Iray VERBOSE modes [CPU Rendering]
Could someone explain the VERBOSE module please. When the render progress window opens I often start of at 1.3 and then that either frequently jumps up to 1.4 or down to 1.2.
On the odd occasion it has been low as 1.1 and just one time it jumped to 1.6.
There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the numbers though as I can render the same scene and get different results.
Iray VERBOSE - Module:catagory (IRAY:RENDER):
Thanks in advance!
Post edited by Joltrast on
I think it's just the Iray renderer telling you information about the different stages of rendering. Verbose just means it's being verbose...talking a lot. Maybe the 1.6 & 1.2 and stuff are just the rendering stages it's reporting on or something.
Yes, I understand VERBOSE, I'd just like to understand what's so different between 1.1 and 1.6. Is it speed, RAM, CPU or something else?
Where are these numbers appearing?
In the render dialogue box.
I can screengrab it if that helps.
I'm not sure, but I suspect they are categories of message - probably useful for a tool that processes the output to generate a report on the render (which is probably the sort of thing Verbose mode is primarily for).
Interesting. I have noticed that if I stop a render (but keep the window open) and start a new render the numbers tend to jump up rather than down. No idea if it affects render time or RAM usage or not.
The numbers such as 1.1 or 1.6 are, I believe, compute levels. They are indicating the minimum CUDA Compute level required for that function.
Most of that stuff you just ignore. It's the stuff flagged as Error you need to be concerned about (and to a lesser extent anything that says Warning that is causing issues in your renders).
Should that not be "category"?