Letters to Santa Daz - Carrara developmental requests

There seems to be a lot of requests for future development of Carrara. This thread is in no way an official request by Daz3d. But if they do ask, it would be nice to already have some thoughts on the matter.
Holly, if you remember what you said in the last thread like this in the old forums... let rip please? Those were perfect - and even realistic!
When great ideas come up in here, I'll edit them into the saved thread in the Carrara Information Guide thread. So feel free to fill this with all sorts of discussion on the matter - this is important stuff.
I thought this one was great:
Carrara for CAD work
John really enjoys using Carrara for CAD work. He also uses it with a 3d printer. He wishes for just a few things to make his experience better.
Yeah, if you see a good post that you think even might be a good suggestion, paste a link in here somewhere.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Uuuum.... :zip: I'm not going to be the one to tell you. Santa. OK. Sure.
Holly, be careful! If his world-view is shattered there is no telling what might happen! ;)
Holly, be careful! If his world-view is shattered there is no telling what might happen! ;)
I will not be responsible. Say nothing....
Ok, here's one for SANTA!
Why are the SHININESS and HIGHLIGHT channels reversed in the Hair Shader? Please fix that and in the future do not scramble the shader channel order that we have been using for 20years.
Holy crap! I never noticed that before! Now I know what I was screwing up! I was just going in auto mode. Thanks for that Holly!
Holy crap! I never noticed that before! Now I know what I was screwing up! I was just going in auto mode. Thanks for that Holly!
Me TOO! Ugh!!! Was it ALWAYS this way, because I was doing it backwards the whole time....
Bug report: https://bugs.daz3d.com/view.php?id=49475
I don't know. I'll check my version when my render is complete. I'm in C7 Pro. If it's not reversed in C7, then it's a C8 or C8.5 Beta introduced bug.
I will not be responsible. Say nothing....LMFAOROFFFLAFFFAO
I don't know. I'll check my version when my render is complete. I'm in C7 Pro. If it's not reversed in C7, then it's a C8 or C8.5 Beta introduced bug.
I just checked my Kitty fur tutorial that was made in C6.... The channels are in the wrong order there too. I have been turning all highlights to zero because I thought it was all crazy.... Now I realize I never saw DAZ had flipped the channels and I just did the settings automatically too.!
Santa Daz
In the render room, could you create a setting that we could start the render at the BOTTOM of an image?
Sometimes I have had images stop part the way through and had to start from the beginning.
Being able to start the render at the bottom would be helpful.
This has been mentioned before, but please multi-thread all current single-thread functions. Thank you! :)
Intelligent Mutli-threaded rendering please, where finished threads / buckets will then assist with other threads that are still rendering, otherwise its not TRUELY mutli threaded and to have it work on Network rendering as well.
There's nothing worse than having 24 threads available and having a couple of them stuck on a particular, often small segment of a render.
I can't believe that there are so many requests and feature wishes that nobody wants to participate in this thread. I'm only trying to help the community get what they want. I doubt, highly, that the Dev team has enough time to scour each and every post in this lengthy forum. If they miss yours, and they never hear your request, I don't pity you in the slightest if your wants are never answered.
When it comes time for Carrara 9 development, I'll be compiling a list for DazSpooky - in an easy to follow list. This thread is all about that - I could just give him a link to this thread - "here ya go, Spook!". I don't think the devs use Carrara much at all. But they know how it works from the inside out. They need to know what you want - or they'll just put in what Daz tells them to. I think that Daz wants to know what you want. Help me tell them!
