Morph injection channel conflicts

harlequin-3dharlequin-3d Posts: 0
edited February 2013 in Carrara Discussion

Is there anything you can you do if you want to use two morphs that use the same injection channel?

Post edited by harlequin-3d on


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    So what can you do if you want to use two morphs that use the same injection channel?
    Could you be more specific?
    I usually never see much conflict - but I'm just me. I often see situations where certain morphs aren't supported by clothes, but I just fix that within Carrara. But if you mean two character packs that want to use the same channel as the other - I can't see that causing an issue. If it should end up doubling up on a particular dial, where it makes an undesirable affect, wouldn't it be easy enough to fix with a few spins of a dial?

    Hey - I just found out a really cool feature using Carraras NLA functions. Allow me to explain, if you would.

    I made my Rosie Character immediately upon loading V4 into Carrara the first time. That was 2007, I think. She's been a Carrara file ever since. Well some people have found problems with certain morphs completely losing their functionality in V4 models in Carrara. Rogue Pilot (and 3dage?) discovered that it had something to do with the Daz Studio Power Loader - or the Power Loader I know is what can fix the problem...
    Once you open a V4 in DS and runn the Power Loader, basically let it run and tell it to load all morphs - just once is all it takes. The issue disappears from your computer forever. Well I did that, but it doesn't affect the V4 characters you've saved in Carrara previously.

    Drawing much closer to production time, I realized that I really wanted to rebuild my Rosie Character - as she is the main Heroine of the entire series. Actually the entire series revolves around her. Well I wanted a way to transfer all of her morphs data in Carrara - so I acted on a hunch:

    Load the character you want to save the morph data from.

    Go to the NLA tab and select "Create Master Pose"

    Deselect the Hip in the Parameters list, which deselects everything except the model itself.

    Now scroll almost to the bottom of the list of parameters and select "Body Morphs" by clicking the box.

    Give the NLA Pose a memorable name and click "OK" and then save the clip to your browser - for safe keeping.


    To load the stored data onto a new figure (in my situation, loading a fresh version of V4):

    Load in the new figure

    Be sure to add any necessary Morphs to the figure.
    *For this, I went into the 'Daz's Victoria 4' heading in the Pose section > 'Morph Injection'. By clicking directly on "Morph Injections" instead of opening the directory, I get the option to load all of a particular type. "Morphs ++", "Steph 4", etc., and just load the whole set. In the past I didn't use this option, but I'm finding that I like having all of those options available for future times. You never know which dials will work best for a particular need if you don't have it on the figure!
    Otherwise, just go through and load the morphs you know you need, individually.

    Now select the figure and go to the NLA tab.

    Make sure that the clip (pose, actually - same thing except that a Pose has no key frames) is in the NLA tray.

    Select "Load Clip Data" from the NLA tab options.

    Your morph setting have just been transferred!

    Sorry for the long post, but it is somewhat related - and I thought you might find this to be helpful.

  • harlequin-3dharlequin-3d Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Could you be more specific?

    The morphs now both react when either dial is adjusted.
    Dial one up...they both dial up.
    Dial one down...they both dial down.

    Is there a way to lock a dial in its current position so it won't move when the other is used?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847
    edited December 1969

    If they are two Poser morphs using the PBMCC or PBMDC channels, both with the same number, then one fix is to edit the pz2 file(s) of one morph to use a different number (that isn't used by any other morph you are loading).

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    How does this happen, from Character products that dial morphs for you?
    Custom made morphs? I don't recall this ever happening to me.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    If they are two Poser morphs using the PBMCC or PBMDC channels, both with the same number, then one fix is to edit the pz2 file(s) of one morph to use a different number (that isn't used by any other morph you are loading).
    Can you do that in notepad?
  • harlequin-3dharlequin-3d Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    How does this happen, from Character products that dial morphs for you?
    Custom made morphs? I don't recall this ever happening to me.

    I was trying a morph pack for more realistic female lips. Non daz store so can't link to it.
    But I think it must conflict with

    Because after I load it, when I adjust the lips it effects her breasts too. :ohh:

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Yikes! I didn't realize that natural gravity had such an affect from the lips. I'll have to experiment with Rosie tonight! :-P

  • harlequin-3dharlequin-3d Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Yikes! I didn't realize that natural gravity had such an affect from the lips.

    Indeed! It was news to me as well. :-)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847
    edited December 1969

    If they are two Poser morphs using the PBMCC or PBMDC channels, both with the same number, then one fix is to edit the pz2 file(s) of one morph to use a different number (that isn't used by any other morph you are loading).
    Can you do that in notepad?

    Yes, though I'd always advise using a better text editor (although, to be fair, I've not used the Windows 7 version of Notepad).

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