
I can't seem to get Sirius Labs or PhilW's Central Business District to land in the Carrara folders. Both items have an "abnormal" assignment in that it's not, say, Geomotries + Textures, etc, it's Presets + Objects. So that's where the DAZ installer stows them (it's also where I'd manually put them), but I can't find them anywhere in any folders inside Carrara. Any ideas?
sorry misread question
get locate https://locate32.cogit.net/ and you can search for them
I take it you know all this stuff https://helpdaz.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207528833-How-can-I-add-content-to-the-browser-in-Carrara-
For PhilW - Look in 'Carrara - Presets - Objects - InstaBuildings'
In DIM,. you can right click on any installed product,. and select "Show installed files"
unlike Daz studio and Poser,. Carrara isn't reliant on using premade "content" stored in a library,. therefore,. it doesn't have a content Library folder.
it has user folders for the things you create. ....so, there's no default set path for any products made for carrara.,. other than,.. inside the application folder.
Yeah, see, I can add the folder...but there's nothing there when I click on the items in the folder. Like, nothing appears in the browser. The names of the files are there...but no way to load them into a scene.
I think I'm having trouble following. What's "DIM"? Most Carrara content I purchase I can use the DAZ installer and that's that -- it's in my library. It's really just these two specific products that I seem to have trouble moving into Carrara (besides just hard importing them in via the File menu).
DIM is Daz Install Manager. If you use the DIM to automatically download and install your files, you can then go to the "installed files" tab on the top, scroll down to your product, right click on it, and a drop down menu will allow you to "show installed files."
So the only way to load these Carrara objects is to use the Import function? There's no way to have them in the actual Runtime where they might appear with a little image and all that?
Ah! Figured it out. You have to import the *scene* files using the File/Import function. Thanks
was a couple years before i realized the carrara objects folder wasn't .obj files lol
on windows pc found can drag from windows explorer folder into carrara window,
haven't figured out the rules of loading content this way.
Just tried it, and that works on a Mac too, for both .car and .duf files. Seems that you can't drag things into an existing scene though, it always creates a new one.