Mii dog free walk cycle poses

JessieJessie Posts: 42

So I don't really post/share anything here. I usually just dl little dumb free things cause I use daz to help me set scenes for my drawings other than that I don't use the site much. But I'm doing a project that needed a dog walk cycle and after looking I for a good week I wanst able to find one. So I made one. It's a little choppy and every pose is it's own .duf (because saving the poses as an animation wouldnt work for some reason). But since I saw others needed this I figured I'd give it out for people to use. just apply every pose on a new frame and always go back to 1 and it works well. I'ma try to do a run too, as well as a run walk for the big cat. 

You can use/share/post/what ever, idrc. just give credit (just use the link for my website, it's how people contact me( https://sites.google.com/site/jessicamasonart/home ))



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