As you're all aware, I'm very happy with Carrara already. But if I could input some wishes of my own,
Here's some of what I want:
a) Hair shaders - Kink, Wave and Frizz - these shaders currently animate drastically from one frame to the next - before applying any simulation to the hair itself. Remove these aspects in the shader, and the fluttering animation goes away. If there is any way to remove that flutter from the above mentioned shaders, I'd be tickled pink. Note that I included wave, but haven't tested that one. Both Friz and Kink have this behavior. To test this, simply load in any hair and don't simulate it. Now apply a kink or friz to the shader and render a one or more second test render. You'll see that, although the dynamic hair is not yet set to motion, the hair moves unbelievably fast in many directions. This is currently unacceptable for use in my animations - otherwise it would be the hair of my choice - as it's the best looking hair I've ever seen on my Rosie character.
b) GPU Assisted rendering? - I know that there's a calling for this. My meager graphics card has 48 CUDA cores. If those could assist in renders, that would be cool. I'm not sure if what I just said is how it works. But I do know that many people in this field are extremely interested in seeing GPU Assistance in their render engines.
c) Walk Cycle Generator -A while back, a fellow community member was close to releasing a beta version of a Walk Cycle engine for Carrara before something in Real Life situations dragged him away. For examples of what I'm talking about, go into the "Walk Cycle" window of Poser and check out ho w it works. I believe that, like Nerd3d, users should be able to add custom walk cycle data. But it should come with a good selection of walks that work for Gen 4 and Genesis at the very least. Even a simple basic selection to start with would be great, but just having such a tool within Carrara would be a big help in animation creation.
d) Genesis Clothing Morph Assistance - If it is possible, it would be of great help if the Auto Fit clothing on genesis could have the ability to retain it's current shape when jumping into the model room for tweaks. My example being that if I apply clothing to the Basic female preset of Genesis - and then double-click the clothing to go into the model room, the clothing shows up as if it was fit to the base Genesis figure - making it more difficult to work with for minor tweaks here and there. Or major tweaks for that matter.
e) Updated Browser Presets - If there are still browser presets that don't work, or won't open (like Smoke Particles) I would like to offer my assistance in getting these fixed. I am also willing to help provide some fresh new presets to the Native Content collection that comes with Carrara 9 as well. Spooky and/or Devs, Please Contact me via PM for details.
So you are guaranteeing that participation in this thread will get our feature requests into Carrara9?
No. But I will guarantee that legitimate requests in here will be sent to be seen by the correct set of eyes.
Sorry, taken part in too many of these fantasy threads to waste time on another. Just go back to C6 requests, what most people have been requesting for carrara hasn't changed much.
I have more faith in Santa to deliver then DAZ.
No. But I will guarantee that legitimate requests in here will be sent to be seen by the correct set of eyes.
Legitimate as decided by you...? 8-/ I'm sorry but this thread just took a turn from being about Carrara to being about Dart. It's cute that you show so much spunk, but you might need to have some solid results under your belt before you start dissing others just because your thread loses steam (as all threads do).
You want more answers? Do as Stan says and look up our feature requests for C6..., and C7..., and C8. plenty of very legit requests there that were not addressed.... Then go to the bug tracker and filter for Feature Requests.
Sorry that I've offended you so. I'll see if Pam can just get rid of this stupid thread then. I was just trying to help from a different angle is all.
I don't think this warrants "taking your ball and going home". No reason to be angry about it.
If you really want to get an idea of what DAZ had planned recently, there was a "poll" on cafe that has been deleted (but the discussion was mostly here - one of the benefits of having more than one site for Carrara) where DAZ basically laid out the most likely development paths.... one of which was adding a GPU preview, another was support for the then unnamed Genesis figure.
If you can find that discussion on the DAZ forum archive, you might get a very real sense of what DAZ felt was possible at the time.... It was imo a valuable discussion because it all came from DAZ, the thread here was more or less critical that it ignored most features that we had been requesting again and again, but that's the significant part -- it wasn't just a list of fantasy features that will never materialize, it was quite likely a complete list of Carrara9's proposed dev features.
