M3D Coen and Jalen Shapes HD for Genesis 3 Male [Commercial]

I have two products currently in the store (one not yet released) that should help create more unique characters in the Genesis 3 Male gene pool. Both will allow you, by playing with the product's morphs, to not only create shorter male with a less muscular shape, but young adult/teen characters as well. The released M3D Jalen consists of 10 asymetrical head morphs that you can use for adult and teen characters, which are sculpted in zbrush. It's a mix of different types of shapes and ethnic features and you can mix and match them with other morphs in the gene pool. Jalen also includes a standalone bonus body that you can use as a base, and an additive shape to add to the body shapes in the M3D Coen product.
M3D Coen has 5 asymetrical head morphs and a base shape, with additives for a more tone shape and correctives to use the bodybuilder and fitness morphs from Genesis 3 Males body morphs. Both products can be used separately or together.

These look very versatile!
Both sets can be used separately or together... or with other G3M gene pool morphs.
The base Jalen shape:
Coen base shape with the Jalen additive (which gives the same shape but with JCMs and flexes in the chest, arms and glutes):
Coen tone shape with Jalen additive:
And for giggles, 90% Standalone Jalen with 30% Hercules:
Very nice as always... the minute I saw your name, I purchased before looking at the promo's. Here is a rendered Jalen #8 HD....
Also M3D Coen has been released: https://www.daz3d.com/m3d-coen-shapes-hd-for-genesis-3-male
Are there morphs to change the shape of the back of the calves? I'm not a big fan of the 'winged' effect that they present from some angles.
Not seeing what you're seeing... they're called jcm flexes when bent. On coen, the biceps contract as well.