Yep, DS still freezes when I drag and drop figures onto groups
I tried 4.9 many months ago, and it had a bug where it froze when you drag and dropped a figure in the scene tab into a group (using the ponderous "change figure parent" via context menu works fine). I tried it again today, and 4.9 STILL has the same problem.
DS breaks out of it about 30 seconds later, but it's pretty sad that people get paid to let stuff like this remain in the software.
(No, I didn't report the bug. YOU report it.)
Bugs that don't get reported are unlikely to get fixed. That said, others have encountered this and I believe it has been reproted - though an extra report will perhaps give the developers more information to help them track the cause down.
So that just offer us, reliable report place, where we can see there is already same report or not. then we can just add user additoinal test for daz studio.
and we can clear see, what procedure may shut down ds. then can avoid it too.
here is daz studio forum, then daz offer bug tracker is really important to enhance ds for user. and I often hear daz developer not check this forum often,
why not? it is your business.
What has been said is that the forums are not a useful way to track bugs - tickets can be checked to verify that the reported issue is a bug and then added to a database for monitoring and resolution.
I have already heared same answer from yours , but it is my opinion about daz and request.
I say again and again, untill daz offer bug tracker. then we report (not all maybe some) bug here.
if forum modelator forbidden it, I do not against. but just think what purpose .
And daz programmer or perseon who work for daz of course can find each bug report by tikcets when user offer it.
but I feel it means we take time for remove bug, it is OK, but at same time why daz do not offer bug tracker for user can easy find them?
it is not un-fair for me.
I've reported this problem too for a while now. Still not fixed...
(and yes, I've submitted a ticked.)
No one is saying don't post issues in the forum - it's a good way to get confirmation or to find it isn't an issue, and a good way to refine the details. But to enable the developers to act a report is then needed.
People have already mentioned the fact that they've reported it.
In 4.8 it works fine, it only started in one of the 4.9 versions. Can't be that hard to fix.
RIchard, it is only useful for daz developer, to report bug in hidden place from user.
on the other hand, user who found problem, then ask here and there, serch around forum, if theare have been some same topic
after all, find it seems bug, then, yours ask us to send report. Yes it is only way, daz oficially check it, but at same time, I strongly request, daz offer bug tracker for user.
and those request can be only talked seriously in daz forum from user.
Is there any user, who do not hope daz offer bug tracker? then if DAZ is company, which hope to gather user request serisously, then improve their product, and aprication, customer servide, why daz man not see here? then I feel it seems better ,untill daz offer bug tracker , user may not need to send bug report. please test by daz proglrammer only. not expect, user send bug report.
if daz said, when there is no bug report from ticket, they never test their product, it is simply daz shame.
if daz seriously thnk about to remove bug , they may check forum, even though user not send bug report.
I do no say, we should not send bug report, but if daz request us to send bug reportt, untill it, daz need to offer bug tracker. it is all what I request.
The old mantis bug tracker was open - and I can attest, since I helped out with running triage on reports for a while, that there were a lot of reports that were tech support issues (real problems but with content not the application, or user-education issues), or duplicates of existing reports, or simple comments. I also know, from my own bug reports, that people would treat them like forum posts - adding a "me too" that was in fact a different issue, or simply making a comment, or expressing an opinion. Having all of that in the bug database that the devs have to work from would simply slow the process down, if it didn't simply make it impossible to work. I understand why you want a visible bug-tracker to which others can add notes but it isn't a practical solution - going through a support ticket, so that the support team can asses the report and pass it on only when it adds a new issue or additional information on an existing issue, is a much more effective way to work.
I just get tired of hearing that - "report it." This is a glaring bug in what should be a really simple, reliable process. Obviously it's been reported.
Aaand sometimes DS doesn't break out of it.
This is what CG people mean, when they call DS "not real CG," "a toy," etc.
I'm embarrassed for Daz on this one.
Aaaand change figure parent from the context menu doesn't work fine.
Gonna start wearing a bag on my head when I talk about DS to other people.
Here's a relevant topic:
Plze excuse me, I'm going to go read that one myself.
FCOL, just unparenting G3F from a group causes DS to freeze up and show the whirling blue circle of death.
Yep, back to 4.8 for me.
Daz: test more.
Richard, most of us know, there was mantis, and we could check them. but about your Pessimistic opinion about ond mantis, I do not think so.
If mantis tracker need to be used more correctly by reporter, daz could do. it is not only about daz, but about many aprication bug tracker, we see same thing.
if user merge their report, about aprication and contents, modelator just try to separate them.
And I remember, there were too many actuall bug report both about contents and aprication, which daz never reply them.
(so I could easy find Richard report about one product problem ,three years before, but no reply and still the contents have problem without any up-date,)
and , include meta-data problem for DAZ old contents after daz push it. and actuall daz was really mess around about meta-data.
they up-date product, and set wrong again and again about many product. after all, user who have interesting about meta-data, stop to report.
(because most of case, we have any confirm, but just daz up-date, suddenly, then they said, they remove problem ,then they miss something again)
To be frankly said, I think that is reason, why DAZ stop to show those report for user=customer.
And One thing maybe DAZ user can not offer clear bug report, is simply daz document problem.
without clear discirbe, why user can decide, it is bug or it is cuased by option setting. DAZ do not offer clear discribe about many option .and about ds tool, at same time, daz often keep problem too.