Where can I find textures for Genesis after regular installation?

Tried to save a genesis figure out of newest daz studion, but comes in bright glowing white -
was going to just apply a texture in Carrara 8.5 Pro, but having a hard time just finding regular textures that ship with Genesis.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
This is probably a bit of overkill, but I have a walk through for creating and saving a Carrara skin shader from a Studio character pack. It starts here.
Back to the specifics. The default textures for Genesis Victoria 5 and Michael 5 will be found in the runtime \ textures folders.
Victoria 5 textures are found in \ Runtime \ Textures \ DAZ \ Characters \ MilWom \ V5
Michael 5 textures are found in \ Runtime \ Textures \ DAZ \ Characters \ MilMan \ M5
Other character pack skin maps depend upon the creator.
Hi Mosk :)
You don't need to save a Figure out of DS,.
You can load genesis 1 or 2 into Carrara 8.5 using the "Smart content" browser.
As always with imported shaders,. you'll need to adjust the shaders which carrara translates from the DS or Poser shaders,. Adjust the shininess on the skin,. and make the Eye cornea transparent,.
one you're happy,. save the "Global shader" to your browser (my shaders)
Thanks - I think my installations are sufficiently messed up that's things simply aren't waorking as they should. Quite a battle to even locate a working version of genesis in my numerous folders - and smart content not working for me.
Looking in my Programs, I see that DAZ Install Manager is listed twice.
And I currently have two versions of DAZ installed, because something went wrong when trying to update to 4.9. (so I have and - though I only see the older version listed in the attached image from Add Remove Programs area (using Windows 10, 64 bit system) - see attached image
Can I safely uninstall my old version without losing categories i've set up?
And is there a way to make those categories work inside of Carrara? (I actually see them listed under smart content, but none of the files show up- just the category headings) - thought I may have seen an option somewhere in DAZ to turn items into 'Smart Content' - but didn't know if that would work inside of Carrara
Thanks for any help / suggestions
I don't use Daz Studio,. so I don't know much about categories,. I've never had a need to reorganise stuff which is already organised,.
I do know that stuff i've saved in DS (scenes / animation conversions) get saved into my Library/scenes,. and the few clothing items i#ve made and used DS (transfer utility) to make conforming clothing,. those get saved into my Library / figures.
DIM is an installation manager,. so yes, you can use it to uninstall any Daz3D files, whether that's a Program or a Product.
as with all installers / Uninstallers,. they have a "list" of the files which they install,. or create at installation time,. and that's all they can Uninstall,.
they cannot Uninstall files which You have created after installation using the software.
EG: uninstalling Carrara will not remove your User created "Preferences" files,. or any scenes you've created, or shaders you've made etc.
You should only have one installation of DIM,. this may be what's causing issues.
I think it's important to figure out Why "smart content isn't working and get it working,. before you start working with genesis figures.(which depend heavilly on smart stuff)
Even without "Smart content" you should be able to use (my daz3d library, or My daz3D Library Runtime) to load content,. but it should be easier to work smart.
Q: Is postgre running,. or ..are you still using the Valentina database ?
Q: Is the database Service running when you're using Daz Studio ?
Does smart content work in DS?
asking some of this in the DS forums may also be more fruitfull since I'd expect some of the users to know more about using DS categories, or managing those during DS updates.
I'd expect that any user categories created in one program,. "Should" be adopted my the "newer version" of a program being installed,.
Hope it helps :)
Hi 3dage -
Yes, I'm using PostgreSQL (searching that in DIM shows PostgreSQL CMS (Win 64 bit) and PostSQL CMS From Valentina CMS Conversion as installed (and no other references to Valentina seen)
Yes, Smart Content seems to work okay in DAZ Studio
I believe database Service is running when I use DAZ Studio (looking in Task Manager of Windows via CTRL ALT DELETE, I do NOT see PostgreSQL listed under the Service Tab. but under the Processes Tab (first tab) I see 14 or 15 instances of PostgreSDQL Server listed, all of which range from 0% CPU to .5% CPU - and they do seem to bum from 0 to a non-zero number when I load something in DAZ Studio.
I removed both versions of the Install Manager then reinstalled new one - (see attached screenshot for version numbers)
Using CarraraPro 8.5.1 Build 19
. . .

and checking Carrara just now, I see that my smart content is now populated with thousands of files!
Takes a while to load as I move to new tabs - but spot checked a dozen pieces of content shown there and all of them have loaded properly - so maybe the two install managers were messing up Carrara's ability to see the files. Off to do some exploring - thanks as always for your help!