Pose Presets and Translation
Something I've never quite figured out...
Load the base G3 character into an empty scene, and they arrive at the center (0,0,0) of the scene. Now, apply a preset pose that either you've made or from the store, and it's anyone's guess where the character will end up in the scene, or where the character's origin/gizmo will end up. Sometimes the gizmo stays at (0,0,0) and the character appears somewhere else, or maybe the character and gizmo will move together somewhere else, and so on.
I don't understand why the character's gizmo/origin would move away from the center of the character. How can a pose change the character's origin? Of course the problem is that now you can no longer rotate the character around it's center because the gizmo is off somewhere else. So how do you ensure that this doesn't happen when you save a pose?
Now I suppose that when you save a pose the character or its origin/gizmo are saved as the actual location of the character at the time of saving, or something like that. But I can't make rhyme or reason out of how it's done.
Can anyone shed some light?
Objects have a pivot point (center of rotation and scaling), if I remember correct they call it "center point" in DAZ Studio, you can edit this point but I don't remember how you do it.
But most poses do not move the character away from the origin, there are some, usually ones designed for a specifiec scene or products, for example a character sitting it might be moved by the pose to the correct position where the chair is, but as I said if you see this all the time it is strange, 95 of all poses are generic and do not move the character away from the origin.
When you save a pose preset you can select what to include in the save, if you do not save any translation of the hip or whatever then the character will not move from where it was before you applied the pose preset.
all origin of root node should be keep local 0,0,0. (not center positoin of geometry) about most of human figure, which daz offered. pose preset can not change it. then if you select root node, it should be rotate with the pivot point. if it was translated , it means root origin change as gloval (pose preset save the value), but rotate with local pivot.
if root origin keep 0.0.0 in gloval, but, character move somewhere, it means vendor or we save pose preset which include "hip node" translation. but not include root node translation. (I prefer it, than save root node translation, but it seems change about each vendor and preset)
Then , my recommend way is,,when I apply pose preset, I make it habit to apply by "Ctrl with Click" , then I can controll how pose preset work more precisely.
that means, I can apply pose preset only about selection nodes. then choose include hip tarnslation, or include root transtaion or change only hand pose etc. without it I need to just rely on how vendor save pose preset about each product,.. it is actually difficult to know how each vendor intend to save location and rotation about each pose,
(though we can rely meta-data , group name (partial etc), but sometimes it may change scale too,or vendor like to categorize pose preset, as they like. )
And the good thing of ctrl + click, and appy pose preset, , you may need not struggle with, which nodes you need to check on or off, when you save pose preset.
I simply save pose preset as default option (include all),, then, when I apply pose preset, decide how it work. then I can easy change pose pirtially mix,, by one full nodes pose preset, I may need not save indivicual partial pose any more with too many complex option.(I had done before,, but,,, often forget correct option for each prupose)
And It is reason why I request daz to offer "node selection set" for DAZ studio.
It is good thing vendor offer many partial pose preset for user. I like those prodcut, but at same time,, when I save custom pose preset many, I just save one full node preset.(include current pose controller, or expression controllr value), then when apply it ,decide how it work by option, is more flexible and easy.
Ahhh, okay...
Never occurred to me that when you save a Pose preset one of the options is to turn off Translation.
And your point about specific reasons why translations are included in some commercial poses is probably why I'm seeing that. The poses I was using were associated with an pre-made environment, so I guess the poses were directly relating to the included props.
Great, thanks !!