Embracing the cloud nature of DAZ Connect, is it possible?
Howdy Folks,
One o fthe biggest roadblocks with DAZ Studio and my Macbook Pro, is diskspace. As my library grows, my diskspace shrinks. I currently have a Transcend 256GB SSD SD in my SD card slot, but it is pretty full, and my library is stil growing. I can't put the library on my MBPs internal SSD, as it is too small for such things. So, I am evaluating the idea of using DAZ Connect, and only installing content on-demand (as I need it) rather than always having it installed. Problem is, that some content is avaialble via DAZ Connect, and other only through Install Manager. Currenlty, Install Manager does not seem to accuratly reflect DAZ Connect installed content as 'installed', allowing me to install it again (doubling disk usage). Is ther a way to have Install Manager either correclty show DAZ Connect installed data as 'installed', and/or a way to have DIM only show contetn that is not available DAZ Connect? I have tried playing with the filters in DIM, but it does not seem to work as expected. Unchecking 'DAZ Connect Available' should hide things that are "Connect Available" but seems to be an additive filter, which means that it doesn't exculde the content when unchecked. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :-). Using an external HDD is not practical for a laptop, as it would tie me to a cord, or even a desk. Thanks!
Rich S.
If you click the magnifying glass button next to the filter field you should find an option to Filter By Tag>Connect installed. Is that what doesn't work for you? It seems (fairly) accurate for me.
I must be blind, as the only magnifying glass I see in DIM (Mac version at least) allows you to type stuff, or slected a saved filter. I was able to right-click in the list of avaialble apps, and then through a combination of select all, and deselect by tag, I think I was able to only select the items that were not available via Connect. However, the main window still shows most of the items as avaialble to download install. It would be nice if it could be configured to only display items that are not Connect enabled and not installed, via just everythign that is not installed. :-(
Rich S.
If you click the icon to the left of the text box theer should be a series of entries - if not perhaps you didn't install the default filters, which are a separate package.
Thank you! Thank you! You were right, I had missed installing the default filters. That works wonderfully. Thanks again!
Rich S.