Gunship Dragonfly [commercial]

PorsimoPorsimo Posts: 359

Dragonfly is a heavily armed gunship / troop transport with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilty and can carry up to eight (8) troops in addition to the crew of two (gunner & pilot).

The set includes pilot, gunner, 1 left and 1 right side passenger poses for Genesis 3 Female, Genesis 3 Male, Victoria 7 and Michael 7.

Four different color schemes and separate material presets for all lights. Includes both Iray and 3Delight materials.

And it's out and ready to take-off!...

1000 x 1300 - 909K
1300 x 1000 - 972K
1300 x 1000 - 1M
1000 x 1300 - 781K
1300 x 1000 - 263K
1300 x 1000 - 352K
Post edited by Porsimo on


  • TraceSLTraceSL Posts: 529

    cool, looking forward to it

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Oh Yeah!

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    At last, a modern Iray futuristic gunship transport!

    Would have preferred the missiles to be more unique, so that it could just as easily be used for stories set well after the old Sidewinder and Hellfire have been retired from service, but this is really a trivial complaint.

    Can the sensor ball be made to look dead ahead (or even a little upwards), instead of only at that slightly downward angle, so that it could mirror where the gunner is looking?

  • PorsimoPorsimo Posts: 359

    At last, a modern Iray futuristic gunship transport!

    Would have preferred the missiles to be more unique, so that it could just as easily be used for stories set well after the old Sidewinder and Hellfire have been retired from service, but this is really a trivial complaint.

    Can the sensor ball be made to look dead ahead (or even a little upwards), instead of only at that slightly downward angle, so that it could mirror where the gunner is looking?

    I was thinking of somewhat more futuristic missiles but, I know guns better than missiles, so I used existing ones as models to make them more believable. Although, I didn't try to be very faithful to the source material for that particular reason you mentioned. Only the AT missile is relatively close to the Hellfire.

    And yes, the sensor ball can turn straight ahead + about 30 deg. up from that (and same backwards).

    500 x 500 - 111K
  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    To which I would ammend to "At last a modern 3Delight futuristic gunship transport" --- thanks for remembering there are those of us who don;t use Iray... good stuff! 

    At last, a modern Iray futuristic gunship transport!

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    Hey, at least some exist for 3Delight in the store; none in Iray until now. :) It's always a plus when both rendering types are catered for, though.

    Excellent news on the sensor ball! Definitely sold. The more futuristic gunships, the better!

  • lenwilderlenwilder Posts: 188
    edited May 2017

    Cool almost looks like this

    Terrific feature of the aircraft is when the floor drops out and the passengers drop.

    Tethered or parachutes. 

     Landing would take away from the value of course as it exposes the aircraft to more danger.

    So having a bottom opening bay doors with tethered or parachute drop makes alot of sense.

    The aircraft should be big enough to carry a large contingent of combat soldiers.



    Post edited by lenwilder on
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    I think the aim of it is to be like a Hind helicopter gunship or the dropship from 'Aliens': If it's designed to carry a large number of soldiers, it won't be small/agile enough to be any good at combat. This way, it retains believable combat ability, while being able to carry a small squad of personnel, like special forces, mdical evacuation and so on.

    The large number of weapons indicate the designer's priority was combat first, transportation second.

  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Yeah.. seconded.. this one will be a getter for sure.. 

    I think the aim of it is to be like a Hind helicopter gunship or the dropship from 'Aliens': If it's designed to carry a large number of soldiers, it won't be small/agile enough to be any good at combat. This way, it retains believable combat ability, while being able to carry a small squad of personnel, like special forces, mdical evacuation and so on.

    The large number of weapons indicate the designer's priority was combat first, transportation second.


  • PorsimoPorsimo Posts: 359

    Yes, ideologically the closest modern day equivalent would indeed be Mi-24 Hind (I think  you can even see it in the design wink). Main role for this aircraft is definitely combat and the ability to carry a small group of troops is an extra. smiley

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Awesome job! Definite buy for me.

    It is like the Bradley IFV. A good hybrid of troop transport and support.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    This is a really nice vehicle model. The grey texture is even wordless, for those who want an non-Army option. All it's really missing are restraints for the passenger seats. Was impressed to see there are on/off options for not only the cargo bay (which includes a red light possibility for night-themed art, which is an excellent idea), but landing lights, cockpit lights and red/green navigation lights!

  • PorsimoPorsimo Posts: 359

    Thank you! I'm glad you like it smiley

  • EtriganEtrigan Posts: 603
    edited June 2017

    An excellent model, well thought out and executed. I did note the influence of the Hind, but not enough to make it a copy. The troop/cargo hold is the right size for a 6 - 8 man squad (I might add a jump seat for the section commander) depending on the level of armor worn. This would look really great in animation as each Dragonfly swoops in, drops it's crew and lifts off to give ground support fire. 4 ships to a platoon, 4 platoons to a company; that's 16 precision drops for a fire fight, and a lot of firepower. Below is a small representation of what I mean. Click for full size. I'm going back to some more scenarios. cool Thanks Porsimo!

    Go Time! (DeviantArt Link)

    The mercenaries were advancing quickly. The 551 Attack Battalion was prepared to meet them. At the forefront, the A-911 Dragonfly built by Porsimo Industries. 

    Post edited by Etrigan on
  • PorsimoPorsimo Posts: 359

    Thank you, Steve! And you're welcome wink

    As I said in your DA gallery, that's an awesome scene! It's actually pretty close to the vision I had in mind when I got my first ideas for this kind of vehicle some 2-3 years ago smiley

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