No Parameter sliders for Victoria/Michael 5 in Carrara?

Hi all,
So after responding to a different post regarding characters, I decided to poke around a little with character posing in Carrara.
I noticed, however, that while Genesis 2 (at least so far) has parameter sliders for posing in Carrara, Victoria/Michael 5 don't. I only have the Puppeteer section.
Is there some different way of posing Vic/Mike5 in Carrara, or does posing/animating have to be done in DAZStudio, and then brought into Carrara?
I've tried looking for an answer to this, but haven't found anything specifically addressing it.
I recall that ability being absent in Genesis in Carrara then reintroduced the next generation.
Help this ->
I used to pose characters using paramaters sliders in DS, but I never do in Carrara. Instead, I right click on the body part I want to pose, select from the drop down menu, and then pose that part using the rotate tool. I have gotten so used to this method, that I now prefer it over using a parameter slider.
That's the way I've always done it. Although I probably knew in the back of my mind that there were sliders, I've never gone looking for them.
Genesis1 pose controls highlight "Genesis"
Genesis1 shaping controls highlight "Actor"
Okay I see what I was doing. I'd just been clicking on the wrong entry in the list. Good to know! Thanks!
Also very good to know! There's so much I need to learn about this program lol.
As always, asking the right questions to ask (or things to Google) requires first knowing what the right questions are. I'm still deep into learning what the correct questions are.
I appreciate the help/patience of everyone here as I wade my way through the weeds.