or six items (more than shown on the screenshot), including a couple of pro bundles...

    Looks like that big batch was a mistake*** by DAZ, as I guessed that it might be. So if you managed to grab something from that list while it was free you were very, very lucky. I was*.

    Second attached screenshot shows the batch of six that replaced it, about 22 minutes before wwes posted (two posts down from here) judging by comments on the page 55 link below.

    Also there's a DAZ Store page - Thanksgiving Weekend Free Item Selection

    (Note: Even if you're not seeing the featured items as free they should** show as free if you put them in your cart and view your cart. Provided you don't have more than the allowed number of featured freebies in your cart - i.e. one if you're not actually buying anything, or three if you're buying a new release. E.g. if you just put two of the items in your cart without a new release in your cart neither will show as free.)

    Other related threads:

    *and to be honest I'm half-expecting a message from DAZ asking me to give it back ! ****

    **Apparently there's another problem - see the first post on page 2 of the black friday 'free' items never showing as free thread.

    ***Apparently related to a bigger glitch - see Sempie's post about six down from here and the page 55 link above.

    ****Skiriki's post (just over half way down page 64 of the other thread) indicates that DAZ won't be asking for them back.

    1535 x 485 - 233K
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    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • Fantastic offers by Daz in this four hour block of freebieslaugh

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,102

    New batch with a lot more than five or six items (more than shown on the screenshot), including a couple of pro bundles...

    Those are not the items I am seeing, and not all are showing as free when I put them in my cart.

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,119

    _And they changed Again_???

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,119
    edited November 2017

    _And these_ _ only one is showing as free

    Sushmita HD for Victoria 7 and Her Jewelry

    1043 x 320 - 143K
    Post edited by ed3D on
  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,102
    edited November 2017
    ed3D said:

    _And these_ _ only one is showing as free

    Sushmita HD for Victoria 7 and Her Jewelry

    Yes, that is what I am seeing.  Maybe a glitch?

    EDIT:  Just saw 3dcheapskates edited post above.

    Post edited by 3WC on
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,119
    wwes said:

    EDIT:  Just saw 3dcheapskates edited post above.

    _yeah, Looks like a Glitch of Somekind_``~...

  • SempieSempie Posts: 658
    edited November 2017

    Apparantly, from what I read in another thread, due to a glitch, the entire Genesis 3 batch has been on offer for free, not even limited to one single download - you could keep on downloading.

    They then sort of fixed the glitch, but with a new one - now only one of the items is showing up for free (the one I'm not interested in at all of course, as I don't own Victoria 7 and I'm not planning on buying her anytime soon.)


    Anyway, I got a lot of nice stuff from their earlier offerings, nothing to throw a tantrum about....


    (EDIT - Well, waddaya know - new batch is up and now I have Victoria 7 after all...)

    Post edited by Sempie on
  • Has anyone from Daz commented on the glitch?

  • SempieSempie Posts: 658
    edited November 2017

    Has anyone from Daz commented on the glitch?

    No, there's a rant between people looting anything related to Genesis 3 (apparantly even all of the Pro-bundles were out for grabs for the full duration of four hours, with no limit on the amount of downloads - the glitch was not really fixed, which is why the regular batch of freebies did not work) and people accusing them from misusing an obvious glitch, but as for so far, DAZ has refrained from any official comments, as far as I know. Well, no DAZ sale without a good riot, I guess... (I came out with one freebie less, but I'm not planning on making a fuss about that, with all of the other regular freebies that I did get..)

    Post edited by Sempie on
  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513
    edited November 2017
    Sempie said:

    Well, no DAZ sale without a good riot, I guess...


    --E --E --E


    getcher pitchforks here, we have full price, bundle price and factory defects

    Post edited by agent unawares on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2017

    The current batch (see screenshot), which seems to be working correctly (I picked up one of them about two hours ago without any problem), have been there for about two hours (i.e. since at least 2 hours before the timestamp on this post)

    Next scheduled change is in just over an hour and a half, unless that 'Final' bit in "Final Black Friday..." indicates that this is the last batch. But it does also say 'Continues', and the weekend's not over, not even here at UTC+7. So who knows ?

    Official Store Category Page -

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  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2017

    New batch of five showing,so the show goes on. The same five items are showing up both here and here And they're definitely working - I just grabbed one.

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  • Again

    912 x 467 - 445K
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,119
    edited November 2017

    - - - yes, Looks like _Another!! _Glitch of Somekind

    Edit_ _Linwelly_ _Alright Then Thanks_missd clicked_``~...

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    Post edited by ed3D on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,919
    edited November 2017
    ed3D said:

    _yes, Looks like _Another!! _Glitch of Somekind_``~...

    you took only the love potion, its the complete bundle that is free

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2017

    And again (but missed the previous batch)


    939 x 452 - 486K
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  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2017

    And again, at 8pm MST (DAZ time) Sunday 26th. Is this the last batch ?

    915 x 478 - 143K
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  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,119

    And again, at 8pm MST (DAZ time) Sunday 26th. Is this the last batch ?

    _was also Supposeing _could be the last group_``~...

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2017

    That wasn't the last batch, there's more (including Michael 7) at 00.08 MST (DAZ time) on Monday 27th -

    938 x 477 - 407K
    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
This discussion has been closed.