Mac New Install: Not taking Serial.

I did a new install of Carrarra Pro.
I first did it thru DIM, hit this problem, uninstalled, then just downloaded and isntalled thru Bitrock...same issue.
I start the program, it asks for my serial number.
I grab the Pro number from my account and enter it. (pic 1) (I've tried both with real name and artist name)
The mac OS then asks for me to Authorize it (pic 2).
Then I get a message that the program can't get admin access...(pic 3)
It proceeds to start , shows the splash screen with the serial number, gives the tips window..seems to run...but I have this at set up
Anyone have thoughts on this? :)

Screenshot 2017-06-07 15.26.43.png
434 x 304 - 48K

Screenshot 2017-06-07 15.27.00.png
846 x 473 - 101K

Screenshot 2017-06-07 15.27.10.png
551 x 284 - 51K
I think I lnow this one, make sure you have the directrory ~/Documents/DAZ 3D/Carrara 8.5
Yeah.. that folder got created.
I know I had this (but was under 10.9 or something). Ah, I think I know. If you change the rights to the folder ( and all including subfolders) to give your account read/write access. Will the registration work then?
I recently did a new install on a new Mac. I did not bump into your problem, but had one myself.
Needed to have Daz Studio installed for stuff to work (content wasn't showing up).
I deleted everything and then proceded to install Daz, got that accessing content and then installed Carrara. I had some help from Support.
Regarding the Admin warning, you may need to sign in on an Admin account, not just work through this window.
There is a how to install page somewhere on the Daz site.
Don't panic; Carrara does work on Mac (I'm on a Mac mini 2014 running 10.12.4) nad have had it work on various machines. If you cannot get it working rather soon, send in a support ticket. They cna clear things up fast.
Tried that Totte..still no..
Tried launching it using sudo in terminal..still no.
Hmm, I don't have a system where Carrara hasn't been installed so I can't test. Maybe make a bugreport on this then.