I'm not really mad or "going home crying"... I'm just saying that if the last thing this forum needs is another false excuse to try and get our voices heard... then why even have it? Just erase the thing and be done with it. Nobody wants to contribute - it becomes useless and a waste of my efforts. So much gloom and doom around here - nobody feels my efforts to help in their use in Carrara is beneficial, I can definitely find a better use of my time.
I didn't put that information thread together to apply some sort of false hope to folks about Carrara - I did it to help all of us contribute to a community in a more organized method. The search engine in this forum is just plain useless - and wading through page with titles that make no sense is just frustrating.
I find myself typing out help in here more that I spend on my own projects. Well thanks for opening my eyes. I'll leave you to your forum and let things get back to the way they were.
I might show up from time to time to add to my Info thread for those who may need help - aside from that, so freakin' long.
Dart, don't run off.
I always advise using Google site search to find stuff here and the old forum...
enter Carrara 9 suggestions site:forumarchive.daz3d.com
voila -- http://forumarchive.daz3d.com/viewtopic.php?p=2875154
:roll: Dart, I realize you are gone now never to return...
But one of the current problems with our community is how fractured it is. Information is scattered EVERYWHERE and there is very little community effort to collate and compile the DOZENS (hundreds?) of existing tutorials (I feel Cafe is an exception, but the community has not embraced it). So everyone decides they have to re-invent the wheel from scratch. People complain that there is no manual when there is one (not entirely up-to-date, but hardly obsolete) and literally everyone thinks it's their soul responsibility to train everyone else in Carrara. I assure you there is no one Carrara Master who can do it all, Carrara is just too big. Everyone's voices are needed, even the "jaded old-timers" like myself and Stan who have been banned and humiliated for doing the right thing and challenging very real issues and errors with DAZ management that blocked Carrara's progress. We have been PUNISHED for doing the right thing. And yet we are still here.
Put some energy into SAVING the vast information that IS out there, but hard to find because it's scattered everywhere and unreferenced. THAT would be really helpful, and probably go a lot further.... Quite frankly, your behavior is not unusual for people who get hyped on Carrara's possibilities, start to create an info base, aspire to be DAZ 3D vendors, then get discouraged either by slow progress, the community, or DAZ's undermining, or all three.... When Stan says we've seen this before, well I'm sorry but we have seen this before. Over-enthusiasm quickly turns sour. Yes, sorry, we've seen this before, especially among those who really attempt to pioneer on their own as you have (as I have, as Stan has, as a great many Carrara vendors have in the past). You are not alone.
I'm sorry you are having a bad day, but that's all it is: You're having a bad day. Nothing has changed here between yesterday and today. You made some rather ridiculous statements implying that if users don't follow your lead then they will miss out on having any say. I'm sorry, but again, we've seen this before and we have been forced to scale back our expectations to more realistic levels. I urge you to rely a little more on your fellow members who are here feeling the same way as you. There is a great community here, and you are hardly on your own the only person guiding the ship. There is no "I" in community -- oh wait, there actually is... LOL. The truth is there are as many "I"s as there are members. When you are feeling gloomy, take a break and work on your own projects. Or spend some time exploring what others have done and try to boost them up with a little encouragement. We all have to from time to time. It's quite frankly a little arrogant to believe you are the only one carrying the load. I invite you to build on what exists, and work as a member of the community. Contribute as you can but don't expect everyone will be praising your efforts at the end of the day.... Putting work into a community is often thankless. Many people HAVE contributed to your thread here but I don't remember you thanking US for our feedback.... It goes both ways, and honestly, you are just having a bad day. Don't get discouraged. This is HARDLY one of the major battles. Ask Stan about the time(s) he's been banned.... Some day you can buy me a beer and I'll tell you about the year we spent with a broken MIMIC plugin until I got pissy and caused a stink in a major investors thread, whoooo boy was DAZ mad and I got banned DE-LUXE but I got the damn MIMIC plugin fixed.
You won't win any battles without getting some bruises. ;-)
Kevin man,
No I did Not!Thanks a million! Exactly what I was looking for! You totally R O C K ! ! !
