Carrara and PFMatchit 2013 Matchit

Due to the nice upgrade offer from Pixel Farm (around 100€ Upgrade from PFHOE V2.2 to PFMATCHIT), I just checked PFMATCHIT 2013 with Carrara 8 64 bit.
If this is of any interest to you, I want to share the first results of my tries to get a workflow after a couple of days using PFMATCHIT
I got a good camera path from PFMATCHIT in CARRARA by
1. I used the new 2013 Node "Simple Track and Solve" in PFMATCHIT. This gives similar results as i had in PFHOE. Maybe I have not yet the understanding of the manual node capabilities, but the manual nodes gave me a quite different and a much bumpier camera path.
2. I added some test objects on specific tracking points to get a rought idea in Carrara, where the basic planes are to be constructed
3. The output node was configured to FBX
4. The footage was saved as sequenced png images.
In Carrara:
5. Import the FBX file saved in Step 3. All in automatic mode
6. Use the Camera Modifiers Point at "Interesting Point Node" and Track on "Camera 1-2 Node" on your scene cam.
7.In the Backdrop, load the footage saved in Step 4. But load it explicit as "Sequenced png"! Jump to the start of the animation and select the first png, then jup to the end of the animation and select the last png.
Now everything is set.
Depending on your test objects in Step 2, you can construct some shadow receiving planes and position your 3D objects and animate them.
Now render your animation, save it in a standard file format and add sound and video effects with a video cut software.

very useful, thank you I'll give it a try
This is awesome. Out of more curiosity, I decided to check out this Pixel Farm: MatchIt to see what all it does, which is just as explained in the original post. Very useful stuff. Seems like it would take a lot of the irritation away from such endeavors.
This is a first animation with PFMatichit and Carrara 8
The fbx format is quite useful.
But quite buggy in early Carrara versions. It works in 8.1.