Renaming Scene/DUF Files
I had a sneaking suspicion when I renamed a couple of scene files in Windows Explorer it might cause problems, and sure enough it did. Now when I go into Smart Content it seems to be remembering the old file, and gives me an icon with an exclamation with the old scene file name. However in the Content Library all is well and updated to the new name.
I even tried doing a right click and Refresh, but that did nothing.
Now I saw that some older posts suggested the Remove Orphans option under Content Database Management, but that option no longer appears.
So two questions:
1. How do I update the file to the new scene file name in Smart Content?
2. In the future, how should I go about renaming or deleting scene files?
Don't rename them in Explore, you can do it from the Content Library pane.
Cool, thanks. I still haven't figured out the difference between the Smart Content and Content Library tabs. Kinda implies the Content Library is stupid or something... :)
The difference is that Smart Content (and the Products and Categories sections of the Content Library tab) aren't showing your actual content files, they're showing a filtered and sorted view of a database of links to your content files. Only the DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats sections of the Content Library tab (and Other Import Formats, if you use it) show a direct view of the actual content files stored on your computer.
Incidentally, it's the Smart Content that sometimes isn't (so to speak) — if an existing content file doesn't have a database entry, then you'll never find it in Smart Content because it won't be there.
So, once you've been naughty and messed up the database and have a bunch of exclamation icons, is there some way to refresh/re-align the database to get rid of them?
via Daz i rename or delete in "Content Library" your >library/scene/
note: in Library there is two folder "scene" and "scenes"
after rename, "refresh" in smart content,
Ahh...okay I think I've finally got it. For the longest time I've been trying to uninstall that (annoying) Dark Storm set that I'll never use in 1 million years. And I couldn't find an individual uninstaller (I guess it came with the base pack whatever), so I deleted its folder on the Public Documents drive. And that caused all kinds of related exclamation icons all over. I thought I had killed it in the Content Library, but it keeps coming back.
So finally I drag selected all of them and deleted the Orphaned References and (holding my breath) I think that worked in the Smart Content too. But I know when I close and restart D|S it will come back.
all product found in 'smart content' are installed via dedicated files found in runtime/support/ (all assigned Daz library)
to refresh all metadata in content library,
1 - export user data, (it store all user input, e.g. tags)
2 - reset (that clean all your smart content
3 - re import metada (it restore all install found in support files)
note: there is someproduct thye don't show in smart content,
user creator don't create metadata, but you can insert manually with your mouse (drag and drop)
on the selected directory,,
exemple, i insert a pose preset in the category >pose/ "standing"
if you are satisfy with this, remember to export user data again
so your manualy insert will be found in next re iport metadata