Ooops... did I just show appreciation?
Yes I did. Now that's a valuable post! Thanks again, Kevin!
I was saying that I know people (you) have suggestions for Carrara 9. I'm hoping to submit a friendly letter to someone who may actually be willing to help. So why not post what you want done/fixed/changed? Instead we'll just see if we can get the mighty Dartanbeck kicked off the forums! :smirk: Perhaps.
Dude, I was the FIRST person to reply here, and the FIRST to suggest a letter to Santa.... Maybe YOU don't know what support is.
Really? REALLY? Dude, you were MAD when you walked in here this morning and you were looking for a fight.... Take your bad mood out on some other scratching post. I'm a little too grown up to see this as anything to do with me.
I guess I will have to block you now or something. Oh well. That's what I get for letting you know GPU had been floated as a possibility by DAZ... Oh well.
I re-read the first post I placed today in here, because I can't believe that you said that...
...I can totally see what you saw... I really Really didn't mean that to come out like that - truly. I absolutely regret this whole situation - I truly meant no offense by that post!
I totally apologize, although I'd be lucky if it ever makes it to you. What I was meaning and what came out... I mean... I was in a great mood thinking something more along the lines of:
C'mon everybody, times drawing in, man! Let's get some suggestions!!! You know... Rah Rah, Dartan.
Not what I ended up typing. I had no idea
I'm really sorry, Holly.
Your always a great help. I didn't even think what I wrote above said anything bad against you. I even link to a happy Dartanbeck write up about you - which isn't finished... but...
Anyways, I hope you believe that I'd never mean you any disrespect. Even if we ever cross horns - or whatever, which happens.
I never mean Anyone any disrespect, ever. Ask Rosie, she'll tell ya. I've always been big enough where I could if I wanted to... I just never do - and prefer it that way. We're all on the same little planet - we have to share and play nice.
I have to say Dartanback ---- Good for you to get up and keep the ball rolling.
I see value in this list for many reasons not the least of which is it is current. It is now. It is by people still here . It is by folks using the software now. Sure we have list going back to C2 probably but most of the folks who cared about that feature or this one are gone. Daz might work on something not so important now .
So why not ask for a new list? Why not try and help those who are here? And the whole Daz blah blah blah is just blah blah blah----forget the past. We only have the future --and I am not saying this as if I expect a lot --I don't , but that's another reason we need to be focused on a list.
And if its filled with things doable ---Daz might. They might not . But if you do not at least put things you want on a current list it makes it hard to uncover by DAZ what the current folks want. We can combine all these things into one larger feature request to help them more . I think the idea making it easy for daz to see some feature requests the better your chances are.
And for me -----I ll ask santa daz for some work on fluids simulations.
Thanks Rich :)
Hello well regardless of Man Stan's valid comment I think things have changed for me, solely because of Fenric's plugins.
So my wish list has diminished since the last thread.
I use Carrara soley for stills.
My wish list is
1) a better "Find" tool in the instances tab.
Reason: I often make secnes which are close to 1.5 gig. That's a lot of things in the instances tab and sometimes it takes me a while to find them ....
2) Better SDK (whatever it's called) for the browser so Fenric can make plugins to help me get through it more quickly :)
3) OR ability to make shortcut keys to navigate the Browser window - eg select next/previous item.
4) More support for the people making PLUGINS and active input from Daz in the SDK thread to question placed there.
PS Dartanbeck, stick around please. I can see you are passionate about Carrara.
Passion makes all the difference.
You and Holly and Evil and Andy and Manly etc et al are the reasons the forum isn;'t de ee aye dee.
The scared off people, will come back eventually...
Adding... drumroll. either opening up additional API's so that a developer can add 3d-coat's applink like GoZ (developed internally by DAZ) or adding Applink to 3d-coat from Daz Themselves. :)