Carrara Animation For The 48 Hour Film Contest - Trailer

This is the 49 second trailer for our entry in the Houston 48 Hour Film contest, 2017, 9 - 11 June. The 5 minute video will be online in about a month, after the contest screenings. The genre is drama, the prop a hair brush, the character Martin Fuse - a Customer Service Specialist, and the line of dialogue "Let's Get This Party Started!". It was done mostly in Carrara, plus some in VUE and Photoshop.
Can't wait to see the whole thing! Always impressed at how quickly you say these have to be done. Wow.
Thanks. As I've mentioned, I do have scene setups that I've test rendered. I consider this fair, since the live action teams (almost all the others) have the real world - just aim the camera and shoot. Most have pre-selected shooting sites, since they have to have release documents for almost all sites not owned by them personally. Plus the use of Carrara's NLA clips is a great time saver, my collection is up to many dozens. And I'm rendering at 720x480, considered preview by many, but the Houston contest producer makes it look good in the theater with her own projector. Many of the animation clips rendered at under 10 seconds per frame. So I can get a minute's animation done in a several hours, in a lot of cases. After I have a story, and complete the blocking, and ...
I've said before that the good part about this contest is that if someone likes it, I say "Great!" If they don't, I say, "Well, we only had two days ... " At the screenings, the audience (mostly members of live action teams, some very good) are always very gracious. The director of this winner (that I've mentioned before) was particularly friendly:
terrific stuff, great teaser
Thanks. I an aware of some trailers that are better than the movie. ("Snakes On A Plane"?) Probably not the case here, just a couple of fun animations.
I don't see the link in my post above, although it shows up when I "Quote" for this post. Weird. Another try: