Copying and pasting Keyframes (or) inserting multiple keyframes at once

Either works as a solve for my needs -- Is there a way to copy and paste keyframes in the timeline? Or, alternatively, is there a way to insert a keyframe on multiple instances (body parts) at once by, say, highlighting a row or something? I seem to remember there is, but I can't figure it out. Thanks
HI BC Rice :)
If you drag a rectangle around the keys you want to copy,. (to select them) ,.. they should highlight in yellow,.
Now you can Hold ALT while dragging any of the selected keys along the timeline to duplicate that section.
If you Hold CTRL while dragging a selection,. it will stretch out the keys over time
You can apply a saved pose to apply keys to multiple parts at once. EG: Hands , Face...
On a figure,. or animation group,. you can use Puppeteer (Controllers tab) to record a pose dot,. then click that pose dot to apply it to the figure,. which creates keys on the whole figure at that point in the timeline.
Hope it helps:)
Perfect :)